Global Sky Online

Chapter 1055: Brother Xiaoyu, I'm scared too

With the metal lid of the egg compartment open, Lake stepped out of the egg compartment.

Rick looked at his egg cabin classroom, and now he came out alone. Most of the egg cabins in this egg cabin classroom were in the activated state.

Those students should all be logged in to Zhutian Online. Even if they did not directly go to the melee battlefield Great Wall, they will also be in their respective Zhutian Online main interface to see the report of the Zerg expedition.

Rick watched the time of the main world, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, he went online from the morning and went to Wolverine copy.

Then he came out from the heavens online and took a short rest for less than two hours. It seemed that he had eaten only a small bowl of crickets. At ten o'clock, he went online to lead the army to the Zerg.

The battle ended almost five hours later.

Rick felt that his emotions had gradually stabilized now, mainly because he thought that he had accumulated so many life-saving props and used them with a lot of blood when fighting with the Zerg.

Now Rick himself wants to be excited and can't get excited now. This earth emperor Emperor No. 2 is very mighty on the surface, but what he spends is the life-saving old man who obtained the hard copy before.

Rick suddenly felt a little hungry, after all, he didn't eat lunch.

Rake quickly walked out of the egg compartment classroom, down the stairs, left the main building of the teaching building, and went to the school cafeteria.

Fortunately, the cafeteria for ordering food in the school is open 24 hours. Some high school and high school students are holding mobile phones and sitting in the cafeteria for dinner while watching.

Rick went to the ordering aunt in the cafeteria and asked for a large meat noodle, plus eggs, a chicken stand, a bottle of drink, and a plate of side dishes.

The uncle in the cafeteria is quite fast, and it will be ready in a few minutes.

Rake took the plate and filled it with his own food, found an empty spot to sit down, put some vinegar and pepper noodles, and began to eat.

Turning the emotion of consuming the props into appetite, Rick ate quite fast.

After eating, I took a few sips while holding my drink, then got up, took the unfinished drink, and walked towards the bedroom.

Back to the dormitory, it was still empty. Little fat man, macho and skinny monkey hadn't returned yet.

Lying in bed, Rake could only sleep while he was quiet.

But as soon as I lay down, the sound of the broadcast in the bedroom sounded again.

"Good news, good news ----" Rick just wanted to scold when he heard the radio. The radio disturbed him to sleep in the morning, and he came back to fight in the afternoon. He was tired and wanted to sleep.

But soon, after listening to the back of the school radio, Lake wasn't ready to scold.

This school broadcast is really good news.

"The Earth Defense Forces decided that the country would celebrate this great victory. Three days in Daqing, all schools in the country have three days off! Our school has decided to start the holiday from Thursday today and resume classes next Monday!"

Hearing the good news, Rick couldn't help cheering alone in the bedroom bed. He didn't have to get up early for class tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Lake estimates that it is the Earth Defense Forces. Today they participated in the battle and won the news. They also announced the news of the reincarnation of the undead castle city owner and Qin Shihuang and the post-war announcement.

The Earth Defense Force prevents people who are too excited from going to the melee battlefield to cause trouble, gather, and go out! .

Simply, the Earth Defense Forces came up with a good way to leave all students in the country on holiday.

In this way, a large number of parents have to do things every day, they have to accompany their children, and they will no longer go to the melee battlefield.

And the Earth Defense Forces are expected to redeploy their forces during these three days.

For example, in a large-scale battle, the battlefield of aliens and the like can be used to deal with future battles in the melee battlefield.

"Go home at night and sleep for a few days. This news is really good news for me. It's comfortable to sleep at home!" Rick lay in bed, Rick thought.

Rick wasn't going to sleep anymore, so he would go home when he would.

"Ding!" The mobile phone message sounded, and Rick looked at it. It was a text message sent by the head teacher's brutal Dao aunt, asking that the students have nothing important in the past few days. They must not go to the melee battlefield for too long, not to mention outside the Great Wall Territory. So as not to have a small amount of [Heartworm] outside the Great Wall parasitize into the brains of low-level players again.

After seeing it, Rick didn't care. The parasitic zerg female queen who released the "Mysterious Worm" was shot dead with her own stick. The "Mysterious Worm" she put on her would all die with no danger.

Rake judged that the reason why the cruel Daoist said this should be a unified command issued by the Earth Defense Forces.

To prevent Earth players from becoming too excited these three days, especially low-level players, directly heading out of the melee battlefield and holding their small broken swords and small broken swords, etc., seek out high-level alien player teams to play, causing unnecessary casualties. .

"Ling Lingling!" Only a few minutes after reading the text message, Rake's cell phone rang, and a fat man called.

"Boss Lei, come to XX Hotpot Restaurant at Snack Street, North Gate of the school. Fortunately, I am fast and ran out to take a table. We have some wine and hotpot. I and the macho are here! The macho is contacting the thin monkey, you Where is it, come here! "The happy voice of the fat man came.

Rick hadn't felt hungry just after eating.

"Soon, I just went to the cafeteria for noodles!"

"Then come and drink, Boss Lei. Drink some wine and you will have appetite!" Said the fat man with a smile.

"Okay, wait for me, I'm in the bedroom, and that's over!" Rick said, and then hung up.

Rick thought about it and sent a message to his sister Xiaoyu, telling Xiaoyu to go home tonight, but he didn't have to leave a meal for himself, and finished eating with his roommate.

After leaving the dormitory, Rick walked towards the north gate of the school. He was not hungry anyway, and he was not in a hurry.

On the campus, many senior students now come out, almost all looking excited, talking about the Zerg War just now, just as they went out with the 100,000 terracotta warriors to kill the Zerg.

More than ten minutes later, Rake arrived at the hot pot restaurant and saw the macho, the thin monkey and the fat man sitting in a four-person seat near the window at the door. The three of them had already eaten.

This hot pot restaurant is full of business today, half of them are students and half are nearby residents.

"Boss Lei, you are late, you have to drink a glass of wine!" The thin monkey looked relaxed and happy, sitting and raising his hand to greet Rick who had just appeared at the door.

Rick walked over to sit down and saw the skinny monkey pour him a glass of white wine.

"Can't drink too much, I have to go home after eating, change beer!" Rake refused directly.

"Eating hot pot and drinking white wine is good. Drink as much as you like. Today is a good day. The earth is in the melee battlefield and finally has passed through the most difficult period. There is a strong one!" The thin monkey said in a relaxed manner.

"Lei Boss is casual, don't listen to the thin monkey, just drink! Just said where, Lord No. 2 Emperor, too strong, is my idol, I really look forward to his copy of Honghuang, and destroy those people in Honghuang! Said the macho.

"What did Hong Huang do? Come, eat meat, and eat! When will I be able to eat the dragon eggs? Today, I look at the Emperor No. 2 and fight with the white dragon and the magic dragon. It's so handsome!" He said cheerfully.

"Come on, let's have a drink together!" Raike said, holding up his glass, and couldn't drink it alone.

Rick found that the skinny monkey was significantly better today than usual.

Lake estimates that the skinny monkey, who returned from the future, had previously worried that the earth would be destroyed at some point in the future.

It is estimated that skinny monkeys also work hard to copy the level.

Today, after watching Lord No. 2 in battle, the skinny monkey feels relieved that the earth is carrying a handle, and he no longer needs to worry about it.

For a hot pot, I ate for more than two hours. Most of them were talking about the War Zerg. Today, Rick drank a glass of white wine and a bottle of beer and felt a little dazed.

The skinny monkey settled the bill, and the four left the hot pot restaurant and took a taxi home.

After all, in the following days, the school was closed and there was nothing to do in the bedroom.

Rick went upstairs and knocked.

Light rain came to open the door for Lake.

"Alcohol, quickly wash your face, I'll get you a bottle of juice!" Xiao Yu said softly.

"Don't be cold!" Rick said casually, and after washing his face with warm water, he sat back on the sofa.

Rick found that his mother and father were not there, so Xiao Yu sat on the sofa himself, watching the news while eating fried chicken.

"How about mom and dad?"

"They went to the old school party and said that they would be back late, so don't have to wait for them!" Xiao Yu said, and handed him a bottle of fruit drink.

On TV, the news broadcast is officially replayed by the Earth Defense Forces during today's War Zerg, and the people of the Earth Defense Forces are explaining.

"Xiaoyu, why do you think you are unhappy and worried? What's wrong? Who provokes you again, tell me, I'll help you teach him!" Rick drank the juice and found that his sister's expression seemed strange today. of.

My sisters are very happy on weekdays. Especially today, when the earth wins, almost everyone is excited and happy.

Now Rick looked back at the light rain, and found that light rain seemed to have something in mind.

"Well, I tell you, don't tell others, it's not necessarily true. This thing can't be talked about on the Internet, or it's easy to be scolded!" Xiao Yu thought for a while and whispered to Lake.

As soon as Rick heard it, he became interested, and Xiao Yu still had secrets. "Say, what's the matter, I won't tell anyone!" Rake said with a guarantee.

"Someone really messed me up. It's a meteorite, a big meteorite, at least as big as our city!" Xiao Yu said.

Rick laughed after hearing, "You stay at home, how can there be a meteorite to mess with you! You don't have an astronomical telescope!"

After Xiaoyu heard it, he nodded helplessly, "I'm back early in the afternoon, you and my parents are not there, I will go back to the house and go to sleep first. As a result, I had a nightmare! The nightmare was so real, I dreamed a lot Meteorites, falling on the earth. One of them is a huge piece, falling towards the direction of our city! "Xiao Yu said seriously.

After listening to it, Rick woke up instantly and was frightened by Xiao Yu's dream.

Rick had a lesson from the past. Before, Yu Yu had dreamed of being taken away by an alien. As a result, the earth really came to the aliens shortly after, and captured most of the women on the earth.

Rake knew that Xiaoyu had the ability to not fully awaken and predict the future. And it seems that for such a bad thing that affects the person around her and herself, Xiao Yu foresees it.

"Well, light rain, have you dreamed of anyone or the Earth Defense Forces in this dream to save us. Think again, there are watches, mobile phones and the like in the dream, which shows the exact time when the meteorite falls. "Lake's voice is now a little trembling, asking Xiao Yu.

"When I dreamed of a meteorite falling, I really subconsciously glanced at my phone. It was June 22, or 11.05 noon next Tuesday. The Earth Defense Forces first launched a missile in an attempt to intercept the meteorite in space. But it failed. Soon, a huge meteorite larger than our city quickly broke through the atmosphere and fell down. The point of fall is our city, and the sun was blocked. He became the Hulk's Emperor No. 2 and took it With the golden hoop, I rushed to the oversized meteorite! Rick, do you think my dream can be true? "Xiao Yu said, looking at Rick, hoping that Rick would give her a negative answer.

"After that, Lord Hulk transformed into a meteor, and rushed to the meteorite, what happened, shattered the meteorite, or top it back?" Rick took a breath and asked in a hurry.

Now Rick feels that the dream of light rain is likely to be true. After all, he is in this city. If a meteorite really falls on noon next Tuesday, he will rush out if he smashes the city.

"Woohoo, Emperor No. 2 failed to break the oversized meteorite, nor did it return to the meteorite. The meteorite was too hard and too big, and directly pressed His Holiness No. 2 and covered our city. Xiaoyu said, crying.

After listening, Rick felt that this younger sister was really a potent brother!

This may predict that in a future dream, he dreamed that he was killed by a meteorite.

"Xiaoyu, don't cry, this dream is not necessarily true. Even if it is true, we are leaving the city now and rushing into the distance. When my parents come home tonight, we will persuade them to leave temporarily City. If it's not dangerous next Tuesday, come back! "Rex said to Xiaoyu after thinking, thinking that if he couldn't carry the meteorite, he knew it was dangerous in advance, so avoid it.

"Useless, no place to hide, meteorites that have fallen into the earth, not only our city, a large one, there are a lot of meteorites, large and small meteorites, many of them fell into the sea. I also saw in the dream that the sea level rose , Monstrous waves rise, human civilization is submerged in seawater, and humankind is nearing extinction. Rick, what should I do, is this true? If I remind the Earth Defense Forces now, will they believe me! " Worried, he asked Rick.

After listening to the light rain, Lake stopped, and the future that light rain foresaw is simply the end of the world! On Earth, there is almost nowhere to hide!

"If you think about it, are there any details? In your dream, you flew to the sky to hit the meteorite, the No. 2 Emperor, how big it was to become a Hulk. Take a good memory, it is in the melee battlefield today, the War Zerg The Hulk turned the same size, or was it a few laps larger than that? "Lake tried to ask Drizzle.

Lake is going to refer to her dream of intercepting the meteorite, and what level of Hulk is used to transform.

After all, Hulks of different levels have different body shapes ~ ~ The power is also different.

"It seems to be the same size as today ’s melee battlefield. When the Emperor No. 2 hits the Zerg, the Hulk becomes the same size. Is this a dream because I watched the Emperor No. 2 with terracotta warriors and players, and attacked the Zerg I ’m so excited, I think about it when I come back to sleep. This is not a dream that predicts the danger of the future! But this dream feels a lot more real than the dreams I usually make. I ’m scared, what will Lake do! ”Xiaoyu asked again Rick.

After listening, Rick wanted to say, I'm afraid of my brother! You all dreamed that I was killed.

Fortunately, Rick listened to Xiaoyu's description of the size of the Hulk No. 2 Lord, which should be the same as today's junior Hulk transformation state.

There are still a few days before next Tuesday, so that I can accumulate more killing values ​​and then become stronger.

"It's okay, it's not necessarily true. If it's true, it's that God is destined to perish humanity and human civilization is destroyed! It's no use trying to avoid--" Rake said, and found that he couldn't continue to comfort Xiaoyu I was scared and panicked!

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