Global Sky Online

Chapter 1130: underground tunnel

After staying in the Soul Bar club for the fourth day, Rake finally waited for the female star warrior leader Guell.

Lake saw on the three-dimensional display screen in the lounge on the second floor that Quill holding a pair of knives began to kill in the bar.

The speed is fast, the knife is clean and neat.

Two Mars were eventually killed by Quill in the VIP private room.

Lek quickly took the metal rod he found two days ago and went downstairs.

"Do you want to stop me?" After Quill finished killing the two, and was about to leave, he saw Rake standing outside with a metal rod.

"No, I want to join you! Let's go together, walk through the back door, the guard will come!" Rake shouted, quickly identified himself, and then turned his head away, and ran to the back door of this Soul Bar.

Rick is not going to stay, helping Quill to block the Regent ’s guard.

Quell hesitated and chose to run behind Rake.

After a few minutes, the two successfully ran out of the [Soul Bar].

The siren has sounded. The Regent ’s **** car has just landed at the main entrance of the bar. The personnel of the **** have rushed into the soul bar.

Fortunately, Rake came to this [Soul Bar] four days in advance, and has checked the nearby streets and surroundings.

Leike took Quill directly into the crowded area and ran towards the ghetto of this soul market.

The ghetto, although the environment is the worst, the security is the worst, it is extremely chaotic. But it is also the area with the least monitoring and restraint in this soul market city.

Entering the chaotic slums, the guards of the regent country, it is difficult to catch them again, and even tracking their tracks will become impossible.

Walked quickly in the ghetto, and Rake took Quill directly to a small unoccupied room before stopping.

Quell's face is not good-looking now, and walking has started to sway slightly, and it looks like he may faint at any time.

"Sleep when you're tired. I'll keep it for you!" Rick pointed to the only small bed in the room and said to Quill.

Quell fell directly on the bed.

A few hours later, Quill got up, staring blankly at Lek sitting in a chair beside the bed.


"You are calling me, who are you!" Quill got up and directly pulled out her two short knives, watching the man holding the long metal stick alertly.

"My name is Venerable No. 2. You are Quill, the former female leader of the Star Warrior, and I used to be your men and friends!" Rake put down the metal rod and said as gently as possible.

Now that Quill is still in a state of amnesia, he is too vigilant, and Rake is afraid to hold a weapon and play against this star warrior leader at close range.

Rek knew that his stick technique was good, but now his body is too weak, and if he is not good, he will be cut off by Guell's double knives.

"I'm the former leader of the rebel army, Guell? You are the No. 2 Venerable? Why don't I have any impression!" Quill still holding a double knife, pointing at Rake and asked coldly.

"What do you remember?" Rake tried to ask.

"I don't remember, but it seems a bit familiar to you!" Quill hesitated and said aloud.

"Let ’s go, I ’m going to do it to you. You died several times when you were in a coma! Let ’s go to the rebel army territory and stab the tree. If you go back there, you should be able to restore the memory. Do you want to restore the memory, although this memory, right It might be cruel to you! "Lek said softly.

Quell looked at Rake and nodded after watching it for a few minutes. "It's not a good feeling to be alive, I'll go with you, but if you let me find out that you are cheating me, I will cut your throat!"

Lek smiled after hearing, "We leave the soul market first, and then take the underground pipeline, which can reduce the chance of being discovered by the Regency Guards!"

"Xiaowang, help me find the drawings of the early underground excavation passages of Harlan Planet, and formulate the most convenient route to go to the thorn tree cave camp." Rake then summoned Xiaowang and said.

"I can find the drawing of the underground excavation channel, but so many years have passed, and the archaeological research of underground excavation was stopped long before the planet Harun. Some places in the underground channel may have collapsed or blocked." Xiao Wang reminded Rake.

"It's okay, we still have time. It's much safer to walk underground than on the ground." Rake said with a smile.

Xiaowang quickly provided Rake with a distribution map of the underground excavation channel of the Harun planet, and also marked three routes to the camp of the thorn tree.

"You are good at artificial intelligence. The distribution map of underground excavation channels should be classified. It is very far away now. She can detect it so quickly!" Quill looked at Xiaowang and said.

Quell's voice just fell, and there was an electric spark on Xiao Wang's body. Xiao Wang's expression became dull for a second or two.

"She is Quill? Are we leaving the soul bar?" Xiaowang asked Rake.

"Leave, ready to go to the thorn tree cave camp." Lek explained to Xiaowang first, then looked at Guell with a smile, "She is similar to you now, women are forgetful!"

"---" Quill didn't know what to say after listening.

Lei Ke took back the small net first, took Quill from the edge of the slums, and left the city of the soul market directly.

At this time, it was already dark, and the two passed through the metal mesh wall on the edge of the slum area, and easily came out of the city ~ ~ The environment outside Chengshi was like the virgin forest. Walking in the night.

Lake was in the forest. After walking with Quaker for half a night, he found a metal cover similar to a sewer according to the map given by Xiaowang.

Leike tried to stick the metal rod in his hand into the hole of the metal cover, pryed it a few times, and it didn't warp, the metal cover was still.

This metal lid hasn't been opened for a long time, and the metal around it has been rusted together.

"I'm here, you can borrow the metal stick for me!" Quill said after watching the meeting, but couldn't help it.

Lek smiled dryly and handed the metal stick in his hand to Quill.

Quill took the metal stick and started "Boom Boom!" And knocked on the metal cover first.

Knocked for about five minutes before stopping.

Then Quill held the metal stick in both hands, inserted the metal stick for a while, and inserted it into the hole of the metal cover, tilting hard.

"Click! Boom"

The expected picture did not appear, Rake's metal rod was folded, and a small half of the metal rod fell.

Quell looked at Rake a little embarrassedly, and most of the rest of his hand was with a metal stick, and gave it back to Rake.

Quilmer silently squatted beside the metal manhole cover, took out her short knife, and slowly paddled around the metal cover.

"Creak!" A harsh voice sounded.

"You get it first, I'll go find some food. We'll eat barbecue tonight, and then finish." Lek said, after all, going down this pipe, it's not necessarily how long you can walk to stab the tree's cave camp. It ’s better to eat something first.

Quell nodded.

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