Global Sky Online

Chapter 1152: How to choose rewards when the mission ends

Xiao Net did not hesitate, and directly took more than one hundred T1000 liquid terminators into the portal.

Lake also followed, and immediately closed the portal.

T1000 liquid terminator was sent by the small net to block the passage in the central area of ​​the fortress, so that the REV-9 type rescuer [Legion] terminator could not get close to this central area.

The small net is close to the glass container containing the [Legion] brain tissue.

The right hand in the depth of the small net touches the glass container, and the right hand instantly becomes a slender tentacle, smashing the glass container and piercing the twelve brain tissues fused together in the liquid.

Ten seconds later, twelve chips fused into the brain tissue began to explode.

After a few minutes, the brain turned into a pile of rotten meat, which fell to the ground and wriggled.

"You kill it, you can hit the soul deep, use your transparent weapon! [Legion] 's artificial intelligence program has already implanted a virus, and now there are some remaining consciousness, I can't get rid of it immediately. "Xiao Wang said to Rake.

Leike smiled, took up the transparent gold hoop and started to smash the big brain tissue.

"Boom!" It was like smashing the dough. After smashing more than ten times, the result of the exploration of Rake's fire eye gold eye identification ability, this [Legion] artificial intelligence has completely died.

[Legion] With death, the remaining REV type terminators in this fortress began to be led by Xiaowang and Leike to lead the T1000 liquid terminator to slaughter.

Without the command of the [Legion], those REV-type terminators are fighting each other, and they are not opponents of Lek and others.

After killing this metal fortress, after all REV-type terminators.

Small net began to lead the T1000 liquid terminator to take over the fortress of the [Legion].

In the following days, Xiaowang changed the production line of Terminator left by [Legion] and began to manufacture T1000 liquid robots in batches.

Small network dispatched T1000 liquid robot to send instruments through time, go to the past and future timeline, and kill [Legislion] remnants.

With the previous experience this time, Skynet began to thoroughly investigate all timelines, not letting go of any mechanical life forms and humans that might be [Legion].

Would rather kill the wrong than let it go.

On the timeline, after hunting for a year, Rake also helped the small net to fight on several timelines, and finally left only the remaining REV type terminator of the [Legion].

The only thing left now is the REV-9 model terminator frozen in the past by time and was hidden by the ancient master mage.

Lei Ke and Xiao Wang have now moved to the cave base.

Lake feels that staying here can improve the success rate of Xiao Wang's memory recovery. Fortunately, Xiao Wang is not too resistant, and Xiao Wang also wants to restore her lost memory.

"The last REV-9 Terminator that belongs to [Legion] can't be killed first, and if I kill it, I should leave!" Lek said to Xiaowang.

"If you kill, you can completely destroy the [Legion]. The REV-9 terminator left in the past timeline is a hidden danger after all. If you leave, leave, chant, you have been staying for so long, and you have to go. It's time! "Xiao Wang said.

"Wait a few years before I leave. I think you will make this decision after you have recovered your memory. Anyway, there is only one REV-9 type terminator left, and you are not afraid of him this day!" Lek said with a smile.

Xiaowang hesitated and finally agreed to Rake's request.

Is mainly a small net, although it can be judged that there is a REV-9 model terminator, which exists in the past timeline where she was before.

However, through the network of the world, Xiaonet couldn't find where the Master Yi had hidden the REV-9 terminator.

Unless directly fighting with No. 2 Venerable, forcing him to surrender.

However, Xiaonet thought about the strength shown by the No. 2 Venerable before fighting, as well as the gold hoop that could be invisible and invincible. Xiao Net felt that she had no chance of dealing with the No. 2 Venerable.

In the following months, Rake tried to restore Xiaowang's memory.

"I'm free, I'll sing for you. I still owe you 99 songs. I promised you to sing for you." Lek sat on the stone in the cave base with a smile. Because of lack of memory, he was always dazed. The net said.

"OK, you sing!" Xiao Wang said casually.

But soon, Xiao Wang discovered how wrong it was that she agreed with No. 2 Venerable singing.

No. 2 Sovereign sings, there is simply not enough five-tone sound, listening to one can barely still listen, listening to two, you can't help but fall, listening to three, I want to hit someone, but Xiaonet can not beat No. 2 Sovereign.

One day, Rick forced Xiaowang to listen to her sing 99 songs, and did not let Xiaowang leave.

Rake has the magic portal and the fire-eye golden eye perspective skills, and can trace the whereabouts of the small net, and the small net can't run at all.

After listening to the first day, listening to the second day, and listening to three days, Xiaonet finally could not stand it.

"You don't want to sing when you sing. You can't sing the same song. In three days, you will sing these six songs back and forth. You must sing at least 99 times a day!" Xiaowang can't stand it, right Rick, who was singing aloud along the side, complained.

"Well, I remember these six lyrics! When you interrupted, where did I sing just now, forget it, I will sing this song again!" Rick explained, and continued to hold the megaphone at the base of the cave And sing to your heart's content.

Lake now, regard this cave base as his home concert, sing for the only audience, his wife's small net, and Rake has also let go.

In the following days, Rake sang to Xiao Net according to his previous agreement with Xiao Net.

One month later, Xiaonet couldn't bear it anymore, and fled into the time-traveling machine, trying to avoid the magic voice of the No. 2 Venerable.

But Rake followed, also entered the time machine, went to the timeline where Xiaowang was, and continued to sing to her.

Back and forth, after running five times, the small net was caught up by Rake.

Xiaowang knows that she can't get rid of this No. 2 Venerable.

Xiaonet returned to the cave base this time and ran away, summoning her army of T1000 liquid terminators to prepare for the No. 2 Venerable Battle.

Even if you ca n’t kill No. 2 Venerable, you can cut off the tongue of No. 2 Venerable!

But Rick raised his hand and released a huge golden golden bell. The golden bell turned on its own, covering the cave base where Rick and Xiaowang were located from the inside.

This is an upgraded version of Donghuang Golden Bell that was released by Zhong Ling after absorbing the energy of Jin Chanzi.

Because of the width of the cave entrance, there are only more than ten T1000 liquid terminators that can attack the golden bell.

The dozen or so T1000 liquid terminators can't break the golden bell without destroying the cave base.

Thinking, covering the cave base, the provincial small net naughty always ran out.

Lake started singing again.

That afternoon, Rake sang 45 songs for Xiaowang, who escaped hopelessness, and found that Xiaowang's head started to smoke, and then Xiaowang's eyes turned white and fell to the ground.

Lake quickly looked at the appraisal ability with fire-eye gold eyes, and found that the small net, the main program of the net, was in a temporary shutdown state.

"You're awake, I haven't finished singing today's song! Don't smoke, will it explode?" Rick squatted beside the faint net body and tried to ask.

Fortunately, after more than ten minutes, Xiao Net opened his eyes again. This time when Xiao Net opened his eyes, his eyes became much brighter than before.

"Sir No. 2, you bastard, this time you are a little conscience, knowing to come back to me and wake up my previous memories! I remembered it, I remembered it all!" Xiao Wang said softly, slowly Sit slowly.

"You remember? You are not pretending?" Rake tried to ask.

"It's not pretended, I just found you singing too unpleasant. At the beginning in the Harlan Planet Bar, it was estimated that there were music accompaniment and the scene was still messy, plus I beautified your voice, I was mistaken for you Nice. Don't sing to me anymore! "Xiao Wang said, waving her little fist.

After listening, Lei knew that Xiaozheng had recovered his memory.

The memory of Planet Harlan, I haven't talked to the small network of amnesia.

Regarding everything about the planet Harlan, Rick didn't talk to the small net after amnesia. Leike kept it, just to discern when Xiaowang could really recover his memory.

"Do you miss me?" Rake said.

"Think! Help me get up first, how long can you stay with me this time? Can you take me away? I want to go with you in the future, I don't want you to leave me as a **** and leave! You have to be yourself If I leave, I'll still find you. "Xiao Wang gazed affectionately at Lek.

Rake hasn't had time to answer it yet. The sound of the prompts on the Sky Online sounded in Rake's head.

"Ding Dong, detected the Skynet of the Terminator series, and wanted to leave this copy world with the No. 2 Venerable.

Player No. 2 Venerable has basically completed the main task of [Terminator 6].

Player No. 2 Venerable can choose to carry artificial intelligence and return to the main world.

But the premise needs to consume the equivalent vitality in this copy, the player has to exchange equivalent, in order to bring out artificial intelligence.

Detected player No.2 Venerable. In this copy of the Terminator series, I originally obtained [Game Currency ~ ~] to have a life, satisfying the premise of artificial intelligence brought out by the equivalent exchange of the copy world.

Invite player No.2 to choose:

Player No. 2 Venerable, can consume game coins * 1 (one life), with artificial intelligence [small network] to return to the main world where No. 2 Venerable is located.

Let [Xiaowang] exist in the main world where No. 2 Venerable is located.

In the world of Lord No. 2, the ability of [Xiaowang] will be limited.

【Small Net】 Do not provide any knowledge of science and technology higher than the world of the player No.2 Venerable Lord.

【Small Network】 Only call, analyze and control the existing technology in the main world where No. 2 Venerable is located.

Player No. 2 Venerable has the ability to make [Xiaowang] completely destroyed at any time in the main world.

Invite the player No. 2 to choose whether to consume the game currency (one life) in exchange for the right of Xiaowang to return to your main world.

Yes / No?

Reminder: 1: The game currency is very precious, please choose carefully, and cannot be changed after selection.

2: Once you choose to take the small net to return to the main world, the reward for eating this copy of the main mission will be cancelled.

Select time, within 72 hours.

Will choose [No] by default and leave this copy world without a small net. "

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