After crossing the Yellow River and arriving in the Southern Song Dynasty, Tianyu drove for another two days and arrived at Xinyang City.

If I remember correctly, Huang Yaoshi's young apprentice Feng Mofeng worked as a blacksmith here.

Oh, the little apprentice should be Cheng Ying now.

If Huang Yaoshi was still there, Tianyu might go and see the famous Dongxie, but Feng Mofeng had a weird temperament, and Tianyu didn't have much interest in meeting him.

And I don’t know what to say when we meet, so we can’t learn blacksmithing from him, right?

After arriving, he spent some copper coins and asked the local mountain people to draw a simple map. He followed the map around and around for a long time before he came to a large valley.

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This valley is extremely desolate on all sides and rarely populated.

"Try to see if you can meet her. If not, go to the Valley of Passion."

With the mentality of giving it a try, Tianyu found a cave and made a floor bunk.

With his current strength, not sleeping for several days and nights would actually have little effect. After a few days of internal strength walking, his whole person became more energetic.

At night, there was a burst of chirping of eagles not far away. The sound was slightly hoarse, but it revealed a sense of desolation and was majestic.

Tianyu was secretly happy and hurriedly followed the sound.

After walking for two or three miles, we entered a small valley.

In the small valley, standing under the faint moonlight was a large eagle. The big eagle was huge, almost as tall as an adult.

But his appearance is extremely ugly, with sparse feathers all over his body and a continuous black and yellow color, but if you look closely, it is as hard as steel.

It has a sharp beak, a bald head, and a large blood-red sarcoma, which looks weird and majestic.

The divine eagle seemed to be a little cautious, taking long strides, running around in circles around the valley, and constantly shouting.

Sometimes it even stretches out its wings, making it look like a tiger is in full swing, but it can only fan the wind and is obviously unable to fly.

To Tianyu, it felt like it was not so much a giant eagle as it was a weird-looking giant ostrich!

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound, colorful under the moonlight, and four poisonous snakes joined together and rushed towards the divine eagle like a rain of arrows.

The divine eagle quickly turned its head and pecked four times in succession, killing the poisonous snakes one by one. Then it opened its mouth and swallowed the poisonous snakes one by one.

After a while, a fishy smell came, and the sound of branches vibrating violently was heard from the nearby giant tree.

The divine eagle screamed several times and suddenly jumped up high. At the same time, a giant three-cornered python as thick as a bowl hung upside down from a giant tree and rushed towards the divine eagle.

The divine eagle did not flinch, and suddenly stretched out its beak and pecked it, instantly blinding the giant python's right eye.

The giant python lost its right eye and was in unbearable pain. It opened its big mouth and bit the fleshy tumor on the top of the eagle's head.

The last two-foot-long body suddenly fell from the top of the tree and circled the divine eagle several times.

The divine eagle stretched out its mouth and pecked the giant python several times, causing the giant python to bleed wildly.

The giant python, on the other hand, tightly wrapped around the divine eagle and refused to let go. In the valley, one eagle and one python were rolling around, creating real fire.

"The fight was quite exciting!" Tianyu was a little worried that the divine eagle would accidentally die, so he walked out.

Although the divine eagle and the giant python knew that Tianyu was nearby, they had no time to care about each other or Tianyu.

Tianyu waited for another moment and saw that the giant python was getting tighter and tighter. The divine eagle had opened its mouth and was panting continuously, and the bones in its body were creaking.

The python's winding power is extremely powerful, and it becomes even more brave after being injured.

In fact, this giant python is also a different species and has infinite strength, so it may not be inferior to the divine eagle.

After all, the divine eagle is not a divine elephant. It was entangled by a python much larger than itself, and it ended in death!

When the fight reached this point, it was destined to be a lose-lose situation. Tianyu estimated that if he had not intervened, the giant python would probably have strangled the divine eagle, and then he would have lost too much blood and died slowly.

"Do you need help?" Knowing that the divine eagle is human, Tianyu did not make the decision without authorization, but asked.


The divine eagle rolled his eyes, and then nodded with a strong desire to survive.


After agreeing, Tianyu stretched out his right hand and punched the python on the head.

The innate internal force spurted out, and the python's skull made a "crackling" sound, and then collapsed into a big pit.

If it had been an ordinary jackal, tiger or leopard, he would have been knocked to his knees after this punch, but the python had a long life, so it raised its head dizzily and bit into Tianyu like lightning.

Tianyu, who knew that the giant python was magical, had already been prepared. He hit the giant python on the chin with a hook, and the fangs of the giant python fell sparsely to the ground like rain.

Suddenly suffering such a violent attack, the giant python quickly shook its head, seeming to be still stiff.

However, Tianyu would not miss the opportunity because of this. He wrapped his arms around the python's neck and pressed it suddenly.

The next moment, the bones of the giant python were shattered one after another, and pieces were broken one after another.

The divine eagle relaxed, became energetic, and pecked at the giant python with its hook-like mouth.

The giant python carried it several times, and finally roared, and its huge head hung down feebly.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Tianyu grabbed the python's tail and pulled it hard, pulling the more than two-meter-long body of the python off the Divine Eagle and throwing it to the ground.

The python turned over on the ground, belly up, and then it was motionless, dead.

The Divine Eagle also lay on the ground, with its two bird legs erected, breathing heavily, looking at Tianyu's eyes, subconsciously shrinking its neck, and seemed a little scared.

"Brother Eagle, take a rest for a while, let's go." Tianyu sat next to the Divine Eagle and patted his shoulder.


The Divine Eagle looked a little confused at this moment.

"I want to go to the cave of Senior Sword Demon Dugu to take a look, you will take me there, right?"

"Huh? Huh!!!"

The Divine Eagle seemed to want to shake his head and refuse, but suddenly thought of Tianyu's performance just now, and nodded quickly, a good bird will not suffer a loss in front of it! ! !

"Hiss, hiss, hiss--!"

Suddenly, the sharp and terrifying sound of a snake spitting out its tongue sounded, one after another in the valley.

Not far away, there was also the sound of a tree falling, as if something was approaching quickly.

The birdsong and insect chirping around suddenly disappeared, and it became silent.

"Gaga! Gaga!!!"

The already exhausted Divine Eagle suddenly jumped up, and a very frightened expression appeared on its face.

"Don't panic, it's okay!" Tianyu said comfortingly without raising his head.

The Divine Eagle jumped up in anger, stretched out its short wings, and pointed hard in the direction of the woods.

In the air of the woods, two lantern-like red dots appeared, which were the eyes of the giant python.

In a moment, the giant python's python head stretched out from the woods, and the pale triangular snake head was as big as a large truck.

As the python's head swung, a thick layer of poison swirled around the edge, as if it could dissolve everything it touched into mud.

"Is the environmental protection here so good? Can such a big thing be raised?"

Tianyu was also stunned, a little unbelievable. In the rural legends, this thing can already be called a dragon, not just a python in the ordinary sense.

Fortunately, this is the martial arts plane. If it were in the fantasy world or the fairy world, this thing would have long been transformed into a dragon, making clouds and rain, and soaring above the nine heavens.

Even if it turns into Bai Suzhen, I probably can't beat it!

In this case, the low plane still has advantages! ! !


The Divine Eagle trembled violently, obviously frightened by the size of the giant python in front of him.

The Divine Eagle dared to confront the giant python that was more than two meters long just now, but the Divine Eagle had no such stupid idea at all for the white python in front of him.

He tried his best but couldn't break the defense, and he was killed by others in one bite. The stupid bird rushed up and gave his head! ! !

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