Facing the Iron Fist Girl's attack, Tianyu shook his body slightly, and then shook his head.

Although this punch is powerful, it still has a long way to go to break his defense.

With his current defense, even if he encounters Master Fang Zheng's Tathagata Palm, he may not be harmed.

Although the strength of this Iron Fist woman is pretty good, it is still inferior to that of Master Fang Zheng.


The Iron Fist girl showed a sinister smile and snapped her fingers heavily with her left hand.

Suddenly, with howling wind, lightning and thunder, a huge thunder ball appeared on her right fist, and then hit Tianyu directly.


Tianyu's figure swayed and he took two steps back. He waved the black iron heavy sword and forced the Iron Fist girl far away.

"Why didn't you die?"

Iron Fist Girl looked at Tianyu blankly, her original calm and ferocious expression was gone at this moment.

"Why should I die?"

Tianyu was really speechless in front of the disgusting woman. Her attack couldn't even break through her defenses, and she still wanted to die?

Although that punch came with some thunder power and its power was greatly enhanced, it was definitely not a high-end punch. It was mostly an ordinary skill that could be redeemed by saving points in the mall.

Of course, it may also be some relatively rubbish innate abilities.

Tianyu doesn't care much about these things. With his current four-dimensional attributes, although he is not completely immune, he will not be harmed.

If I had to describe it, it would be like my whole body went numb and then recovered. It could be said that it was normal and there was no threat at all.

"Who the hell are you?"

The Iron Fist woman carefully backed away for several meters, her face becoming extremely ugly.

In the past, when she wanted to kill a man, she would find a weak person in advance to make sure there was no danger and highlight her strength.

And after leaving the recruitment space, she will show off to others and reduce the man to nothing.

But despite all calculations, I never expected that a strong man like Tianyu would come out. Now I have hit a brick wall!

"Poor Taoist, Quanzhen sect Zhao Zhijing!"

Although he feels disgusted by this kind of shit, Tianyu will not lose his quality because of this kind of person.

"Quan Zhen Sect, Zhao Zhijing?" The Iron Fist woman's expression was blank at first, and then turned into a sinister expression.


"Hahahaha, you think I am a three-year-old child, how can you believe your lies! It's useless if you don't want to say it. After I go back, I will send your photos to professionals, and they will definitely let them analyze you His true identity!”

"You can kill Golden Baby instantly, or you can ignore my attack. There are only a few people on the fifth floor of the Sky Platform who have such crushing strength in the entire selection space!"

"Let me guess, could you be the Tianyu who conquered the Dragon Kingdom?" Iron Fist Girl's expression became even more ferocious, showing a playful smile.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Tianyu's expression didn't change, and he looked at the Iron Fist girl like she was an idiot.

"It can only be you. Both the Alliance of Light and the Chou Kingdom are buying your information. You are finished. Even if you are a member of the extraordinary group, you will die!"

The Iron Fist girl laughed crazily like a pervert, took out a miniature camera, and kept taking pictures of Tianyu.

After a while, she can voluntarily choose to give up the mission and exit the mission world. It is nothing more than compensation for some selection points, and she can still afford it!

Then she can sell the other party's information, which will not only make up for this loss, but even make huge profits!

It is actually very simple to judge whether the opponent is Tianyu. As long as the SSS score of the "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" mission world appears in the selection space, it can basically be concluded that it is the target.

After selling the other party's information, naturally there will be the most professional intelligence experts to analyze Tianyu's strength and skills.

Then the forces that have enmity with Tianyu, or with the Dragon Kingdom and the Chaofan Group, will naturally try their best to kill Tianyu!

The reason why they chose to give up temporarily now is because Tianyu's previous revenge was too cruel and their younger generation could not bear it.

But as long as Tianyu's specific strength and skills are analyzed, we can make targeted arrangements and strangle Tianyu to death in one go!

"With your brain, how did you get to the fifth floor?"

Tianyu sighed, and swung the black iron heavy sword suddenly, and the majestic sword energy swept out, sweeping towards the Iron Fist woman like a furious sea wave.

"This, you"

The Iron Fist girl was shocked and hurriedly moved her hands forward to block the sword energy.

There was a soft "chi" sound, and her iron fist gloves exploded in an instant, but the sword energy continued continuously, hitting her hands again, and finally bombarded her body.

The Iron Fist woman groaned, and fell back involuntarily under the powerful force.

But Tianyu would not miss any opportunity. He took a step forward and swung his sword again. The sword energy flashed away, and the Iron Fist Girl's head fell down and rolled away on the ground.

From the time Tianyu took action to the time he killed her, it only took a second. From the beginning to the end, she did not have time to choose to give up the mission and return to the selection space.

"The villain died because he talked too much, and he dared to threaten before running away. He is really asking for his own death!" Tianyu muttered to himself.

"What are you talking about? They are all dead?"

Xiao Longnu was lying on the ground, her dark and bright eyes widened, and she seemed a little confused.

Her limbs were broken at this moment, and she could only lie quietly on the ground, unable to see clearly what Tianyu had just done.

But judging from the light of the sword alone, the Taoist priest in front of him is also an amazing super master.

"That woman is a lunatic. I can't explain it to her, so I have no choice but to kill her!" Tianyu put away the black iron heavy sword.

"Then those two women are indeed crazy!" Xiao Longnu said with some lingering fear.

"Zhao Zhao Zhijing, uh, Taoist Master Zhao, you... are you the Quanzhen sect walking the world today?"

Suddenly remembering what Tianyu had just said, Xiao Longnu was shocked and asked weakly.

Lin Chaoying once stipulated that women must burn the palace sand and vow not to leave the ancient tomb for the rest of their lives! If a man who doesn't know this rule is willing to die for himself, he can break his oath and go down the mountain!

Lin Chaoying's maid, Xiao Longnu and Li Mochou's master, and Xiao Longnu herself have all sworn this oath.

Only Li Mochou was resolutely unwilling to swear, so Li Mochou was not able to learn the most profound martial arts of the Tomb Sect.

Because Granny Sun was just a servant serving them, she could not be regarded as a disciple of the Ancient Tomb Sect. Naturally, she did not need to make such an inexplicable and resentful oath.

So Grandma Sun would go to a nearby town every once in a while to buy some firewood, rice, oil and salt.

The influence of the Quanzhen Sect in the surrounding areas is still very large. As probably the most outstanding disciple in history, Tianyu was also deliberately promoted in front of their faces, causing both Granny Sun and Xiao Longnv to have heard of Zhao Zhijing. Name.

"It's me. I've met Miss Long. Li Mochou has done many evil things. Pindao originally brought her to the ancient tomb to let you deal with it, but he didn't expect that in the end..."

Tianyu glanced at Li Mochou's body next to him, his face slightly embarrassed.

No matter what, he brought the people here, but now he was beaten to death for no apparent reason, which is a bit hard to explain.

"Life and death have their own destiny, each has its own fate!"

Xiao Longnu sighed quietly, and said with a somewhat apologetic voice: "I'm going to leave soon. Thank you Taoist Master for avenging us. It's a pity that I can't return this favor to you, and you have to die here."

"There's no need to rush to death before it's the end!"

Tianyu came to Xiao Longnu and looked at her pale and beautiful face: "If you can survive, do you want to give it a try?"

"." Xiao Longnu glanced at Tianyu and said helplessly: "If I can survive, why should I die?"

At this moment, all her limbs were severed, and there were several internal injuries in her body, which caused the meridians to be blocked, making it difficult for Qi and blood to flow. The injuries were indeed serious.

But she is only eighteen years old now, and after all, she still has the basic desire to survive.

Although she rarely talked to others, she was still a housewife in an ancient tomb and couldn't find anyone to talk to.

After that, I got used to being alone, and I got used to not talking. It wasn't that I was being coquettish or claiming to be aloof.

On the contrary, she acted simply, saying whatever she wanted and never hinting at anything.

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