Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 713: A Noble and Upright Family

"Congratulations, both of you." Tianyu said, cupping his hands.

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There is nothing much to say about the prison break. Tianyu just exerted some force casually, and the stone prison where Ding Dian was imprisoned completely collapsed and turned into rubble on the ground.

Although this scene was a bit exaggerated, it finally reached the scope that Ling Shuanghua could understand, and she was relieved.

"Thank you, brother Dugu, for your great kindness. If Dugu Qiu has anything in the future, please let me know. Ding will not refuse even if he dies."

Ding Dian held Ling Shuanghua's little hand and laughed at Tianyu, not caring about his girlfriend's appearance at all.

Of course, Ling Shuanghua's face was originally destroyed by self-abuse in order not to marry someone else.

Although Ling Tui Si was furious about this, Ding Dian was extremely moved.

Now Ding Dian's thoughts are clear, and there are even traces of a breakthrough in his realm.

Under normal circumstances, a grandmaster enhanced by the Heavenly Book cannot compare to a grandmaster of the original ecology.

Tianyu even thinks that Ji Wuming, a half-step grandmaster, can beat Ding Dian in the previous Heavenly Book state.

If I have to describe it, it is somewhat similar to the so-called pseudo-realm in fantasy novels or fairy tales.

If Ding Dian can break through on his own and become a dignified grandmaster, it will be a great opportunity for him.

After a few people chatted, Tianyu did a good thing to the end and told Ding Dian that Hu Qingniu, Ping Yizhi and others had extraordinary medical skills and might be able to heal Ling Shuanghua's face.

And after telling the two people's various strange requests clearly, although they parted.

One day later, in a restaurant in Jiangcheng, Tianyu randomly chose a seat by the window on the second floor, ordered several small dishes, and ate and drank while checking the Tianwu Ranking.

After Ding Dian lost the Heavenly Book, his ranking was not unexpectedly removed from the list, and his own ID Dugu Qiubai was replaced, and he succeeded in the list.

Today, Tianyu ranks 30th, between Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty and the former princess of the Ming Dynasty.

Considering that Ding Dian was only 33rd before, this ranking probably has some space-specific ideas, and is not simply and crudely executed according to the replacement mechanism.

Tianyu guessed that it was probably the system that judged from his previous battles and then matched the corresponding quota.

After making this guess, Tianyu glanced at the list and his heart moved slightly.

Obviously, Kangxi could also easily defeat Ding Dian. After all, Tianyu's ranking is now one place lower than Kangxi.

Although Kangxi can be basically confirmed to be in the palace, he is still a little far away from here.

Tianyu plans to plan the route and take the Heavenly Book that can be obtained here first.

After asking a few people in the world, the famous Golden Face Buddha Miao Renfeng lives in the Xinyang area.

This location is somewhat consistent with Tianyu's judgment. It is not very far away, but more than 300 miles is enough to go back and forth in a day.

Of course, in this world of chaos, Miao Renfeng has become much more low-key, and dare not claim to be invincible.

There is no change in other aspects of the list. The only change is that Guo Xiang, who was originally ranked 36th, swapped positions with Zhuo Tianxiong, who was ranked 35th. Zhuo Tianxiong became the last.

Tianyu suspected that Guo Xiang might have been injured before, or because of some strange reasons, her strength has declined.

Now she is recovering slowly, and he is not sure about the specific reasons. It can't be giving birth.

"Stop him, put down the sesame cake! Little beggar, do you want to die?"

At this time, a very noisy voice came from the street downstairs.

Tian Tianyu looked through the window and saw a little beggar on the street, laughing and running away with a sesame cake in his hand.

Behind him, more than a dozen big men who looked like merchants were running and sweating, chasing him relentlessly.

Although the little beggar didn't run very fast, his body was flexible enough. He twisted and turned like a little loach, hiding in the crowd.

Although the group of big men were aggressive, they couldn't catch him in a short time.

Many of the stalls of the street vendors were knocked over by the group of big men.

Of course, the vendors were unwilling to suffer losses. There were all kinds of curses, pulling sounds, and street curses.

"Brother Feng, this little guy is also weird. If you don't use your martial arts, you can't take him down for a while."

On the street, two men in brocade clothes frowned and felt a little embarrassed when they saw the chaos on the street.

The person who spoke was Bai Wanjian, the son of Bai Zizai, the head of the contemporary Snow Mountain Sect, nicknamed Qi Chill Northwest.

He and his eldest brother Fenghuo Shenlong Feng Wanli were collectively known as the Snow Mountain Twin Heroes.

Both of them were outstanding figures of the Snow Mountain Sect, and their status was only second to the head of the sect, Bai Zizai, and above several uncles of the Snow Mountain Sect.

After all, we are all from the martial arts world, and being able to fight is still very important.

"It's really embarrassing. If it gets out, our Snow Mountain Sect will become a joke in the martial arts world!"

"If Jiangcheng is not too close to Wudang Sect, it would be inconvenient for us to reveal our identities. Otherwise, how could we..."

"No, that little beggar should know some martial arts, but he doesn't show it, so it can't be seen."

Feng Wanli kept staring at the little beggar, and the more he looked, the angrier he felt.

"Is he a disciple of the Beggars' Sect?" Bai Wanjian frowned.

Not likely. If he is a disciple of the Beggars' Sect, he would just show his identity. There is no need to act like this. Besides, the thing in the sesame cake should not be the turn of an ordinary disciple to decide. "

Feng Wanli thought about it and shook his head.

The Beggars' Sect is much stronger than the Snow Mountain Sect. Apart from other things, the leader Qiao Feng alone is enough to sweep the entire Snow Mountain Sect.

Even if Qiao Feng does not take action, the old leader Hong Qigong is also a super master, so there is no need to think so.

"What should we do?"

"The streets are in a mess, it would be bad if it gets out. Let's withdraw everyone and find two people to follow the little beggar to see where he lives and catch up with him at night."

"We don't know what the contents of the pancake look like. What if he eats it?"

"That means he has a bad fate!" Feng Wanli snorted coldly, stretched out his hand to gesture on his stomach, and said: "We are a famous and upright sect, so of course we have to do things cleanly. It's not good to wear it out!"

"Of course!"

Bai Wanjian smiled slightly and whistled. The group of big men dressed as merchants heard his call and all stopped and wanted to leave separately.

"Eh? What is this? It's hard. You are a bunch of dishonest merchants. You put a piece of iron in the sesame cakes you sell!"

At this moment, a crisp voice sounded and spread throughout the street.

When the little beggar saw that they were not chasing him, he smiled and tore off half of the sesame cake and stuffed it into his mouth.

In his dark hand, there was a black piece of iron, which looked ordinary.

"Surround it on all sides, set up a sword formation, and take that thing. Don't hold back!"

Bai Wanjian took a quick look, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted sternly.

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