Global Sky Online

Chapter 1089: Eating the elixir of Taishang Laojun

After more than nine years in this heavenly court, Rake has not yet found a suitable opportunity to steal the elixir of the prince.

However, today, Rake knows he can't wait any longer.

Peach Garden Today, seven fairies came. These fairies told Lek the great sage. Three days later, the Queen Mother would open a flat peach event to feast all the fairies.

Today, these seven fairies, let's first check the number of mature flat peach.

Three days later, I will come over again and pick the big flat peach directly.

Lei Ke took these seven fairies and walked around in Pan Taoyuan.

Fortunately, the eye skills are impaired. These fairies did not find it. In fact, all the fairy peach trees, not to mention the big flat peach, do not even have a small flat peach.

Gave away these seven fairies, and Rake knew that he could not stay in heaven.

All the flat peaches in Peach Taoyuan were stolen. Even if Tianting had no evidence that he had been stolen by him, the man who was responsible for managing the flat peach garden could not escape punishment.

It seems that this [ultimate Journey to the West] will not allow him to stay idle.

Leike then contacted the Master Gu Yi, and informed the Heaven Realm about the opening of the Peach Conference, so that Gu Yi and them immediately recalled the demon monkey who went out to rob in Huaguo Mountain to prepare for the battle against Heaven.

Three days later, the seven fairies soon came to Pantaoyuan again.

Lei Ke took them into the flat peach garden, came to the big flat peach tree, watched them continue to fly on the tree, swimming in his flat peach garden.

In the basket in the hand of the fairy, the number of large flat peaches transformed by the blind eye method is gradually increasing.

The Seven Fairies soon picked up enough large flat peach.

The seven fairies stood in a row and said goodbye to Reyk, the Great Saint.

Lake watched the seven fairies leave, and immediately set off, flying to the location of the alchemy room of Taishang Laojun.

In the distance, with fire eyes and gold eyes perspective ability, after waiting for half an hour, Taishang Laojun finally set off and left his alchemy room, it seems to be going to the Queen Mother and Peach Feast.

Lake waited a few minutes to make sure that Taishang Laojun would not come back again, and then continuously launched his teleportation ability to curse the jumping knife, teleporting to Taishang Laojun's alchemy room.

Thousands of gourds are placed in the alchemy room of.

Observation of fire eye gold eye identification ability, these gourds, are all immortals.

Zhutian's online exploration capabilities suggest that these elixir can only be taken in the world of [Final Journey], and cannot bring out the copy world.

Time is limited, and Rick starts eating quickly.

Open the mouth of the gourd directly and slam into the mouth.

"Guru Guru!" After eating for more than three hours, there were more than a dozen gourds left, and Rick couldn't eat it anymore.

Hiccupped, Rick immediately raised his left hand to draw a circle, used the magic portal skill, and transferred the remaining ten or more gourds to the water curtain hole.

"Eat fast, take advantage of Taishang Laojun's discovery, Gu Yi, Doppelganger, Xiaoqing Xiaobai, Zhong Ling, hurry to eat!" Rake passed the message to several people through his ability to communicate with his mind.

After all, the fairy pill remains, and it is easy to be taken back by the Taishang Laojun. Rake decides that if there is something good, he must learn to share it and share it with his calling!

Lake checked his current food reserve energy value. This time he ate more than three hours of elixir. It can be said that for these three hours, he emptied the strategic materials of the heavenly forces.

Now I summoned Spartan's food reserve energy value, and it has increased by about 3000 points to 13000 points, which is an amazing value.

And the basic attributes before he was transformed again, the basic attributes of the body:

Strength: 395

Agility: 425

Endurance: 515

Wisdom: 485

Strength attribute increased by 50 points, agility attribute increased by 50 points, wisdom attribute increased by 20 points.

Sure enough, stealing is the shortcut to increase attributes.

Leike sighed involuntarily, looking at the alchemy room where there was no more immortality.

This alchemy room is at the center of the alchemy room, and there is an extra large alchemy furnace.

Lake decided not to keep this super alchemy furnace.

Otherwise, if he was caught by the Heavenly Court, it should be tucked into this alchemy furnace.

Is it possible for my body to resist Taishang Laojun's rush to control his alchemy furnace to practice himself for seven, seven, forty-nine days? I don't know yet.

Lei Ke took the gold hoop directly, changed into a bit, and drilled the alchemy furnace a few holes.

Then, put one end of the gold hoop into the alchemy furnace, tilt the alchemy furnace, let the alchemy furnace roll, and get out of the alchemy room of the Taishang Laojun.

After the alchemy furnace smashed one side wall, it fell directly from the sky and rolled down the world.

The sound of the alchemy furnace hitting the wall attracted several Daotong princes from Taishang to check it out.

Reck immediately fled the scene using his teleportation skills.

Lei Ke went directly to the God of War Yang Jian. In recent years, the attitude of the God of War Yang Jian to His Holiness the Great No. 2 has changed.

Because the No. 2 Venerable was in the Lingxiao Hall at that time, it was the only one who dared to stand up and publicly claim that the Growing Sky Dog was a framed fairy.

Although after No. 2 Venerable, Yang Jian did not agree with it!

Rick did not expect that he and the original [Final Journey to the West] who had to deal with it first had a better relationship than the other immortals.

"Brother Yang Jian, why didn't you go to the Queen Mother's flat peach event? Also like me, haven't you been sent an invitation?" Rick asked.

"I don't like to eat peaches, nor do we like to eat crocodile dogs. I've been there twice before, and it's boring! By the way, you love peaches, or I'll go back this time and get you one or two flat peaches." Yang Jian Sitting in the hall of his palace, he said to Rick and invited him to sit.

"No need, no need!"

"You're welcome, anyway, I have invitations, I can get one or two Xiantao, and it's a waste to keep the invitations. You have been watching Pantaoyuan for so many years, you can't eat Xiantao when you look at it every day, it's very poor!" Yang Jian said bluntly Will get up.

"I really don't need it. In fact, I have already eaten flat peaches on weekdays!" Rake said with a smile.

"Why! Don't grow up on this matter ~ ~ No.2 Venerable Lord, you really treat me as a friend, dare to tell me about this! I just didn't hear it!" Yang Jian was surprised , With a serious expression, said to Rake.

"Brother Yang Jian, I came here to say goodbye to you this time, and you know, I am guarding the flat peach garden, looking at the big fairy peach every day, don't eat it, I can't bear it! And the taste of the flat peach is really good , After eating one, I want to eat the second one, and I ca n’t stop it! ”Lek said.

"How much did you eat, if you eat less, now I'll accompany you to the Jade Emperor to plead guilty and intercede for you!" Yang Jian looked at Rake seriously.

Rick raised his right hand and shook it.

After watching, Yang Jian felt relieved: "Five, not many, nothing!"

"Not five?"

"Fifty, a little too much, but if I go to help you, Jade Emperor will punish you slightly!"

"Not fifty!"

"Have you eaten five hundred? Is it a large flat peach or a small flat peach?" Yang Jian stared at the friend No. 2 His Holiness with a bit of worry.

"It ’s not five hundred. I ate the flat peach garden, all the big and small fairy peach! Today ’s flat peach meeting, the fairy peach that the fairies took away, was changed by my blind eyes. That, estimated, at the flat peach meeting now, It's already frying pan! "Lek told the truth this time.

Yang Jian was stunned when he heard the words of the Second Noble Lord.

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