"Tianyu, I haven't fully recovered yet, but there are already worlds waiting for Tiantai to invade your world."

Tianyu was stunned for a moment, and then his face instantly turned ugly, feeling angry and anxious in his heart.

Of course he can hear this voice. Isn't it the voice of summoning space weapon spirits?

In other words, if this thing is true, what about the people on earth now? What happened to Lin Xueer and others?

Before Tianyu could ask these questions, Qi Ling's voice sounded again.

"This is something determined by the rules. Unless I recover completely, I can't change it. By the time I recover, it will be too late!"


"Send me back now!"

Tianyu didn't care about the presence of other people around him, raised his head and shouted.

Seemingly knowing what Tianyu was anxious about, Qi Ling said: "Don't worry, Lin Xueer and the others are all in the mission world now, and there are no problems for the time being."

"But time is running out. In ten minutes, the world passage will be opened, and the selection spaces in these two worlds will be temporarily closed until the winner is determined."

After listening to the first half, Tianyu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but after Qi Ling finished speaking, Tianyu's heart became tense again.

Ten minutes, there are only ten minutes left in the earth's world

"Is there any other way?" Tianyu's tone was low.

"No, the earth will definitely disappear completely, and even the dust will not be left." The words of the weapon spirit directly stated the fact.

"Your current level of Waiting Tiantai is too low and you can't understand it yet, but through the people waiting for Tiantai, he is so powerful that he can destroy the earth alone. You don't have any chance."

At this moment, the weapon spirit put a picture into Tianyu's mind.

After seeing it, Tianyu's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

In the picture shown to him by Qi Ling, a middle-aged man with an unshaven face, wearing a blue robe, pigtails, carrying a simple long sword on his back, was floating in outer space, taking action against a planet.

I saw the man slowly pulling out the ancient sword from behind. There was a blood-red Taotie printed on the sword.

The random man slowly lowered his long sword. The bloody sword light covered the sky and the sun, with no end in sight, and slashed towards the planet in front of him.

In Tianyu's disbelieving eyes, this bloody sword light was like a hot knife cutting butter, splitting the planet, which was no lower than the earth, into two.

During this period, earthquakes, tsunamis, strong winds, heavy rains, volcanic eruptions and other disasters occurred one after another on the planet.

After a short period of time, there was no longer a living body on the planet that was divided into two, leaving only a pile of ruins.

After this, the man gave birth to his right hand again. Unfortunately, the scene ended and Tianyu could not see the follow-up.

At this moment, he had no desire to continue watching. Just that sword was no longer something the earth could face.

At this point, he has been able to withstand small-yield nuclear bombs, so for that person, technology is completely ineffective.

But when it comes to strength, Tianyu is already the top being on the planet and is still unable to compete.

At this moment, Tianyu was despairing and completely lost hope.

"Tianyu, there is no way to solve this matter including me."

"Fortunately, during this period of time, I recovered part of my energy. Now I will send you and the people around you to other worlds, and come back when you have strength."

After Qi Ling finished speaking, Tianyu, Lin Xueer, Long Tianjing and others lost consciousness for a moment and entered an unknown world.

At the core of the selection space, the weapon spirit transformed into Tianyu's appearance. At this moment, the figure became more and more blurred, looking at the sky blankly.

"Ah, I lied to you this time, and there is no mission reward."

After adjusting his body with difficulty, Qi Ling murmured: "The world I control has become a world of selection. You don't want to become an NPC who can't control your own destiny, right?"

"The world that is not under my control will naturally not exist."

The voice of the weapon spirit became weaker and weaker, almost nonexistent, and its figure began to disappear little by little from the soles of its feet.

"I wonder how long this meeting will last?"

As the weapon spirit completely dissipated, this undetectable sound also dissipated in the wind.

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