Global Sky Online

Chapter 1058: Details of His Holiness the Great 2

The little queen looked so anxious that she didn't come to change or deal with her **** clothes. She was really busy.

"Little queen, don't worry about other things first, I have a big thing, and you need to contact Earth Defense immediately! If the poker team has the strength, try to participate as much as possible!" Rake looked serious, facing Xiao Said the Queen.

"What a big thing is that the identity of the undead castle city master and Emperor Qin Shi Emperor announced by you in the morning is shocking. Can the sky still fall down!" The little queen looked at Rake with a smile.

However, the little queen soon stopped smiling, because she still looked serious when she saw Rick, and nodded there.

"Yes, the sky is about to fall. Although it is not true that the sky is falling down directly, it is almost the same. I just got a very reliable message recently. At around 11 noon next Tuesday, our main world of the earth will face The crisis patronized by the cosmic meteorite. A large number of meteorite will fall in the earth's main world. If we do not take immediate precautions, human civilization may be destroyed. Just like the dinosaurs were extinct in ancient times! " With a serious face, he spoke to the little queen.

"What, Lord No. 2, this can't be joke! Are you saying it really? There will be extraterrestrial meteorites to destroy our earth? Are your sources accurate?" When the little queen heard Rake's words, she also looked It became tense, and kept asking Rick.

Rick nodded and continued to tell the little queen: "This news is true, the source is accurate, otherwise I would not rush to go online to find you at this time. Now, you immediately contact the Earth Defense Forces and let them Use all your power to explore and monitor the vicinity of the main world Earth ’s orbit and the exosome. The time when the meteorite fell to the earth is four and a half days later, around 11 noon next Tuesday. According to this time point, the Earth Defense Forces reverse Exploring the universe of the main world should be faster. Also, tell the Earth Defense Forces now to make the final preparations to strike the world according to the worst meteorite on the planet. Do n’t think about refuge, all missiles are in the pre-launch state. . "

"Oh my God, if you're telling the truth, this! This is really a big event that will fall. Okay, I'll contact the Earth Defense Forces. But the Earth Defense Forces probe the orbit of the earth and push back the meteorite events that may destroy the earth, It also takes time. I feel that it will take several hours at the earliest to have results. Don't go offline first, wait for an hour or two, and I will contact you immediately if there is news. If it is a meteorite that can destroy the earth ’s civilization, Earth Defense The missile power of the army is enough to crush meteorites of that size! "Said the little queen nervously.

Rick nodded, "I didn't expect to rely entirely on the Earth Defense Force's missiles to destroy the meteorite in the main world. As long as the Earth Defense Force can contribute as much as possible. If capable players, also contribute. The moment the meteorite falls into the earth, I will fly out and fight meteorites! "Said Rake sadly to the little queen.

Rick knew that after all, the disaster was caused by his sister Xiaoyu.

And in order to allow the earth civilization to exist, I can't hide behind this time. In the face of this meteorite killing, the Supreme Emperor No. 2 himself must be the first to be rushed.

After all, at this time, I am afraid that only the superpower of the Hulk after its transformation, coupled with the indestructible hardness of the super artifact gold hoop and many powerful passive attributes, can it possibly crush the meteorite and protect the earth.

"Honor No. 2, thank you. I blame you a bit earlier and underestimated your character! Don't hesitate, I'll go to the Earth Defense Forces! If that happens, I will change as much as possible in the main world Dragon, you will join the dragon knight combination to enhance your strength and protect our earth home with you! "After the little queen officially bowed to Rick, she closed the video call with Rick and contacted to inform Earth Defense The army is about to have a meteorite disaster event at 11 noon next Tuesday.

Rick then sat in his back chair in the Heavens Online main interface and checked his existing items.

Although there are many messy props and skills, it is not enough to be able to resist the meteorite that can live in the main world and destroy the world!

Rex simply released Gu Yi, Xiao Qing Xiao Bai, and Fat Ya Zhong Ling.

In the face of this catastrophic disaster, Rick is now a little confused, and Rick is ready to discuss countermeasures with his summoned creature partners.

This meteorite killing crisis can only win, not fail. Once it fails, there is only one ending for itself and the world, which is destruction, complete destruction.

Xiaoqing, Xiaobai, Gu Yi, and Fat Ya Zhongling stood on the main online interface of Rake Zhutian. Although they had not been summoned before, they also learned the details of the disaster through the host of Rake.

The expressions of the four were also dignified.

"Gu Yi, can you open the magic portal and drop all the meteorite that will fall into your magic portal, and teleport the meteorite?" After thinking about it, Lake asked the Master of Gu Yi first.

After listening, Master Gu Yi shook his head.

"In the main world of the earth, my mana is limited and my magic is also limited. Although I can open magic portals, the size and number of magic portals is far worse than in melee battlefields and replicas. And the meteorite drop speed It will be very fast. As Xiao Yu said before, meteorites that are larger than this city fall on the earth, and I ca n’t teleport. The magic portal I opened is not big enough, and Xiao Yu can say, not only this meteorite. The description in Xiaoyu Dream, but dreamed that the meteorite group attacked the earth. I judge that at least hundreds of meteorites can fall into the sea to trigger a global flood disaster. "Gu Yi said in a helpless manner.

After listening, Rick nodded, summoned creatures himself, and his strength would be weakened in the main world.

Faced with the destruction of meteorites, even in the copy world, Gu Yi and others have enough power to stop the meteorite crisis of that scale, not to mention the weakened power in the main world of the earth.

"The only way now is to increase my Hulk transformation kill value as soon as possible. At least 100,000 kill value is required. I must be able to resist the meteorite if I can perform the transformation of the god-level Hulk!" Rake said.

Xiaoqing looked at Rick and hesitated and said, "Even if the god-level Hulk is transformed, Brother No. 2 Lord, because of being in the main world of the earth, your attributes will not increase one hundred times, but only increase. 10 times, but I'm not completely sure! "

"Then I won't choose to kill the girl right way, I will not kill Xiaoyu, and you are not allowed to hurt Xiaoyu by yourself! If I choose, even if I die, I would rather fight against the meteorite from outside!" Said the expression.

Xiaobai looked at Rick, "You understand what my sister meant wrong. She meant that, in fact, in addition to the Hulk transformation, you must reach a god-level killing value of 100,000. Brother No.2, you have Other abilities. For example, summoning three hundred Spartan food reserve energy values. In the copy world and melee battlefield, as long as it is 300, you can summon 300 Spartans. Spartan summons out, it has 80% of your attributes. .You should be able to summon 30 Spartans in the main world with 300 food reserves. If you are a god-level Hulk transformed, you can summon another 300 god-level Spartans to deal with the meteorite crisis. Be more sure! "Xiaobai reminded Rick.

Rick thought about it too. After hearing the meteorite killing crisis before himself, he was too anxious to forget the Spartan summoning skills that he had at the earliest.

Unfortunately, when fighting Zerg before, Rake spent 300 points of food reserves.

Now that Rick has looked at his existing food reserve value, there are only 10 points left. He needs to accumulate 2990 food reserve values ​​to be able to transform himself into a Hulk, and then summon 300 Spar in the main world. Reached God of War.

Fat Ya Zhongling looked at Lei Ke, "Honor Two, not only do you have the skills, we also have them. This time in the face of the meteorite crisis, Master Gu Yi has gained the power of the Phoenix. Xiaoqing Xiaobai and I are as good as ever. The ability to devour the **** beasts absorbed in the copy can be used in combination of the four big beast arrays. This big array was bought from the thin monkeys coming back in the future. In the future, the thin monkeys with god-level strength will consider this big array, Can reverse the unfavorable battle in the battle between the earth and the alien race in the melee battlefield. Want to come to the main world, even if the power of the four great beasts weakens, they can resist some meteorites! "

"The most urgent thing is to choose the right copy, which will allow me to get more than 100,000 kills and as much food reserve energy value as possible. It will also give you a copy that hopes to absorb the energy of the beast and go through the customs!" Rake nodded Talking.

"Holy Lord No. 2 ~ ~ You still have [twelve me], now you have nine me, and there are still three last, you have twelve me, using the twelve gods There is also hope in the large array to fight the meteorite crisis! After all, there are twelve of my twelve capital gods, but they can summon Pangu. The Pangu **** can open up the world and it should not be a problem to split the meteorite in the main world! Gu Yi reminded.

"Yes, there is Brother Pangu and his pocket version of the small earth. Brother Pangu still has to eat the energy of the origin of the world, and he can be resurrected." Xiaoqing added.

Rick listened to the analysis of Xiaoqing Xiaobai, Gu Yi, and Fat Ya Zhongling, and he felt better now.

Although the meteorite killing from the sister Xiaoyumeng was horrible, but after so long a copy, trying to level up in the copy, there are gains and details.

If you can really accumulate these skills, or accumulate most of them, you really have a battle in the face of the meteorite crisis.

Rick thought, fortunately, his sister Xiaoyu has limited vision now. The disaster event that Xiaoyu can dream of is not the kind of real extinction horror event, and it is not the level of a mortal event that is impossible to change.

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