Global Sky Online

Chapter 1097: White dragon horse

Reek thought to himself, "The long accompany me Buddha" that Jiang Liu'er just said. The answer to these four words is already very clear. Once his journey to the west ends and he is under the influence of the Big Buddha, he will stay beside the Big Buddha The restrictions of the Buddha are inseparable from this copy world.

The Jiangliu, who was reincarnated by Jin Chanzi, just meditated and entered, and woke up with golden light.

Lake guessed that Jiang Liu'er should have just used some kind of Buddhism and Taoism to check the future.

Is like Dr. Strange going to see many possible magic skills in the future, but Jiang Liu'er, after all, is a flesh after all, not a golden cicada form.

Jianliuer peeped into the future, and revealed to himself the future of his future, and his body was repulsed.

For specific reasons, Rake looked at Jiang Liu'er now, so he dared not ask again.

Once I asked two more questions, I asked Jiang Liu'er to die. This copy of the final Journey to the West failed directly. Jiang Liu'er would be born again, and he would be born again following the loss of memory.

"If you still eat barbecue, go back to the carriage and rest!"

"Don't eat, I will go back to the carriage and sleep!" Jiang Liuer said in a weak voice.

Rick didn't eat anymore, extinguished the fire, and helped Jiang Liuer get up and return to the carriage. Lek and Jiang Liuer lay on the blanket in the carriage, stopped talking, and began to sleep.

Reek was glad that he asked the emperor of the Datang Empire for a luxury carriage to travel, otherwise the two would sleep on the grass directly tonight.

The next morning, Jiang Liuer was eating dry food in the carriage.

Because Jiang Liu'er vomited blood last night, it seems that his physical strength has not recovered yet, and Rake went to drive the carriage in front of the carriage himself.

The following week, Rake and Jiang Liuer were shifting and driving.

Lake is also thinking in his heart, this copy of the final Journey to the West, how to clear customs.

Even in the end, after successfully completing the journey to the west, if you successfully learn from the sutras, you will be remembered by his big Buddha as my Buddha power.

By that time, I shouldn't be able to leave the copy world of the Westward Journey through the normal means of Zhutian Online.

Just did not know that at that time, he became the self who defeated the Buddha. Under the care of the Big Buddha, can he still use the escape copy props, leave this copy world, and return to his own world.

Once you can't use the escape props, or if you are under strict surveillance by the Buddha after becoming a Buddha, you can be interrupted by the Buddha during the process of launching the escape props.

Now Rick is also a bit worried and confused. Before he has enough strength to defeat the Big Buddha, Rake does n’t know whether he should speed up the journey to the west, or slow down as much as possible, and increase the time for the journey to learn from, so as to find the corresponding law.

In the morning, Jiang Liuer hurried on the road and drove the carriage to the edge of a large lake, allowing the two sweaty BMWs pulling the cart to drink some water by the lake.

Suddenly, within the Great Lakes, a white long dragon flew out. The white dragon flew towards the location of the two sweaty BMWs near the lake.

"Little White Dragon, waiting for you for a long time!" Rake heard the movement outside, pulled the curtain of the carriage excitedly, and greeted the flying white dragon with a laugh.

These days, Rick and Jiang Liuer are driving in shifts, and Reck also feels tired.

The road to Xitian is too long. It is Rake ’s turn to drive at least several hours a day. It is not comfortable to drive or sit in a carriage.

"Ah, No. 2 Venerable!" Bai Long screamed, and he would step back and drill back into the Great Lakes.

"Stop, come back to me, or I'll pick your dragon skin!" Rake yelled, and the white dragon horse, which was easy to appear, could not let him run away.

Hearing Rake's words, this white dragon dared not run away.

The white dragon circled around the lake, hesitated, and finally approached the lake slowly again.

Bailong, turned into a young and handsome little white face, stood five meters away from the carriage.

"No. 2 Venerable Majesty, I don't know this is the carriage you are sitting in!" Xiao Bai said with a sad face.

"That's not important, come on, be hungry, I invite you to eat two sweaty BMWs! By the way, have you been told by the female bodhisattva or the heavenly court that you want to be part of the Bible study team and follow the river to learn?" Lek smiled. Asked Xiaobailong.

"That, a few months ago, was told by the female bodhisattva, but when the female bodhisattva told me, you didn't say that you are the master of Jiangliuer Master! I regretted it later. Contact the female Bodhisattva and find a way to change people. I do n’t want to go to the westward journey now! "Xiao Bai was a little nervous, and said to Rake stunned.

"Since I met, it's destiny, hurry up to Jiangliuer, this lesson team needs you." Rake said with a smile.

"Shall I not go?" Xiao Bailong stepped back and tried to ask Rake and Jiang Liuer.

"Relax, if you learn from us, Venerable No. 2 will not hurt you anymore, I will look at him for you." Jiang Liu'er said, also seeing this little white face, a little afraid of Venerable No. 2.

But now Jiang Liu'er doesn't want Xiao Bailong to leave, nor does he want to drive the carriage himself.

"When the female Bodhisattva notified you at the time, you didn't refuse. It's late! Do you want to turn into a white horse-drawn carriage to learn from us? Do you want, hey!" Rick took out the gold hoop directly and put it in his hand .

"Master Jiangliu, No. 2 Venerable Master ~ ~ I followed the sutra. But it ’s good to say, No. 2 Venerable Master, can't buckle my dragon scale anymore, my ten dragons Scale's wound, after so many years, hasn't recovered yet! "Xiao Bailong finally nodded, saluted Jiang Liuer, and said to Rake. .

Jiang Liu'er looked at the No. 2 Venerable on the side suspiciously. This matter of buckling the dragon scales, the No. 2 Venerable Father had not told him before.

"It's almost the same as robbing. It's not a big deal, and it's not important details. I won't elaborate with you!" Lei Ke smiled and said to Jiang Liu'er.

"Okay, I won't buckle your dragon scale anymore, I promise. I'll ask you to eat it first, these two sweaty BMWs, eat it soon!" Rick finished, and he went to untie the reins in front of the carriage and put that The two horses were released.

Little White Dragon bit his face bitterly, and changed from the small white face's humanoid state to a white dragon look again.

Bailong opened his mouth wide and took one bite at a time, swallowing the two sweaty BMWs.

After a few minutes, Bailong turned into a big white horse again.

Lei has a small area on the neck of the white horse, like a scar left by a burn.

Lake picked up the reins of the carriage and put the white dragon horse back on.

After a short break, both Rake and Jiang Liuer lay back in the carriage. .

The white dragon horse is more powerful, and one horse is more powerful than the previous two. Bailongma took the carriage on his own, and no longer needed a driver.

"This is all your contribution to the way of learning. Now the more you contribute, the more you get when you reach the land of my Buddha. In the future, when you walk on the road outside the city, when you walk into the city, or when there are many people, Get out and drive! "Rake shouted to the white dragon horse pulling the car in front of him, raising his enthusiasm for work.

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