Global Sky Online

Chapter 1095: Monkey King No. 2 Venerable

Lei Ke and Jiang Liu'er, these two masters and apprentices, at the banquet, like the reincarnation of evil spirits, swept crazy about the vegetarian food provided by the emperor of the Great Qin Empire.

Lei Ke has some regrets. Now his identity, it seems inconvenient to ask the emperor of the Great Qin Empire to ask for meat and wine.

Jianliuer didn't care if this banquet had only vegetarian food.

I have n’t eaten any good food for nearly two decades now. Jiangliuer, who takes medicine every day in Leifeng Tower, eats everything as long as it is delicious.

Jiangliu, which is a fusion of memories of many generations, did not show the proper etiquette of Jin Chanzi's reincarnation master at the banquet prepared by the emperor of the Great Qin Empire for their mentors and apprentices.

Lei Ke looked at Jiang Liuer's eating, he was fiercer than him, feeling that Jiang Liuer had come to an epiphany, and the state was estimated to be better than before.

After more than two hours, the full Jiangliuer and Lei Ke got up and left the banquet. The emperor of the Great Qin Empire and the civil and military officials sent them off, and the two came to two luxury carriages pulled by sweaty BMWs.

"How are you driving?" Jiang Liu'er was full and didn't like to move, and asked Rake.

"How can I let Dad drive, you go!" Rick doesn't like to move either.

"How can a master drive a car, and the disciple sits in the back, what kind of system!" Jiang Liuer argued for his reason.

"Shall we no longer let the emperor of the Great Qin Empire, send us a coachman?" Rake looked at the emperor of the Great Qin Empire who had seen them standing still before he left, and asked Jiang Liuer.

"Forget it, I'll drive first! This trip to the west, irrelevant people, not suitable to participate, I'm afraid I'll go back and die!" Jiang Liuer sighed and sat in front of the car to catch the car.

Lake entered the carriage of the carriage.

The carriage is quite big, covered with two blankets, you can lie down directly, and also put some fruit, water and dry food.

Lei Ke lay directly on the blanket and went to sleep. After all, he had not yet left the territory of the Great Qin Empire. For the time being, they were very safe.

And Rake can use fire eye gold eye identification skills, seen Jiang Liu'er.

Jiang Liu'er's endurance attribute value of 6666, also has the memory of Jin Chanzi, coupled with the strange [immortal luck] talent skills, even if the big devil wants to kill Jiang Liu'er, it is enough to choke on the move what.

Ordinary monsters are lucky to be killed by Jiang Liuer.

Wait for many years of traveling to the west. Today, Jiangliuer, driving two horse-drawn sweat-drawn carriages, finally officially started.

Lake lay on the blanket of the carriage, thinking of the memories, the journey to the west, he would be a student and apprentice in Tang Dynasty, and he would have suffered.

I just do n’t know what will happen to my copy of [Final Journey to the West] after being reset by the dimensional shock bomb.

After all, he was not born under the Wuzhi Mountain, but was directly on the river journey with the reincarnated Jin Chanzi, starting from the Leifeng Tower.

Leike thought about the conversation between the Buddha and Jade Emperor in Heaven. On this journey to the west, there will also be three people who belong to the forces of the Celestial Realm and join their team to learn from the West Journey, so that the Celestial Realm can take more of the luck and merits of the Westward Journey.

And the three people belonging to the forces of the Three Realms are now in the human world.

Lake judged that it is very likely that the pig bajie, sand monk and small white dragon will also appear.

It happens that these three people are in line with the celestial forces and still in the human world.

Lake is now looking forward to it, and Xiaobailong is coming soon. Afterwards, Jiangliu Province will complain that he is tired of driving, and find him driving again.

As long as the little white dragon came, let the little white dragon change into a horse and take the carriage with him, he and Jiang Liu'er could rest in the carriage.

Lake fell asleep after thinking about it.

It was getting dark. Jiang Liu'er had drove the carriage away from the capital of the Great Qin Empire, and parked the carriage beside a wood.

"Sir No. 2 apprentice, in the woods, there is a little tiger demon, looking at us, you wake up!" Jiang Liuer opened the curtain of the carriage and called sleeping Rake.

"Little tiger demon, supper is coming to your door. You can just go to death, what should I do, let me make a fire?" Rick opened his eyes and used the fire-eye gold eye perspective identification ability to look at the situation in the woods. The disdainful expression said to Jiang Liu'er.

"I'm not good at killing. I can try not to kill if I can't kill. I will let you do this kind of hands-on thing, you are doing it!" Jiang Liuer said.

"Then tonight, do you eat meat?"

"Eat!" Jiang Liuer nodded happily.

"Why can't it kill the life, the meat can be eaten!" Rake asked, looking at Jiang Liu'er.

"It's not a concept, it's too hard to explain to you, you can't understand it in a short time. You go to kill the tiger demon, I go to make fire!" Jiang Liuer glanced at the woods and urged.

"Let's take a look in the woods together, I will kill it, and then deal with it after the killing, and then I will fire!" Rick said to Jiang Liu'er.

Lei Ke and Jiang Liuer jumped from the carriage and walked towards the woods.

Close to the tiger demon, it is just a little demon, and it will not be transformed, and he has not escaped.

"You are so weak, you dare to eat Jiangliuer's meat. Although eating Jiangliuer's meat can live forever, but you are in the demon world, you have not heard that Qitian Dasheng No. 2 Venerable is protecting Jiangliuer. Learn from it! "Lek glared directly at the tiger demon, tried to ask, and glanced at the river next to him proudly.

Rick is a little puzzled now. He has the prestige of the Monkey King of Huaguo Mountain Qitian Dasheng. It will be a few months before this big trouble in the Tiangong Temple. Even if the monkey demon group of Huaguo Mountain Water Curtain Cave has dispersed, at least Yu Wei should It still exists in the demon world.

"The No. 2 Venerable Demon Monkey, you are the Great Demon King, the Three Realms are rumored, you are crazy, because then you have eaten too many fairy pills and flat peach, you are indigested, and cultivation has gone backwards. Now many demons are being oppressed by flowers The tribes that have passed have already issued a chase order to you. At this time, it is a good time to kill you, kill you, and the demon world will be peaceful in the future. Jiangliuer eats the immortal meat, and the king is basically Don't care. It's your meat, you have undigested elixir and flat peach ~ ~ Three realms are rumored, as long as you eat your meat, you can get directly into immortality. The king eats it. If the king gets Cheng Xian directly, he may be in a good mood. "The tiger demon shouted at Rake, and his mouth was cracked, revealing sharp teeth.

The words of the tiger demon have listened to the rivers beside them.

"Apprentice, cut your hands, what do you see, the tiger demon waits to eat and become a fairy!" Jiang Liuer smiled and said to Lek.

After listening to that anger, who spread the news in the Three Realms.

Lei Ke stopped talking to this little tiger demon, and took out the gold hoop stick, and shot it dead with a stick.

Jiang Liu'er passed by and began to clean up the body of this big tiger. "Sir No. 2 Apprentice, I have been imprisoned in the Thunder Crazy Tower for all these years. What the **** did you do in Demon Realm! The notoriety of the devil, the demon world now wants to get rid of you. I am afraid that you are the journey to the west, the biggest danger initiator. Look at this little tiger demon, even if I eat my meat, I can live forever, and I ca n’t look down on it. ! "

"Well, it is probably the power of the Big Buddha, or the power of the heavenly courts, who are willing to give us this journey to the west and learn the disaster. When I meet several big demon, I will kill you, and they will know your father and my strength. Now, dare not make it again! "Lek said after thinking about it.

"Even if it was arranged by the Great Buddha or Heavenly Court forces, it seems that there are also antecedents, and the demon tribe will issue a chase order to you, tell me!" Jiang Liuer looked at Rake curiously.

"Let fire, cut meat, barbecue, and tell your story while eating dad!" Rick looked at Jiang Liu'er and estimated that he didn't say the reason. Jiang Liuer would ask him from time to time, rather than tell him directly.

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