Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 73 The Strong Dragon Nation

After leaving the coast, Tianyu was a little absent-minded, but he didn't have much time to think.

Because the place became smaller, Tianyu soon encountered the enemy.

Everyone knew that only one person could survive in this challenge space, so they would kill each other when they met.


Soon, eight hours had passed, and Tianyu had fought more than a dozen battles during this period.

Although he killed all the enemies, he also encountered several crises.

The first time was when he encountered the trio of Ugly Country. These three people happened to be brothers. At the critical moment, the eldest brother actually saved Tianyu tightly, causing him to almost die.

Later, at the cost of more than ten knife wounds on his body, Tianyu successfully killed the three brothers.

If it weren't for his good luck, he picked up enough resources and used the green healing light ball to recover his injuries, he would probably bleed to death.

After that, Tianyu became alert and would only take action after checking the number of the opponent every time.

Of course, after making so much money from the dead, Tianyu's strength has become stronger and stronger, at least he is also one of the top ones.

After that, Tianyu killed four people in succession, including people from various forces, which made him stronger.

But during the fifth coast sinking, he encountered a fatal crisis again.

This time it was because someone was ambushing not far away when the coast sank, and that person also had long-range skills, and almost knocked Tianyu into the sea.

After Tianyu killed the enemy, he found that his heart was beating too fast, about two hundred times a minute.

Especially when he looked at the calm sea, he was even more scared.

Tianyu didn't know whether other people knew about the sea, but he knew it very well.

As for the giant black shadow he saw before, Tianyu dared to guarantee that he would definitely die after falling into the sea!

Of course, during this period, Tianyu also encountered killings between other people, but he took advantage of all the suitable ones.

If it was not suitable, Tianyu would quietly leave and let them fight each other.

Tianyu wished that they could beat their brains out and die.

It was not until Tianyu killed fourteen people that the eighth hour came.

The island was now only two kilometers in size, and there were thirty-seven survivors.

The island would shrink again, and it would sink in the tenth hour, and everyone would perish together!

So before that, everyone else had to be killed!

"Eight hours have passed, and there are still thirty-seven people. It seems that some people have formed a group, and there are quite a few of them!"

Looking at the remaining number of people, Tianyu frowned.

Killing thirty-six people in two hours is not an easy task.

Especially those who have survived until now, each of them is not a weakling, and they have more or less good things on them!

However, after experiencing his current state, Tianyu relaxed again.

He used the "Good Luck" card, and he was now rich, and it was definitely not something that ordinary people could match.

At this moment, Tianyu felt that his data was probably like this.

Strength: 850

Speed: 850

Physique: 850

Spirit: 850

Of course, this is Tianyu's self-perception, which may not be accurate, but it is roughly the same.

You know, even Long Tianjing, who is on the 47th floor of the Tiantai, does not have as high data as he does now, which shows how powerful he is.

However, it is only the data that is strong. If they really fight, Tianyu may not be Long Tianjing's opponent, and there is a great possibility that he will lose.

Because he does not have all kinds of trump cards, and there is no such thing on the island.

Needless to say, skills, in addition to the jump slash at the beginning, Tianyu has obtained more than a dozen skills in these eight hours, including attack and life-saving.

In addition to the first time, there are only green healing items left. There are so many of this type of items that Tianyu threw away some of them on his own initiative.

It can be said that Tianyu is fully armed at this moment, and there is absolutely no one on this island who can be his opponent!

"Next, I still have to observe carefully and wait until the last beach sinks before taking action to prevent being besieged by everyone!"

Tianyu knows how much hatred he attracts. If he dares to show up, I am afraid that everyone will join forces to kill him the next moment.

It's better to pull these people in and let them fight to the death here.

Just as Tianyu was thinking, another lone wolf Nicolaite in the jungle on the north side of the island was also frowning and thinking. Unlike Tianyu, who was in the dark, he knew a lot of news, so he was even more worried.

Because as far as he knew, there were only five or six groups of people on the island at most.

Because two groups had invited him before, one was the Black of the Light Alliance, and the other was the Dragon King Family Dandil.

The Dragon King Family should have seven or eight people, and the Black organization was terrible, at least about twenty people!

These two parties added up to almost thirty people, how many parties can the remaining people be divided into?

And if you want to survive, you have to kill everyone, Nicolaite is not confident to kill so many people.

And no one is a fool, they will never fight internally before killing everyone outside their own forces!

It's too easy for so many of them to search this island, and the possibility of hiding is not great!

"We must let Hei and Dandil fight first, then it will be my chance to reap the harvest!"

Feeling that his attributes were about 300, Nicolaite was confident that no one on the island could be his opponent.

As long as he created chaos, he would be able to kill everyone! ! !

At the same time, Hei and Dandil were also waiting, waiting for the last coast to sink.

The island is now two kilometers long, and their number is not enough to search all of them, but it will be fine after the last coast sinks.

And the two of them, one in the east and the other in the west, have not yet found each other.

For a while, the entire island was very tacitly quiet, and everyone was waiting.

At this time, the outside world also reacted. The Ugly Country and the Dragon King Family, knowing that their future was pulled into the challenge space by Tianyu, were immediately furious.

Especially the Dragon King Family, dozens of people are a piece of cake for the Ugly Country, but it is everything for the Dragon King Family.

No one of their next generation who has a little talent will escape!

The Bright Alliance only lost a dozen people, but this time they broke out in an unusual way.

The three parties jointly forced Longguo to hand over their Tianjiao and the culprit Tianyu, and finally compensate them.

For a time, Longguo was under great pressure, but no one in Longguo surrendered after being rectified by Elder Long.

At Elder Long's command, the Extraordinary Group started at full speed like a sophisticated machine, and many more strong men appeared on the border of Longguo.

In addition, there were also troops going there, and they seemed to be ready to go to war if they disagreed.

Don't underestimate these troops. After the appearance of the Selected Space, the strength of the army has grown the fastest.

In today's army, ordinary soldiers have at least bronze-level strength, and officials are even more powerful.

It seems that they were intimidated by Longguo, and the three parties did not force them anymore, and they didn't know what they were preparing.

Only the Dragon King was furious, but without the support of the Ugly Country and the Bright Alliance, he didn't dare to jump in front of Longguo.

The residence of the Dragon King family.

"Assholes! Assholes! Those damned bastards from Dragon Country, why are they so tough? Aren't they afraid that we will destroy them?"

"And Ugly Country and the Bright Alliance are also bastards, why did they just give up? As long as they unite, they will definitely make Dragon Country hand over Tianyu!"

In the whole room, everything that can be broken has been broken at this moment.

This time, not only Dragon Country, but also Ugly Country and Bright Alliance were hated by the Giant Dragon King.

But he didn't see that when he cursed the Bright Alliance, the housekeeper not far away had a fierce look in his eyes, and then he returned to calm.

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