Global Sky Online

Chapter 1134: Eternal life is gone

"If you have the help of Revenge Goblin and your ability with Revenge Goblin, if you work together, is it possible to open a gap in the special network space where the [Stack] Hub is located, help me and Quill enter and invade it? Asked Rake.

Listened to the small net for a while, and then began to calculate the simulation, but this calculation is too large.

"What do you want to do?" Xiao Wang asked Rake.

"End the curse of people ’s immortality in this world, let people in this world return to normal life and death. I want to work with Quill to destroy the [stack] center and complete the hundreds of years ago, the army of interstellar warriors. "" Lek said with a smile.

If you can destroy the [stack] center, it must be directly or indirectly, causing the death of many immortal humans in this world.

As a result, the kill value of his god-level Hulk transformation, 100,000 kills, how can it be.

This can be as fast as tens of millions of times faster than killing enemies one by one on the planet Harlan, and destroying the [stack] chips in their cervical vertebrae.

After all, the humans in this copy world now rely on eternal life [stack] technology and have spread all over the universe to enter the interstellar colonial era.

The current human population is already terrifying.

Even if one in ten thousand people died because they destroyed the [stack] center this time, and finally returned to themselves, the god-level Hulk transformed into a kill value is enough.

After listening to Reck's bold plan, the small net froze and began to quickly calculate the feasibility.

"There should be hope to break through the special network space in the center of the [stack], and it is possible to send a small number of people's consciousness to that special space to fight. However, how powerful the spiritual power of the Vengeance Fairy is, I am not sure now. The vengeful goblin of the bone civilization, if it has strong mental power, it can assist you to kill the regents ’guards in that special space. But if the vengeful goblin ’s spiritual strength is not strong enough, you venture into that space to present Your strength and number of people is to die. I will mainly fight against the firewall of the cyberspace by computing and control. I ca n’t help you anymore. "Xiao Wang was worried, and said to Rake.

"It ’s okay. The spiritual power of the vengeful goblin is strong enough. Do n’t underestimate the bone-boning civilization. The vengeful goblin is formed by the anger of the last creature of the bone-boning civilization. The vengeful goblin can control the sky fire of the universe directly through its spiritual power on the ground Strike against Harlan Planet. As long as you can send the vengeful goblin to the spiritual power and go to the [stack] to fight in the central space, the Regency Guards, the strength of their warriors, can't stop the revenge goblin.

And I also have the ability to enter into dreams with illusions. Fighting in cyberspace like consciousness, my strength will be much stronger than in the real world. Even if there was any accident in the end, it was not easy for them to kill me. Quill, the former interstellar warrior leader, has a virus program to deal with the [stack] center. When we dive into the special space, we only need to successfully implant the virus into the [stack] center. "Lake said, decided to take a big adventure, once and for all, and directly get the required kill value of the Hulk transformation.

"Then when you are sent to fight in that space, you have to be careful, you can't control the situation, contact me immediately, I will send your memory and consciousness back to the [stack] chip of the body as soon as possible. "Xiao Wang's serious expression spoke to Rake."

Rick nodded and said to Xiao Wang with a smile, "Relax, I actually have strong mental and combat capabilities. It is this body that limits most of my strength. Wait for the destruction of immortality this time [stack] Central, I ’ll come back to sing for you. I still owe you 99 songs but you still remember! "

"Well, when we come back to the base of the cave, you will sing to me. Since you have decided to invade the [stack] hub, I will go through some preparation procedures and backup algorithms. About three days. , Three days later, you will be ready to invade the [stack] central area. The premise is that you need to revenge the goblin. When the time comes to assist me, use its spiritual power to break through several special spiritual firewalls in cyberspace. And finally Virus programs that can destroy the center of the [stack], and I ca n’t write them in a short time, they must be provided by Quill. "Xiao Wang said.

"Okay, go ahead and prepare, the revenge goblin and Quill's side, I'll just say it." Rake chatted with Xiaowang again, and after making the details of this dive in, he took back Xiaowang and let Xiao Go to the Internet to prepare for this Century Invasion Plan.

Reck can't sleep now, so excited.

Although it is now more than eleven o'clock in the evening, Rake still decided to immediately find Quill and make plans for the invasion and destruction of the [stack] center.

Lek knew that Quill would definitely support his plan.

After all, hundreds of years ago, Guell worked hard to develop an army of interstellar warriors, just to destroy the immortal [stack] technology.

It was just the day before the destruction was invaded that year, the Star Warrior Army gathered at the camp of the tree thorn tree cave, and was bombed by the Regency ’s bomber in advance, and the [stack] chip virus was dropped ~ ~ , It was a pot.

Lek is very sure, Quill is very regretful now. It is estimated that Guell became the leader of the rebels this time, also in order to gather enough power in the future to try to invade and destroy the [stack] center again, ending the curse of human immortality she created.

"Boom boom!" Rake knocked on the door of the house in Quill's house.


"I, No. 2 Venerable!"

Quell opened the door, and after questioning Rick's eyes, he invited Rick into the house.

Rake was sitting on a chair in Guell's room. "At that time, you were going to implant the special program virus in the [Stack] center. Can you write it within three days?" Rick asked Kui directly. Yeah.

"Three days is a bit short. If I go to the Internet to hire an artificial intelligence assistant, it should be able to be written, that is, it is easy to leak this news. What's wrong? Even if we have the program virus, it's useless, and our current strength can't invade That [stack] center. "Quill said a little sadly, presumably recalled that her dead interstellar soldiers were gone.

"No, we have the ability to invade. My small net, plus the vengeful goblin of the bone-bearing civilization in your body, its power can completely break the defense of the outer space of the [stack] hub. Do n’t pass the inner area of ​​the [stack] hub , Implanting the [stack] program virus, it is estimated that we need to do it ourselves, and then call some rebel soldiers to act together. Do n’t hire artificial intelligence to assist you on the Internet, you first remember your [stack] virus program Frame, and then I call out the small net and let her help you write the virus, so it is safer. "Rake said slowly.

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