Global Sky Online

Chapter 1121: Venerable No. 2 was killed

"I am the No. 2 Venerable, let go of the money!"

"I am the No. 2 Venerable!"

"Actually, I am the No. 2 Venerable!"

In the bar, many desperate men who sat before saw the amount of money on the electronic card in this metal box, they stood up, shouted, rushed to the metal box, and all said they were the second Noble Venerable, to get this more than arrears.

The middle-aged man who came before carrying the metal box did not recognize it. Immediately after putting down the metal box, he withdrew and left.

People in the bar began to draw a knife, took out a laser gun, and snatched the metal box. In an instant, the scene became chaotic.

Like watched, the bar lady lady who had put him on stage before, all holding a metal chair in her hand, trying to get close to the metal box, wanting to join the battle to grab money.

This chaos has already happened, and Rake can only stop singing.

Lake sighed helplessly. He was a rare concert with many audiences. Although he didn't sing enough, he could only end it early.

At this time, can only leave.

After reading the original work, Lekke knew that there was a bomb in the metal box, which would detonate in a few minutes.

Lek quickly walked off the stage.

In the bar, many people are now falling for the metal box. Of course, there are more people who want to join the battle for the box.

Lei Ke picked up a scattered small laser gun from the ground and held it in his hand.

With the laser gun, Rick felt more at ease, and bypassed the crowd in the center of the bar and walked out quickly.

"Stop!" After leaving the bar, Rick saw the middle-aged man who had sent the metal box before, and just after he came out, he was standing on the street of the bar and was about to go away.

"Are you the No. 2 Venerable? Star Warrior, did you change the body of the singer this time?" The middle-aged man looked back, looking at Rake who pointed his gun at him.

"Give me the wealthy electronic card you put in your arms. You used to be fast, there was no money in that box!" Rake said with a smile, ready to take some of this Harlan world first. Currency may be used afterwards.

"But I put something!" The middle-aged man said, still slowly taking out an electronic card from his arms and handing it to Rake.

Rec took the electronic card with one hand, reached out and touched the center button of the electronic card, and prompted a pile of amounts.

"The money owed to me is not enough, this is only half!"

"Boom!" There was an explosion from the bar behind him, thick smoke and fire.

This middle-aged man must take advantage of the sound of the explosion and escape when No. 2 Venerable slips.

But Rick was already on guard and chose to shoot directly.

"Bump!" Hit the middle-aged man with a shot.

The middle-aged man fell to the ground, and Reck looked over and killed the middle-aged man. He didn't get the kill value of the Hulk's transformation.

"Bump!" Rake fired another shot, hitting the neck of the fallen middle-aged man, and exploded the [stack] chip implanted in the spine of the middle-aged man. After this shot, Zhutian prompted , Rake gained 2 kill points.

Receiving this prompt, Rick was relieved.

It seems that in this [copy second season] world, it is necessary to destroy the [stack] chip stored in the opponent ’s memory and consciousness, and completely kill the opponent, in order to be judged by the heavens to complete the kill, and get the deserved Hulk change. Body kill value.

"Put down the gun, look back slowly, Venerable Two, throw down the snatch! How much hatred does he have against you? You even let him die completely, you Star Warrior is so cruel!" A female voice passed from behind Rake Out.

Lake slowly turned around and threw away the laser gun in his hand.

Lek looked at it, a female bounty hunter with auxiliary electronic equipment on his right head, pointing a gun at him.

"What are you looking for, this is my personal grudge with him!" Rake said with a smile while looking at the female bounty hunter.

Lake has seen that Xiao Net is standing a few meters away behind the female bounty hunter.

Xiaowang now holds a metal chair in his hand.

Xiaowang looked at Rake as if to ask if he wanted to take a chair and hit the female bounty hunter.

"Sir No. 2, I was entrusted by a master to find a job for you! A master wants to hire you and protect him!" The female bounty hunter said to Rake.

"What's the reward?" Rake asked, nodding slightly towards the direction of Xiao Wang, and instructed Xiao Wang to take the chair and drop it, don't hesitate.



Small net wheeled up the metal chair and hit the female bounty hunter's head. The hit was hit, but the female bounty hunter's head was relatively hard, and he was not smashed.

The female bounty hunter subconsciously pressed the gun in her hand.

Reek felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, he was hit, and his stomach was pierced.

Lake fell to the ground.

The female bounty hunter quickly ran to Rake and reached out to turn off the artificial intelligence launcher hanging on Reck's neck.

Behind him, holding a metal chair, some blank nets disappeared instantly.

"Your No. 2 Venerable, the artificial intelligence is also special enough, and it will help you fight, which is enough! Fortunately, she is not very powerful! No. 2 Venerable, your body looks like it has been abandoned. , I will take you [stack] away, go to the same mission as Mars! "Said the female bounty hunter, and made another shot at Rake's head ~ ~ Lake finally glared at the woman The bounty hunter closed his eyes and became comatose.

The female bounty hunter squatted next to the body of the No. 2 Venerable, turned the body face down, took out a knife, and dug up the skin at the neck of the No. 2 Venerable, and put a blue metal in the spine. ] The chip is taken out.

The female bounty hunter knows that this [stack] chip stores the memory and consciousness of the No. 2 Venerable, which is equivalent to the soul of the No. 2 Venerable, and can carry out tasks as well as holding it.

The female bounty hunter then glanced at the body of Venerable No.2, and dragged the triangle necklace from the neck of Venerable No.2.

The female bounty hunter decided to take away the artificial intelligence launcher that followed No. 2 Venerable and hand it over to the master who hired her. Maybe she could get more bounty.

When Rick opened his eyes again, he found himself sitting on a chair in an interrogation room, his hands tied by metal handcuffs.

Opposite himself, sitting a middle-aged man in a suit.

Recalled the next original, Rake judged that he was now in the program space, not in the real world.

The middle-aged man wearing a suit opposite him is to hire his Marx [Exley]. His former singer's body has been destroyed.

Lei Ke tried to launch his magic magic dream skills, after all, the program space is also similar to the existence of spiritual space.

Unleashing his skills, Reck was relieved when he found that he could really control the program space.

"Exley, this way invited me in, it's not friendly! I'm in control of the structure in the first lesson of Star Warrior." Rake said with a smile, the metal handcuffs that locked Rake's hands, opened instantly, and Rake escaped .

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