"Come here, sit down!"

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At the top, a middle-aged man with a straight back pointed at the chair and said.

Lin Xueer sat down without hesitation, and pulled out a seat, motioning Tianyu to sit down as well.

After hesitating for a while, Tianyu also sat down and observed the other six people.

The man who spoke before should be the leader of the extraordinary group, with a tough temperament and looked like a soldier.

There were four men sitting on his left, all of whom looked about 30 years old. Judging from their aura, they were all big guys.

The four men also saw Tianyu's gaze, turned their heads and smiled gently at Tianyu, and nodded as a greeting.

Tianyu also smiled slightly and began to observe the people on the right. The first one was a woman, who should be a little older than Lin Xueer.

As for how much older, Tianyu couldn't tell at all. It's not too easy for a big guy of this level to maintain his appearance.

This woman is completely different from Lin Xueer. She is wearing a red dress and holding a wine gourd in her hand. She exudes a heroic temperament and looks like a female version of Dongfang Bubai.

When Tianyu looked over, her deep eyes narrowed into a crescent, which made people unable to look away.

Below is the cold goddess Lin Xueer. Tianyu is almost too familiar with her to say more.

After Tianyu finished observing, the team leader at the top knocked on the table and said, "Tianyu, you haven't seen us. I am Long Tianjing, the leader of the Extraordinary Group. This is..."

Long Tianjing introduced them one by one, and Tianyu also got to know these big guys.

The seven people present are the highest leaders of the Extraordinary Group, who control the direction of the entire Extraordinary Group.

Long Tianjing is the team leader, responsible for the general direction; the four men are the main combat force, and they are the ones who take action when encountering various difficult tasks.

The big sister in red is called Chu Lan. She is second only to the team leader Long Tianjing in strength and is stronger than the others. She is responsible for various trivial matters in the supernormal group.

Finally, there is the mascot Lin Xueer. She has no specific tasks. She is like a brick, and she can be moved wherever she is needed!

When she is not needed at ordinary times, she only needs to improve her strength and be responsible for raising the appearance of the entire supernormal group.

Until this moment, Tianyu finally had a comprehensive understanding of the supernormal group, at least he could recognize these big guys.

In addition to the first time, he also found that the people sitting here all appeared in the photo he saw before.

After an introduction, Long Tianjing went straight to the point and asked Tianyu about the situation of the challenge space.

"It's like this. The challenge space this time is... We are 114 people fighting in it. Only the last person who survives can leave. If more than one person survives after ten hours, all will die after the island sinks."

Tianyu told his experience bit by bit. Everyone else listened quietly without any impatience, only Chu Lan took a sip of wine from time to time.

"There are mysterious giant beasts in the sea. I only saw one, and I'm not sure of the exact number. But the height of the beast is definitely more than a kilometer."

As Tianyu spoke, the others became more and more serious, fearing that they might have missed something, and even Lin Xueer was no exception.

These are all important information, which must be recorded exactly and compiled into the database of the Extraordinary Group.

So that next time someone from the Extraordinary Group is pulled into this challenge space, they can have an understanding and not be blinded.

This time, those people were so easily wiped out by Tianyu, and there may be reasons for this.

When Tianyu mentioned Honglian's name at the end and the fact that she was rescued, the others finally couldn't help it.

"Can you describe the scene of Honglian being rescued in detail?" Long Tianjing tapped the table with his index finger, frowning tightly.

The reactions of the others were similar to his, and Sister Chu Lan even put the wine gourd aside.

"At that time, Honglian used me to kill all the others, absorbed their vitality, and raised the four-dimensional attribute to more than 1,000, which was equal to my strength."

Tianyu swallowed his saliva to make his lips less dry, and continued:

"But because I used 'Good Luck', she was always disturbed by other things and defeated by me. When I wanted to kill her, she glowed."

Speaking of this, Tianyu's face became solemn. Fortunately, the giant hand was to save people. If it was to kill him,

"When Honglian glowed, a crack suddenly appeared on the sky, and a giant hand covering the sky and the sun stretched out from it and grabbed Honglian."

"After being caught by the giant hand, Honglian told me her name, and then was pulled out of the challenge space by the giant hand. At that time, I also heard a person's scream, a man's voice."

After saying so much in one breath, even Tianyu felt dry mouth and a trace of fear emerged in his heart.

Others couldn't care about Tianyu's changes at this time. Everyone was in deep thought, but there was no surprise.

"Sure enough, they all know what's going on!" Tianyu thought to himself.

Some things are not at that level, no matter how you investigate, you can't see anything.

Only when you reach that level, you will know those things.

Because they were hidden by some people for various reasons.

"What do you think? Is that black man worth the price that the Light Alliance has to pay?" Long Tianjing cast his eyes on Big Sister Chu Lan.

"Woo~!" Chu Lan stretched and picked up the wine gourd again and took a sip.

"That Honglian should not be an ordinary core member. It is probably a saint." Chu Lan said indifferently after smacking her lips.

Tianyu didn't listen to a word of her words. He was still immersed in Big Sister Chu Lan stretching. That was really a big sister!

To put it bluntly, although Lin Xueer is not small, she is really crushed by Chu Lan! ! !

Then the other people also spoke up, without saying much, just confirming Honglian's identity.

Finally, Honglian's must-kill order was hung in the extraordinary group to show their importance to Honglian.

To put it bluntly, Honglian is the person with the highest status in the entire extraordinary group who found the Light Alliance.

According to them, if you want to take someone away from the selection space, the price you need to pay is very huge.

At least there must be several people of this strength who are willing to pay the price of their lives.

The fact that the Bright Alliance is willing to pay such a price shows how high Honglian's status is!

"Well, can you tell me what the other party did to save Honglian?"

Tianyu raised his hand weakly and asked, he was still upset about this matter.

If the other party could still do it, Tianyu would not dare to enter the selection space, he would not have too many enemies.

"I know what you are thinking, just calm down and get stronger quickly!" Long Tianjing comforted: "The reason why the Bright Alliance was able to save Honglian is because they left a mark on Honglian long ago."

As if afraid that Tianyu didn't understand, Long Tianjing said in detail: "Leaving a special mark on someone can forcibly pull that person out of the selection space, but it cannot interfere with other people and everything in the mission world!"

Although Long Tianjing didn't explain it clearly, Tianyu understood it completely.

To put it bluntly, this kind of thing is like the thousand-mile teleportation talisman in the fantasy world, which can only be used to escape.

And according to what Long Tianjing said, leaving a special mark is a very difficult thing, and the price to pay is terrifyingly high.

In this case, then I have nothing to be afraid of!!!

Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief.

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