Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 717: The way of survival of the old man in the world

Looking at it now, I still underestimated the ability of the recruitment space to cause trouble.

It is estimated that Guo Xiang's status as the Patriarch of Emei directly led to the existence of Emei. This character cannot be deleted.

But Guo Jing and Huang Rong are also extremely important. For the sake of Guo Xiang alone, the plots of the two books "The Condor" and "The Condor" were deceived, so Space simply severed the relationship between Guo Xiang and Huang Rong and created another set of characters.

So Guo Xiang's mother is probably not Huang Rong, and there are even two opinions on whether Guo Xiang's father is Guo Jing.

Of course, at present, this problem does not have much impact on Tianyu. If you have the opportunity to meet Guo Xiang and Guo Jing later, it will be clear.

"Today I was mistaken. I didn't expect that there is a master lurking in the dark. You are also a master of the sect. I didn't expect that the method would be so cruel."

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Xie Yanke frowned and snorted coldly.

The Qing Gong that Tianyu just demonstrated has reached the level of success, and he must be a great master.

Although Xie Yanke was conceited, he didn't think he could waste his energy. He held the Xuan Tie Ling with one hand and swept the Grand Master with the other hand. Being swept was not bad.

"Okay, brother Xie, there is no need to look ungraceful. You can leave the Black Iron Order to Miss Huang for safekeeping. I won't take advantage of you, so I will compete with you and make a bet on the ownership of this Black Iron Order."

Tianyu smiled: "Don't worry, that's all for everyone."

"That's it, that's all!" Xie Yanke was so angry that his chest tightened.

"If you don't stop here, do you still think you can hurt Xie?"

"This is actually not difficult." Tianyu smiled faintly: "But I like to follow rules. Everyone follows the rules and everyone depends on their ability. That's the best!"

"What a coincidence, Xie doesn't like to follow rules." Xie Yanke said coldly.

"Well, this kind of person is quite common, so he doesn't like to follow the rules, and I don't talk to him about the rules."

Tianyu asked: "Have you considered it?"


Xie Yanke snorted, flicked his finger, and Xuan Tieling drew a semicircle in the air and landed in Huang Rong's hand.

Although he said that if the other party could take the Black Iron Token from his hand, it would be considered a win.

But Tianyu took the initiative to increase the difficulty and fight, so it was not considered a breach of contract.

After all, Xie Yanke has lived to be fifty or sixty years old, and he can still see the pros and cons clearly.

"Come on, big brother whose name I don't know!"

Huang Rong held the Black Iron Order in her hand, blinked her eyes, and waved her fist at Tianyu.

"My name is Dugu Qiubai." Tianyu laughed.

Xiang Wentian opened his mouth, as if he wanted to complain, but thinking of Tianyu's Qinggong just coming downstairs, he wisely closed his mouth.

I don’t know if the opponent can seek defeat, but if he wants to be alone, he can still do it easily.

Xie Yanke snorted coldly and said nothing.

After all, he will have a battle with Tianyu soon. If he wins, it will be okay. If he loses, his face will hurt no matter how much he jumps.

Xie Yanke thought about it and felt that it would be better to be more cautious.

Feng Wanli and Bai Wanjian were both seriously injured. Everyone in the Snow Mountain Sect was too busy to taunt them.

In this classic face-slapping session, the scene was extremely harmonious for a while.

"It turns out it belongs to Brother Dugu. You have such a good name. My dad will definitely want to beat you up when he hears it!"

Huang Rong waited for a moment and found that no one was speaking, so she had to smile and show an expression that she was not too worried about the excitement.

"Huang Yaoshi is arrogant and unruly, so he may not care about such a thing." Tianyu said calmly.

Although Huang Yaoshi's martial arts skills are slightly inferior, his talent and talent are still the best, and there is a lot of appetite for him.

In the Divine Eagle, he had a pretty good relationship with Huang Yaoshi, who discussed teachings as equals.

If we meet, we can chat there.

In this world, Tianyu feels that Huang Yaoshi is probably the most promising one among the Five Jue Masters besides Wang Chongyang to become a Grand Master.

After all, other people's Toad Kung Fu, Yiyang Finger, Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and Dog Fighting Stick Techniques have been passed down through generations with profound heritage.

The Peach Blossom Island lineage and internal strength were all created by Huang Yaoshi alone, and he was still the master of martial arts research and development.

"Sure enough, you know my dad. After thinking about it, I think you only knew my surname was Huang because you met my dad. Then I will introduce myself. My name is Huang Rong. If you beat this old man, you can Call me Ronger!" Huang Rong rolled her eyes.

I defeated him to get something, not to call you Rong'er. "Tianyu sighed.

Obviously he came to Xie Yanke for the Book of Heaven, but in Huang Rong's words, the style of painting became a bit strange, and Tianyu felt that it was necessary to correct his name a little bit.

"Okay, okay, I understand, I understand, you didn't help my father find me."

Huang Rong nodded, showing a look that everyone understood.

"Boy, are you going to fight or not?"

Xie Yanke looked at Tianyu with a gloomy old face. Apparently he was in a very bad mood when he heard Huang Rong calling him "old man", and he had nowhere to vent his anger.

"Of course we're going to fight. Start when you're ready." Tianyu nodded.

"Boy, I see you still have some magnanimity. I gave you three moves. Take action now." Xie Yanke used his inner strength and laughed.

"You can't afford the three moves, so take action."

Tianyu shook his head, too lazy to say anything more, and slapped him with a broad stroke.

Nine palm prints that were neither real nor fake covered nine vital points in an instant.


Xie Yanke's face changed drastically, and he cursed loudly, and his internal energy was running to the limit.

His face flashed green, and he slapped out with a palm, and the palm force swirled and turned into a huge green aura, wrapping him in it.

This is his unique martial arts, which combines attack and defense, hardness and softness, and is extremely powerful.

The artistic conception of this move seems to have reached the state of being as one as the source of chaos, which can inspire thousands of pine needles to the sky, and the palm wind that is stirred up will never let the pine needles fall to the ground.

In an instant, nine light golden palm prints were pressed on the green air shield at the same time, and the green air shield trembled rapidly, and then a few cracks appeared.

Xie Yanke laughed long, dispersed the air shield, and hurriedly jumped back.

Although he took on Tianyu's first move, he consumed his internal energy, not to mention that he was a little dizzy after fighting with such a palm.

Xie Yanke is also an expert. He knows that if he continues to stay in the same place, he will definitely die, so he quickly retreated to seize the opportunity.

"It's really interesting." Tianyu smiled slightly.

He bent his right middle finger, put it under his thumb and flicked it gently, and flicked his finger!


Xie Yanke exhaled in the air and spoke, and also returned a flick of the finger.

The two fingers collided in the air, and the lightning flashed.

Xie Yanke's face turned pale again, and he quickly jumped into the air.

The next moment, behind him, a deep pit as thick as a finger appeared on the stone wall.

Obviously, Xie Yanke's one finger was not enough to dissolve Tianyu's flick of the finger. When the two people's fingers collided, Xie Yanke suffered a little loss.

"How could there be such a young man with such high merit? What sect is this tnd from? Is it that some old immortal who has rejuvenated himself and came to me to show off?"

Xie Yanke was in the air, his heart moved, and he went far away without hesitation.

If you can't beat him, run away. This is the way of survival for the old Jianghu.

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