Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 83 The Condor Heroes

While speaking, Tianyu secretly said in his heart: "System, I choose the second option!"

Although he chose the second option, Tianyu was not stupid enough to leave the Chaofan Building with Yaorao immediately and try to kill him.

Since the other party dared to poison him, and was in the Chaofan Building, and was able to sneak in, his strength must be strong!

At least, I, a bronze scum, am definitely not the opponent of the other party.

So Tianyu returned to his room after exchanging contact information with Yaorao, and sent a message to Lin Xueer, asking her to check where Yaorao came from.

Since she can appear in the Chaofan Group, there must be a record, although it may not be accurate.

With his current status in the Chaofan Group, it is still easy to do such a thing.

Of course, Tianyu did not hide the information that Yaorao was an undercover, and Lin Xueer believed it without hesitation.

When he was free, Tianyu did not dare to wander out of the Chaofan Building casually, because there were not too many people who wanted to kill him.


So he directly entered the selection space and prepared to venture into the fifth floor of the Tiantai.

In this world, nothing is more important and reliable than one's own strength!

When Tianyu came to the fifth floor of the Tiantai, one task after another appeared in front of him.

After thinking about it, he found that the difficulty of these tasks was about the same, but Tianyu chose the character of Zhao Zhijing in "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

The reason is very simple, because Zhao Zhijing chose the advent mode in this task, and he didn't have to bring another burden.

The terrain of Zhongnan Mountain is difficult and the road is rugged. It stretches across Guanzhong, from Qinlong in the south to Lantian in the east, more than 800 miles apart.

Someone once said in the past that the biggest mountain, except Taihang, is Zhongnan. And the Quanzhen Sect, known as the orthodox Xuanmen in the world, is located here.

Tianyu opened his eyes and found himself in a quiet room. The quiet room was very simple and the walls were empty.

In front of him was a rough wooden table and a wooden sword, and he was sitting on a cushion.

"The chosen one in this mission world is Zhao Zhijing, identity: a disciple of Quanzhen Sect, the first disciple of Wang Chuyi!"

"It's Zhao Zhijing. Okay, it's better than Yi Zhiping!" Tianyu sighed, a little disgusted.

He had read a fan fiction before, and the protagonist was Zhao Zhijing, Taoist Zhao, which made his impression of Zhao Zhijing a little out of the style of the original version.

After thinking about it carefully, he remembered Zhao Zhijing's character. Although he was a villain, he was not a treacherous person.

He was just proud of his martial arts being the best among the three generations of disciples, but the position of the headmaster fell on Yi Zhiping, and he was indignant in his heart. In addition, he was narrow-minded and petty, and finally couldn't extricate himself because of this one thought.

Of course, Tianyu was too lazy to think about these psychological fluctuations.

This time, Zhao Zhijing's mission was to become the head of Quanzhen Sect and to persist for at least one month in the battle between the Mongols and Song in Xiangyang.

Then Tianyu experienced the internal force in his body. Because Zhao Zhijing's Quanzhen Zhenfa and swordsmanship were internal force cultivation, Tianyu used them directly.

Coupled with his own strong physical fitness and various skills, the strength of this body is absolutely terrifying now.

"Master, it's bad, a big enemy is coming to the door!"

At this time, the wooden door was knocked, and someone kept knocking on the door hurriedly.

"What's going on?"

Tianyu opened the door and saw a chubby fat man, and his mind moved at that time.

Zhao Zhijing only accepted two disciples, Lu Qingdu and Yang Guo.

If Yang Guo looked like this, then the world would probably collapse unbelievably, so this person could only be Lu Qingdu.

This person has average talent. Although he is fat, he is not broad-minded. The only good thing is that he is loyal to Zhao Zhijing without any hesitation. From Tianyu's current perspective, this is a good quality.

"A big man with a child came to the foot of the mountain and hit the stone tablet in Puguang Temple. He must be the evil demon who attacked the mountain today. This person has extremely high martial arts skills. Now even if the uncle and his master join forces to deploy the Tiangang Beidou formation, they can't stop him. Uncle Feng specially asked his disciples to come and invite the master to go!"

Zhao Zhijing is Wang Chuyi's first disciple. Although he is not the oldest, he has been a disciple for the longest time. The other three generations of disciples are theoretically Zhao Zhijing's junior brothers, so Lu Qingdu calls him uncle.

"So, they have already used the Tiangang Beidou formation?"


"Got it, you go down first."

"Oh, um, Master?"

"Since the Tiangang Beidou formation has been activated, the real enemy must have gone up the mountain at this moment."

Tianyu said lightly. It seems that this is the early stage of The Return of the Condor Heroes. Guo Jing brought Yang Guo to Quanzhen Sect to find a master for Yang Guo.

Huodu wanted to go to the ancient tomb to pick up girls, and planned to get rid of Quanzhen Sect first. Qiu Chuji asked for information and set up the Tiangang Beidou formation on the mountain road, intending to ambush Huodu.

As a result, the Taoists besieged Guo Jing and were led by Guo Jing to run away.

Then Huodu and others drove straight in and killed directly to Chongyang Palace, catching Ma Yu, Qiu Chuji and others off guard.

This question is probably a typical IQ deficiency. Even if Guo Jing also took a picture of the stone tablet, he was only one person, which was obviously different from the intelligence that said he came with a lot of fanfare.

Even if we take a step back and say that even if he wants to seduce Xiao Long Nu, is it necessary to bring a teenager to be a light bulb?

So it is easy to imagine that this is probably a misunderstanding, and it is enough to make things clear. Is it worth smashing the entire Tiangang Beidou formation?

What is even more embarrassing is that there are fourteen Tiangang Beidou formations on the mountain road, with a total of ninety-eight people, and Guo Jing played a trick on them, going in and out of the Tiangang Beidou formation as if he was in an empty space. The scene was so embarrassing that Tianyu couldn't bear to comment on it.


At this time, explosions sounded one after another, thick smoke filled the air, and the entire backyard was full of flames, and the light illuminated half of the sky red.

"The backyard is on fire!"

"Go and ask those people to come back and tell them that they stopped the hero Guo Jing, and others entered Chongyang Palace from the backyard."

"Ah? Then let the uncles and junior brothers go to rescue Chongyang Palace?"

"Forget it. The difference in martial arts is too big. They will either die or get injured if they go. Let them go to put out the fire."

"Oh, but what about you, Master?"

"I'm going to Chongyang Palace!"

"Master, you have to be careful!"

"No problem."

Tianyu nodded slightly and strode away.

If he went down now, he would have an excuse to fight Guo Jing, and Tianyu was also interested in this.

I want to see how strong this top master in the world of Condor Heroes is, but now it is more important to complete the task.

It is obvious that even if he defeated Guo Jing, it would not be as practical as resisting a strong enemy in front of the Quanzhen disciples.

Even office workers know that they have to perform well in front of their leaders.

Besides, I don't know the martial arts level of this world, so I may not be able to easily defeat Guo Jing, but I should have no problem defeating Huo in seconds.

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