Global Sky Online

Chapter 1047: Reward for opening 2 King-level treasure chests

With two king-level treasure chests, Rick opened the first one first.

After the golden light appeared, the first King's Chest disappeared from Rake's hand.

Rick had a small black pill in his hand.

Zhu Tian's online information appeared in Rick's mind.

"Acacia unceasing baishengbaishen pill: a special item, the soul taking this pill will restore all the memories of the previous 90's, and the next 10 reincarnation will also retain the memory. After the next 10 reincarnation, the effect of the pill It will disappear, and the memory of its predecessor will be forgotten. It is not restricted to use objects, and can be used by players, non-players, and aboriginals of the copy world.

Warm reminder: Acacia is a constant curse for most intelligent life. Once the intelligent being has many memories of its predecessors, it is not a good thing. Non-perseverance, in the face of previous life, the spirit will instantly collapse. In most cases, the intelligent life after taking this pill will choose to commit suicide, suicide continuously eleven times, until the pill loses its effect. It is hereby warned that if you want to take this pill yourself, you must consider the consequences! "

Rick looked at the little black pill in his hands with surprise. The effect of the pill was several times stronger than that of the medicine injected into the eyes of Yishundu.

Rake thought about his predecessor, at least one life was a great sword fairy. After all, when he was sent by Gu Yi to that special parallel world, he was awakened by the big array effect in the parallel world of the earth. Memory and mana.

There I was, with the many earthly powers of that world, to the universe. It was a pity that his own memory of the Great Sword Fairy was recovered again.

If you take this pill yourself, and have the memory of the first 90s, you should have great hopes and you will wake up the memory of the Great Sword Fairy. I have learned the soul from the ancient Master Yi before, this pill is to be taken in the state of the soul, and I can do it myself.

But Rick thought about the warm hints that the heavens gave online.

The warm reminders of Zhutian Online have specially emphasized this [Acacia Continuous Life 100 Pills], in most cases it is a horrible curse, allowing players to consider clearly before taking it.

Based on Lake's past experience, Zhutian's warm reminders for items are not exaggerated.

In many cases, the power of the online description of the items is very small or ordinary, but the actual effect is several times better than what you understand.

Rake thought if he was a big perseverance. After thinking about it, Rake shook his head eventually.

Don't take the risk yourself, this pill is poison for normal people. I was pretty good now. I ate the pill, I was going to die, and I had to commit suicide eleven times. That was the real self-injustice.

I have only one game coin, and I can't save myself after taking this pill!

Rake chose to deposit this [Acacia Continuous Life 100 Best Pills] in the Tiantian Online System first.

Keep this special pill first, and consider how to use it later depending on the situation.

Rake held the last king-level treasure chest and prayed that this time he could open an item that was useful to him and used it when he came up.

After taking a few breaths of warmth to his right hand, Rick held the King's Chest in his left hand and opened the lid of his right hand.

As the lid of the treasure chest was opened and opened, the golden light appeared again, and then a black card appeared in Rick's hand.

"Escape God Card: a one-time special item, limited to use in the copy world. After use, you can directly leave the copy world and return to your own online main interface. After use, you will not be punished by the main task of the copy world, and you will not get a copy World mainline mission rewards, but players who get non-mainline missions that can bring out a copy of the world will not be recovered.

Unlimited copy levels, this card can be used with any copy.

Restrictions on use: 1: Players can use it only in non-combat situations.

2: Use only when the player does not carry viruses that are dangerous to the main world.

Tips: Use this card when you can't complete the main task of the copy, you will get a new life! "

Looking at this [Escape God Card], Rick has played many copies, and now he knows that this is not a limit to the level of the Escape God Card. It is definitely a superb treasure.

Once you encounter a copy of the imprisoned class, or a difficult main line task, there is this [Escape God Card], which is more valuable than the game coin.

And this [Escape God Card] does not limit transactions. If you bring this **** card, go to those high-level copies to rescue the dormant trapped in the copies.

As long as the dormant player is not infected and free of viruses, he can rescue the dormant himself.

This [Escape God Card], now placed in the trading area, can definitely sell sky-high prices.

Of course, such a good thing, Rick was not going to use it for others, and he wasn't going to sell it. He kept his own life first.

After getting this black [Escape God Card], Rick is now in a good mood, watching the time of the melee battlefield time, 8.15 am.

It's more than an hour before I went to the Undead Castle at 10 o'clock to announce my identity.

Lake had just gone through the long copy of Wolverine and was going to take an offline break for more than an hour, ease it, and then come back.

Rake then chose to quit in his main online interface.

With the metal lid of the egg compartment open, Lake stepped out of the egg compartment.

I'm still in the egg cabin classroom of the school. Now it's over eight in the morning, the sun is out, and the temperature in the classroom is quite warm.

Rick started downstairs and went for a walk outside the playground. Along the way, however, Rick found that the expressions of the students he met were tense and low.

Rick thought about it ~ ~ It is estimated that it is because of the 100,000 army of parasitic zergs, who are stationed in the undead castle in the melee battlefield, and secretly released the [mysterious insect] yesterday.

Last night, players below the earth's gold level almost suffered a large number of deaths and injuries. Fortunately, the Earth Defense Force's rapid response and timely treatment prevented this crisis from happening.

Almost none of the students in the school have reached the gold level, and some have not yet become the online players of the heavens.

These students worry about their future and the future of the planet.

Rick walked for a while on the playground, went to the cafeteria, and ate a bowl of ravioli. Only half an hour later, Rick was going to lie down in the bedroom for a while.

Walking slowly back to the bedroom, the macho, skinny monkey and little fat man were holding their mobile phones in the bedroom, checking the latest reports on the parasitic zerg on the Zhutian online forum.

As soon as Rick sat down for a while, the macho shouted in surprise, "Oh my God, look at the news, the Earth Defense Forces and the poker team will jointly make the latest announcement!"

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