Global Sky Online

Chapter 1159: Robot Butler Help

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Rick got up in disbelief and came to the door to see the courier put the human-shaped package at the door. Rick was also stunned.

The courier checked Rick's identity, asked Rick to sign for it, and then left.

Xiao Yu looked black and looked at his brother, Rake, and carried the humanoid package back to the sofa in the hall.

Rek silently took the scissors and began to carefully remove the thick packaging.

A few minutes later, a small net-like humanoid robot in a housekeeper suit appeared in front of Rake and Xiaoyu.

"Scan the pupils and fingerprints, the identity is confirmed, the identity of the orderer, the owner, and Rake has been recorded.

Hello Master Lek, I am your housekeeper, powered by artificial intelligence, small net. "

The first sentence is a mechanical electronic sound. From the beginning of the second sentence, it becomes the familiar voice of Xiaowang.

Lek smiled bitterly, looking at the robot with a small net look, and found that the small net eyelid still blinked at him.

Rick had thought of it, it must be Xiaowang. After coming to the main world, she placed an order at the existing manufacturer of pedestrian robots in the main world and ordered herself a body.

Moreover, Xiaowang obviously gave the manufacturer her original look and made it urgently.

As for money, it is estimated to cost a lot of money, but AI Skynet will not be short of money.

"Rek, you even ordered a robot doll! Oh my God, you are too crazy! Even if the meteorite falls on Earth next Tuesday, the Earth Defense Force has not said that the humans in the main world will not be destroyed! You Why, how can you start to let yourself go, no matter what. Fortunately, my mom and dad are not at home tonight, or you're done! You can't take it out of the shop, or you can leave it quickly. It's useless to ask this robot butler Just look at the face shape and talk with me! "Xiao Yu was also shocked by the small net robot that Rick ordered back now.

"Hello, Sister Xiaoyu, I am Master's butler's helper Xiaowang. I am not a robot doll! I have the functions of accompanying chat, cooking, shopping, helping Master Lek to clean up the room and wash clothes. I am very important. Start, no refund! "Lei Ke hasn't answered yet, Xiao Wang turned his head and said to Xiao Yu.

After Xiao Yu listened, her mouth was wide open. After listening to Xiao Wang's answer, she really didn't know what to say.

The artificial intelligence housekeeper that Rake ordered backed up Xiaowang, and even actively refuted her words.

"Well, she's my robot butler, Xiaowang! Now that technology is so advanced, it's normal to order a robot butler!" Reck explained awkwardly.

"Boom boom!" The knock on the door rang again.

"Rick, didn't you order two robot butler assistants?" Xiaowang heard knocks on the door and thought about Rick.

Rake smiled, didn't answer, he didn't know that Xiaowang ordered some robots like her.

Xiao Yu went to open the door, and Rake looked at it. Fortunately, this time it was for takeaway, not for express delivery.

Seeing that Xiao Yu took the roast duck, burrito and beer from the delivery staff, Rick was relieved that there would be no twin sisters in the net at home.

Xiao Yu then took the roast duck, burritos and Rake to the table for dinner.

The artificial intelligence robot Xiaonet, now when her robot body walks, it is still a little stiff, and it will make some mechanical noises, but the sound is not loud. It should be limited by the technological level of the main world robot manufacturers.

Xiao Net also sat on the chair beside Rake. Under the eyes of Xiao Yu, Xiao Wang, an artificial intelligence butler, expertly helped Rake to brew beer, pour wine, and used chopsticks to grill roasted duck meat to give Rick a roll. cake.

The small net rolls a small pie and places it in the small plate in front of Rake.

Rick looked at the burrito he passed and began to eat it.

Xiao Yu also started to eat meat burrito quickly, otherwise the robot butler Xiaonet caught meat too fast, and the good meat was picked by Rick.

Xiao Yu looked at the way Rick enjoyed, "Reck, you are going to be the uncle at home, and everyone will be waiting for dinner in the future! Do you think it is good? The parents will come back tomorrow, how can you explain to them! Sister Xiaoyu was eating burrito and asked Rake.

"I'm going to school tomorrow. Although the Earth Defense Force has issued a meteor killing warning tonight, it hasn't said that the school will be closed on Monday. My robot housekeeper Xiaowang, let's stay at home first. Please help me and my mom and dad explain "Look!" After thinking about it, Lek said to his sister Xiaoyu.

After listening to Rake, Xiaoyu was thinking about how to explain to her parents.

Xiao Wang took the initiative to speak again this time, "Master Rake, I am your AI butler! I can follow you wherever you go, I do n’t have to stay at home, I can go to school with you."

"Ah, are you going to school with me?" Rake asked Xiaowang.

Xiao Net's robotic head, "creak!" Moved down twice and nodded.

"Yes, you take the school to go, and take advantage of the fact that tomorrow my father and mother did not come back, you take the net to school, just don't need me and my parents to explain, I can't explain it well!" Xiaoyu said quickly. ~ ~ Rake sighed and nodded. Xiaowang now obviously wants to go to school with himself.

Reek drank a glass of beer on his own, thinking about what would happen if his roommates macho, skinny monkey and little fat man took it to the school dormitory.

The students in the class must know that they are bringing a beautiful artificial intelligence butler robot to the bedroom. Hey, Reck doesn't dare to think down.

After Rick and Xiaoyu finished the burrito, Xiaowang began to take on the responsibility of her robot to help clean up the table.

"Master Lek, after eating, you should go downstairs to move around, exercise more, it is good for your health, I will accompany you to go downstairs for a walk!" Xiao net said to Lek after packing up the dining table, and again to Lei Ke blinked his eyelids.

After listening to it, it is estimated that Xiaowang wanted to stroll around the world with himself, and wanted to use her robot body to walk with her.

"Xiaoyu, let me borrow a coat from Xiaonet! Xiaonet will accompany me down the stairs!" Rick glanced at his sister.

"Rek, you don't like to walk with me on weekdays, a beautiful robot butler came to help you, you even want to walk down with her, ah ah!" Xiao Yu said with an air, but still went to her room and took a A coat was lent to Xiaonet.

After all, let Xiaowang, the robot butler, help, wear this housekeeper uniform, and walk with Rake down the stairs, it is estimated that the return rate is too high.

Rake took the net downstairs.

Xiao net can go downstairs by itself, just when walking, it will make a small noise at the beginning.

"I'm debugging this machine, and when I walk again, the mechanical sound should be smaller. Husband Rake, seeing me is not a surprise, I can live with you in the main world! Accompany me to buy a few Clothes, go shopping in your shopping mall. I am like your sister borrowing clothes to wear. She does n’t want to borrow my clothes! ”Xiao Wang said happily to Rake.

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