Global Sky Online

Chapter 1109: true and false

"Two brothers, what should you do, you can't fight?" Bajie stood behind Jiang Liu'er and shouted to the two green-haired big monkeys.

Lei Ke and [Six-eared Macaque Me] looked at each other and both chose to withdraw the gold hoop first.

Both people know that if they start playing directly, without the help of outsiders, if they finish playing, they should be both defeated.

"Why!" Rick deity asked [Six-eared macaque me].

"It's similar to what you think, why do you want to kill me, why do I want to kill you. Have you thought about it, in fact, you are false, just have my memory, I am true!" 【六Ear macaque I] said to Rake.

After listening, Rick smiled bitterly, which is not easy to handle.

In order to prevent [Six-Ear Macaque Me] from persuading himself to commit suicide, Zhutian Online is likely to give [Six-Ear Macaque Me] a memory directly, so that [Six-Ear Macaque Me] thinks that he is the deity, that he is a fake, himself It ’s [Six-Ear Macaque].

"Forget about it, get to know each other and wait for a fight to die. Let's all come and have a meal together. Anyway, after gathering twelve, we will meet each other again. What's the saying? See you later! Lao Sha, then go & catch some fish! "Lek said.

"Also, have a final lunch with you!" [Six-eared macaque monkey] said to Rake.

Two green-haired big demon monkeys sitting in front of the big iron pan.

After a few minutes, a large pot of fish was ready, and Jiang Liuer sat down for lunch.

Jianliuer knew that no matter whether it was the true or false No. 2 Venerable, he would not kill him.

As for Sha Monk and Ba Jie, they have less courage. After all, after watching the appearance of the two No. 2 Venerable Masters, they did not dare to come together to eat, worrying that half of the true and false masters would fight and spread them to .

"Master, this pan of fish, you eat it first, and Laosha and I can eat the next one." Zhu Bajie said from a distance.

Monk Sha nodded, "We are not hungry!"

Lake, [Six-ear Macaque Me] and Jiang Liu'er started eating this big pot of fish.

"I will give you a suggestion, otherwise you will learn from me together. The two will coexist, don't kill or kill!" Jiang Liuer said while eating fish.

Lake and [Six-Ear Macaque Me] looked at each other, and then shook their heads.

In the case of co-existence, there is no way to end the [Twelve Me] hidden continuous task. Even if this copy is over, you ca n’t take it out. This is the one that is easy to appear.

Now counting this [six-eared macaque me], twelve can accumulate to 10, but I can not give up this one.

After all, before the noon of the Earth's main world next Tuesday, if you accumulate twelve me, you can use the twelve gods and demon formations to summon the Pangu virtual image. It will definitely be of great help to deal with the meteorite killing.

"Don't you have a drink?" Rick asked [six-eared macaque me].

"Drink it!"

"Bajie, go to the carriage and bring the remaining half jars of wine!" Rake shouted Bajie standing in the distance.

After listening to the Eight Precepts, I quickly went to get the wine and brought it over with a half jar of wine.

Leike and [Six-eared Macaque Me] poured a large bowl of wine by themselves, and Jiang Liuer also poured himself a bowl.

"As a teacher, I can only wish you a good time and find a way to distinguish between authenticity and authenticity. There is also a suggestion for the teacher, the dungeon, the Dizang Bodhisattva, and the ability to distinguish the soul. After you have finished this meal, you can go and see! Jiang Liu'er said, holding up a bowl with drinking wine, and bumped into two green-haired monster monsters.

"Buddha Buddha in the Diyafu, it's okay, it's time to go to the Diyafu!" Lek said after thinking about it. After the reset of the Journey to the West, he didn't go to the Diyafu.

Lei Ke can remember that before the reset, a group of gangsters from the Westward Journey besieged him, and there was a Dizang Bodhisattva.

Dizang Bodhisattva was still under himself at that time, and placed a large circular passage leading to the capital, almost pulling his soul to the capital.

"Hidden, the **** is not empty, and vowing not to become a Buddha, how about helping him?" [Six-eared macaque monkey], after drinking a big sip, asked Rek.

"Alright, let's try, who can make the land empty!"

"There should be only one soul boat summoned, but the souls we have broken up should be able to be absorbed by my soul boat." [Six-eared macaque monkey] said.

Two green-haired big demon monkeys and Jiangliu then continued to drink and eat fish.

After more than half an hour, this last lunch was finished.

Lake summoned the ancient master mage.

"Have you ever been to the prefecture, open a portal and send us over!"

"You don't need to follow up, Gu Yi, we will solve this problem ourselves."

Lake and [Six-ear Macaque Me] successively said to Gu Yi.

Guyi looked at the two No. 2 Venerables, and she couldn't tell which one was true.

Gu Yi raised his left hand to draw a circle, and a golden magic portal appeared.

The environment inside the portal is dark.

Rake and [Six-eared Macaque Me], holding the gold hoop, entered the magic portal.

The god-level Hulk transformed into a state. Rick and [Six-eared Macaque Me] can enter the mansion without having to leave their souls.

Two green-haired big demon monkeys appeared above the dungeon, activated the red magic leopard cloak on their backs, and flew towards the Neihe Bridge, where the ghosts of the dungeon gather.

"You put the undead warship first!" Rick said to [six-ear macaque me] ~ ~ six-ear macaque me] Raised his hand and released the undead warship.

Rek looked at it, and his undead warship was also released. It seems that by releasing the items, there is no way to tell who is true and who is fake.

At this time, the undead warships can already be suspended in the air, and they have been upgraded to [small undead space warships]

"Kill it, make the **** empty!"

"Look who killed more!"

Lei Ke and [Six-eared Macaque Me] said successively, holding a gold hoop and rushing towards the ghost on Neihe Bridge. Starting from Neihe Bridge, the slaughter of ghosts began all the way.

The ghost energy scattered by Rake and [Six-ear Macaque Me] flew directly to the small undead space battleship in the sky, and was absorbed by this undead space battleship.

Two Qi Tian Da Sheng No. 2 Venerables started a mad killing in the capital.

Was originally a No. 2 Venerable Qitian Dasheng, which is difficult to resist from the ghosts of the Earth Mansion. This time two appeared at once, and they all have gold hoops.

The army of ghosts in the prefecture tried to fight against it, and they were dispersed by two No. 2 Venerables.

The ghosts of the prefecture also found that their heads were raised above them, and the horrible undead space warship that would absorb their souls.

Some ghosts try to fly over and destroy the undead space battleship.

But soon, the undead battleship launched a round of salvos. Under the dark speed of the undead, the ghosts that reproduced the undead battleship were shattered, and the soul energy was absorbed by the undead battleship again.

Lake and [Six-Ear Macaque Me] began to guard the undead space battleship, moving around in this place, hunting ghosts.

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