Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 78 Black's Big Move

The seven people who stopped looked at each other with surprise and uncertainty in their hearts.

Although they are not the top geniuses, they are not going to kill the red-eye directly, right? But what was the situation before?

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. It happened to wake you all up. It's really embarrassing!"

"If that's the case, then I just need to let you fight again! Dream Butterfly Dance!"

The black and red lips raised slightly, and the slender hands were waved at the seven people. The eyes of the seven people who had returned to normal became blurred again, and they turned to stare at Tianyu.

Seeing this, Tianyu's eyes suddenly condensed, and he said why it was so strange before. It turned out that this woman was behind the scenes.

"You want to use these seven people to surround and kill me, don't you think it's already too late?"

Tianyu looked at Hei calmly, his face still the same as before, without any trace of nervousness.

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It seemed that he was not facing seven people, but seven ants that could be crushed to death at any time.

"Keke, can you tell if they can kill the famous Tianyu God and try it?"

Then he pointed at Tianyu with his jade hand and said "Up" in his mouth, and the seven people rushed towards Tianyu in an instant.

"Dragon Crash!"

"Ice Assault!"

"Quick dash!"

"The Shadow is Lost!"

Seven people used their displacement skills at the same time and came to Tianyu in an instant, and they were about to kill Tianyu.

Only at this moment did Tianyu retract his gaze that had been fixed on Hei and look at the seven people in front of him.

"You don't overestimate your capabilities. Since you are seeking death, I will give you a ride!"

When the cold voice sounded from his mouth, Tianyu had already disappeared and appeared behind the seven people.


With an angry shout, he slashed out with his two-handed sword, splitting the person in front of him into two instantly.

But Tianyu never expected that this man would remain calm under such pain, as if he couldn't feel the pain.

And he stretched out his hands to protect his arm, unwilling to let go.

"court death!"

Tianyu punched the man on the head, and his head exploded like a watermelon with a "bang" sound, but he still couldn't let go!

Seeing this man's madness, Tianyu was suddenly startled and took a deep look at Hei in the distance.

This method is too unbelievable. She can actually make people obey her orders without fear of death?

I really don’t know what kind of skill it is, but its power is so terrifying!

Although one person was killed, the other six people did not give Tianyu time to think, and rushed forward like mad dogs one by one.

Fortunately, Tianyu is physically strong and has more than fifty skills, including seven or eight displacement skills.

I randomly changed a displacement skill, avoided the attacks of these people, and started fighting with them.

Tianyu was not in a hurry to kill these people quickly, because he seemed to have seen Hei showing a satisfied smile when he was killing people.

Although it only passed by in a flash, Tianyu was sure that he was definitely not wrong!

While fighting these six people, Tianyu focused 70% of his attention on Hei.

Nothing could be seen at first. It wasn't until they moved the venue while fighting that Tianyu saw it.

The picture that caught his eye made his pupils shrink suddenly, as if he had seen something incredible.

In Tianyu's sight, there were almost transparent lines on Hei's body, all connected to the corpse on the ground, constantly absorbing something.

It looks like a big tree absorbing nutrients, which makes people shudder.

Besides the first time, Tianyu also found that Hei's aura was much stronger than before the war started. Although Hei tried hard to suppress it, a trace of it still showed.

"She should have a skill to absorb something from the dead to strengthen herself!"

"I just don't know whether it's the skills that are being strengthened, or the direct absorption of four-dimensional attributes?"

"Keke, I didn't expect you to be discovered so soon. What are you going to do? Do you want to kill them?"

As if he noticed Tianyu's gaze, Hei suddenly covered his mouth and smiled, looking at him with interest.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you first?" Tianyu's face was gloomy and terrifying, and he was very unhappy in his heart.

It wasn't that I was afraid of the other party, but I didn't expect that I was being plotted by this woman from the beginning. This was a conspiracy!

Killing these people will make the black people stronger. If not, they will all perish together.

"Keke, God Tianyu is naturally stronger than the little girl, but the little girl also has some life-saving skills, so she can still escape."

Hei seemed to enjoy seeing other people's desperate looks, and his eyes were locked on Tianyu's face.

This answer did not go beyond Tianyu's expectations. After all, he commanded more than twenty people and had two weird skills. It was no problem to want something to save his life.

Moreover, Tianyu suspected that this woman had some trump card brought in from the outside world, just like his own "good luck" card.

Needless to say how effective this card is, right? Help Tianyu grow up quickly. When Tianyu wanted to fight between the Black Team and the Dandir Team, there was another Nicola who started the war.

And Hei probably has something similar in her body, otherwise she wouldn't be so confident!

The reason why others didn't is because Tianyu's challenge was launched too suddenly and there was no time to prepare.

If they are given time to prepare, it’s hard to say who will win and who will lose.

The woman in front of him must have been carrying something with her, and was just pulled in together.

He analyzed it quickly in his mind, but Tianyu's hands did not stop at all, "Since you want to absorb it so much, let's see if you can absorb it!"

After the words fell, Tianyu stopped fighting, and his whole body's fighting power burst out instantly.

"Flash! Draw the sword and cut!"


Another one-cut cut, the moment Tianyu's body appeared, another person was cut in half from the middle.

But Tianyu did not stop at all, his figure flashed one after another, and appeared behind the remaining five enemies.

"Continuous flash, red fire cut!"

"Swish! Swish!"

Another two people died on the spot, falling under Tianyu's two-handed sword.

"Sure enough, the four-dimensional attributes must be strong. With the same skills, I can kill one person in one second with each move."

In the continuous killing, Tianyu realized his future direction, which is to mainly develop the four-dimensional attributes and match a set of suitable skills.

"Haha, you are indeed the great God Tianyu, you are really very powerful, but I have prepared a gift for you!"


After Hei finished speaking, the three remaining people in front of Tianyu suddenly blushed and bumped into his two-handed sword, causing a violent explosion!

For a moment, the earth shook, and Tianyu was completely submerged by the explosion. Nothing could be seen in the dust, and it was unknown whether Tianyu was dead or alive.

Hei showed a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth, "I wonder if you can survive this time? Haha!"

Then he didn't care about it anymore, trying his best to absorb the overflowing vitality and continue to strengthen his four-dimensional attributes.

Because there was no prompt in the selection space and the challenge space was not closed, Tianyu must not be dead.

And there was nothing to see inside, and Hei was not stupid, so it was impossible for him to look into the bushes.

Tianyu, who opened his golden pupil in the smoke, looked at Hei who was unmoved, and sighed helplessly, "This woman is not easy to fool!"

"But I don't know if you can see it this way?" While muttering, Tianyu began to hurt himself again, pretending to be seriously injured.

Perhaps because of his experience, Tianyu's scars had almost no effect this time, but his body looked quite miserable.

Then he leaned against the two-handed sword and waited for the smoke to dissipate with difficulty.

After the smoke dissipated, Hei showed an expression of "as expected", and said: "I knew you wouldn't die so easily."

"Ahem, can you tell me what you absorbed? What effect does it have?"

Tianyu coughed up a mouthful of blood, and looked seriously injured.

Hei really hesitated and lowered his head, as if thinking, and then suddenly said: "Of course I won't tell you!"

"Villains die because they talk too much. Although I am a villain, I don't talk much!"

Facing Tianyu's charming peach blossom eyes, Hei smiled and said: "And you are not the only one who has pupil skills?"

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