Global Sky Online

Chapter 1032: Be kind and grateful

Rick has decided, or don't let the city households weave for the momentary enjoyment, there is the future Athena to use as a servant.

Rick remembered that the previous Athena was vengeful and stingy.

If this is now enjoyed by myself, a few years later, when Athena passed through the twelfth house, after recovering the copy of the Saint Seiya ’s memories and divine power that she had experienced before, then Athena who became a **** will probably come to trouble again. Already.

Rick knew that at that time, he couldn't escape this copy of the world.

After all, this copy of Saint Seiya, but the first straight line plot of Wolverine copy.

Even if she cleared the copy of the Saint Seiya, successfully helped Athena open the twelfth house, and regained control of the golden saint of the zodiac, she could not leave the world of the copy.

At that time, it will not necessarily take many years for me to stay in this world. It will be sad to be chased and killed by the restored Athena all day long to the late full world.

Rick picked up the bottle and poured himself a glass of wine.

Seeing this move of No. 2 Lord Saori, Sato, for a moment, he thought that he was not doing well enough.

Fortunately, it was because of Sato of the town, that it was just ten years later that he had contacted His Holiness No. 2 and did not know the daily habits of His Holiness No. 2 and did not pay much attention to it.

Joto Saori thought for a while, and felt that the No. 2 lord might be used to living alone, and the reason for doing his own things, so that she did not need to pour wine.

Rick followed the town of Saori to eat this sumptuous meal. Fortunately, although the amount of each dish is small, the number of dishes is still quite large.

Jodo Saori didn't eat much, most of the time watching Rick eating and drinking.

After eating well, Rick took a drink and was ready to go to rest.

"I just went to the hot spring and went to see your grandpa again. Now I'm a little bit tired. Arrange a single room for me. Be quieter on weekdays. Nothing important. Don't be disturbed by anyone!" Rick smiled aside Saito Saori said.

"Historian No.2, take the liberty to ask, how long can you stay in our house?" Saito Saori whispered to Rick.

Rick thought about it. He was in the yard and at least had to live in the city to die.

"For the time being, live until your grandfather's death, and then I will protect you for a while," Rake said.

After hearing His Holiness No. 2 ’s response, Sato Sato was not very happy.

Although Grandpa was seriously ill and seemed to be getting worse every day, Chengto Saori did not want his grandfather to die.

"Yeah!" Jodo Saori got up and left Rick with this room.

Joto Saori took Leike and walked in the wooden corridor of the house. Finally, he arranged a house for the guests in the house.

"By the way, you can call me for dinner or bring the food directly. Nothing else, just leave. Don't bother me before your grandfather's death!" Rake looked earnestly, right Saito Saori said.

Sato nodded silently, then retreated and left the room.

Lying on the bed in the room, Rake opened his eyes with golden eyes to identify the skills, and looked at the situation in this room.

This look really made Lake see some problems. There is no hidden camera in the room. This is not bad. It is estimated that Masato Masato is also worried that if he finds a hidden camera or the like, he will be aware of his subsequent plans.

But Rick found that he had a delicate incense burner beside his bed in his room. The incense burner was still lighted with spices, and the taste was very light and smelled like refreshing spices.

However, the fire eye and golden eyes perspective and identification results show that this incense burner and incense burner may be abnormal.

Inside the small incense burner, there were two mosquitoes, one large and one small poisonous insect lying on the bottom of the spice pile.

These poisonous insects are the two that you just saw in the room of Masato Masato, who can enter the mutant human body and suppress the mutant human ability.

Rick also admired it, and Koto Masato entered the poisonous insect that can suppress the mutant's ability. It seems that in the past few years, in addition to the adoption of Sato Saori, the research on mutants has been conducted secretly.

Rick couldn't help laughing, this town's Guangzheng really couldn't help it, so anxious to start with himself.

I came to his house for a meal and arranged for the two little poisonous insects.

However, as soon as the two poisonous insects are resolved here, Rick can rest assured.

Rick took out his gold hoop directly, and shrank the gold hoop into a slender shape like a gold needle.

Rake held the shrunken golden hoop stick in his right hand, opened the fire eye and golden eyes to see through the skills, and pointed the golden hoop stick into the hole in the incense burner.

"Squeak!" Two broken voices, one large and one small, two poisonous insects, were pierced through their heads by golden hoop rods, and died almost instantly.

Rick then picked it with a gold hoop, threaded the two worm bodies into strings, took them out, threw them directly into the sink in the bathroom of the room, and washed the worm bodies with water.

After doing this, Rake continued to use the fire-eye golden eyes to identify the ability, looking at this room, there is no other hidden danger except the incense burner.

Fire eye gold eye identification shows that the fragrance in the incense burner is problematic and contains some special toxin ingredients. Prolonged inhalation of these fragrances will make the body become unresponsive.

Fortunately, Lake has the Wolverine mutant's ability. Without the two poisonous insects entering his body, the effect of this poisonous spice on Lake's body will be directly cleared by Wolverine's recovery ability.

After confirming that there was no danger in the room, Rick lay on the bed and began to sleep.

For the next two days, Sato Sato was in charge of delivering meals to Rick, or Yorek left the room together to eat in a special dining room in this home.

Every day, Rick talked casually with Sato Sato.

"Honor No.2, I have heard Grandpa from an early age, you are very good. Do you have a way to save my grandpa? If so, please be sure to save grandpa, me--" During the dinner the next night, the towner Saori finally took up the courage, and looked very seriously, begging Rick.

However, before Saito Saori's words were finished, Rake waved his hand, interrupted Saito Saori's words, and handed him a big chicken leg, blocking what she would say next. .

"Everything is fate. Your grandfather, Masato Masato, is destined to have this calamity. But your grandfather, has taken the wrong choice, and I can't save him, no one can save him. He has chosen to go one way without return Road, there is no way to turn back. Shitoto Saori, don't blame me for being cruel. What to do, I can try to persuade your grandfather before, but he can't listen. "Rake calmly faced to Saito Saori said, then drank the unknown seafood soup in his mouth bowl.

Lake thinks that, two days ago, Chengto Guangzheng put the two poisonous insects in his room, and the ending of Chengto Guangzheng was already doomed.

He must kill himself, this person who dares to poison himself.

Of course, the process of killing was slower, so that his evil thoughts were exposed in the town of Emperor Guangzheng, so that this future Athena could see her grandfather's true colors.

Seido Saori sat aside, listening carefully, but after listening to His Holiness No. 2, Sato Saori still looked blank, "I don't quite understand what you say!"

"It's okay, you will understand in the future. Whether you can understand it is only a matter of time. And I advise you that in the future, it is important to be kind and grateful to those who have protected you. It is very important that you now Every morning, at night, and midnight, eat ten times before eating again. "Laike laughed and said to Sato Saori.

If Saori from the town looks at the stranger's eyes, he looks at His Holiness No. 2.

"You read it to me now, you must be sincere in your heart. Come, be kind and grateful to those who have protected me!" Rake said seriously to Sato Saori.

Sato Saori feels that the No. 2 lord is talking to the gods. If it is not to save Grandpa, and Grandpa asks her to entertain the No. 2 lord, Sato Saori will not want to come to eat with No. 2 lord.

"For those who have protected me, be kind-hearted and grateful!" Seeing that No. 2 Lord Sato looks like a joke, she can't help but read it again in a low voice.

"Read it nine more times, sincerely, starting today, and in the next few years, you will read three times a day, at least ten times each time!" Rick said with satisfaction.

"-" Chengdo Saori didn't know what to say about the strange request of the No. 2 lord.

In the end, Sato of Sato could only read it nine more times before His Holiness the No. 2 nodded.

"Stay with your grandpa more, he's running out of time!" Lake finally got up and left.

Rick went to the yard and walked for a while. After breathing fresh air, he went to the hot spring before going back to his room to sleep again.

The next morning, Lake heard crying and bells ringing, or the death knell was ringing.

Rake looked at it with fire and golden eyes, and Chengto Guangzheng had begun to play dead.

After more than half an hour, Sato Sato came to Rick's room and came to him.

"My grandpa is gone!" Saito Saori cried.

"Huh!" Rick nodded, saying that he already knew that, after all, there was such a loud noise in this house, if he hadn't known that the master of the town, Guangzheng, had died, he wouldn't be able to justify it.

"Tomorrow, a funeral will be held. Last night, I went to see Grandpa alone. Grandpa told me that he must follow you after his death and ask you to protect me. Grandpa said that he had taken the city family's The identity of the heir to the property is mine. I will inherit everything from the Clan household after his death. His will has been made. But my grandfather told me that after his death, the will will take effect and I will control the clan household power. Before this time, there would be many people and forces who assassinated me for the property and certain benefits of the city households. Grandpa asked me to tell you that he finally asked the Honorable Lord No. 2 to protect him. Me! "Sato said in a low voice, intermittently speaking to Rick.

"Um. Chengto Guangzheng and I mentioned before, to protect you, rest assured, I promised him at that time, I will protect you. At least let you successfully inherit the inheritance of the city household family!" Rake said.

Rake didn't say a word. In order to successfully inherit the family of the city household, it is necessary to kill the master of the family of the fake city of Guangcheng.

"In fact, I don't want this industry, I don't want to be the power of the family. I don't know why Grandpa chose me! If I can, I want to give the identity of the family industry heir to the rest of the family!" Saori said softly.

"Then when your grandfather came to talk to you last night, did you tell your grandfather your true thoughts in person?" Lake asked a little curiously about Sato.

After hearing the words of Lord No.2, Sato of Todo, he shook his head sadly. "I didn't dare to tell my grandfather directly last night. When I went to see my grandfather last night, his health was already weak. I don't want to refute Whatever he decides, so as not to offend him! "Saito Saori regretted, telling Rick.

After listening to the music, Rick looked at the sad city Saori.

"There is no other way. Now that you have accepted your grandfather's assignment and will in person, it is too late to repent. You want to live well first. Survival is the most important thing. Saori, in fact, now Your vision is still too small, and the family of the city household looks very large to you now. But after a few years, you really grow up and inheriting the family of the city household is not a big deal for you at all. You first move to the next door to me. I lived in the room I saw, and the room next to me was empty. Tomorrow your grandfather's funeral, I will accompany you to participate! "Said Rick.

"Huh!" Sato nodded, and this time did not reject the offer of His Holiness No. 2.

Sato Sato also knows that her identity has become special. After her grandfather left, her identity as a heir was very dangerous.

Sato Saori did not want to die for nothing.

In the evening, Sato came to Rake's room, and left for dinner with Rake. This time, he didn't go to the room where the dining room was special for dinner.

Now in the large mansion courtyard, the doorway of the house and the wooden corridor aisle, there are many white urns hanging.

Early the next morning ~ ~ The funeral ceremony of Masato Masato. It was a little different from what Rick had expected, but instead of performing the ritual in this big house, he went to a cemetery.

Joto Saori and Rick were sitting in a business car.

Behind the convoy, there was a car pulling the coffin of Koto Masahiro.

Rake used the fire-eye and golden-eye fluoroscopy skills to look into the coffin. It wasn't the castler Guangzheng himself, it was just an old man's body that looked like the castler Guangzheng.

The convoy started slowly, leaving the house and heading towards a necropolis.

Jodo Saori's eyes were red and swollen. It looked like he had cried last night.

More than an hour later, the convoy reached the cemetery.

Saito Saori, dressed in black service, stood in front of the grandfather's statue of Koto Masahiro, and began to accept bows and gifts in honor of grandpa.

Rick was standing one meter behind Chengtosha's body, and opened his eyes to see through the fire, and he was in front of the bodyguard.

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