Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 710 Finding Ding Dian

"I see." Tianyu nodded.

Wudang Mountain has good Feng Shui and has always been said to be the dojo of the Great Emperor Zhenwu. If no one is interested in it, it is probably not the case.

Logically speaking, it is reasonable for Zhang Sanfeng to carry out such a large-scale company merger.

Otherwise, Zhang Sanfeng or the Seven Heroes of Wudang would have taught Chongxu, Yucha, Zhang Zhaozhong and others, which would feel even more inconsistent.

"Go back and disband the Qingcheng Sect, find a place to enjoy your old age, and don't come to Fujian anymore."

Tianyu asked Yu Canghai a few more questions and said lightly.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝘴𝘩𝘢.𝘯𝘦𝘡

"Yes, junior, I will obey your order!" Yu Canghai exhaled a long breath and bowed down.

When he raised his head, he found that there was no one in front of him.

Night fell.

At the end of the Jingzhou City Prison, a man was lying on the ground and sleeping soundly.

The man had a full beard, long hair that hung down to his neck, and tattered clothes, just like a wild man in the mountains.

He had handcuffs on his hands, shackles on his feet, and even two iron chains in his scapula, and it seemed that it was difficult for him to move.

Suddenly, flames shot up into the sky in the distance, and wailing and screaming resounded through the sky.

It seemed that someone went to put out the fire, or took advantage of the fire to rob.

Strange cries came one after another, and it was extremely noisy.

"Is that Wan Mansion, the home of Wan Zhenshan, the Five Cloud Hand?"

"Although Wan Zhenshan's martial arts are mediocre, he is cautious and has not offended any powerful people in these years. Why did it suddenly catch fire?"

The man opened his eyes slightly, revealing two sharp rays of light.

The original muddle-headed look disappeared without a trace, giving people a feeling of incomparable strength.

"Ding Dian!"

A faint voice sounded, and someone knocked gently outside the prison door.

The next moment, the extremely solid prison door suddenly fell down with a dull sound.

"Who are you?" Ding Dian frowned and sat cross-legged.

"I just set the fire outside." Tianyu said lightly.

"Why? With Wan Zhenshan's cultivation, I'm afraid he is not worthy of offending you." Ding Dian sneered.

"Because they are the Wan family, they don't like to do human affairs." Tianyu's tone remained unchanged.

"Hahaha, well said, it's true!" Ding Dian was stunned and suddenly laughed.

"Do you want to go out?" Tianyu looked at Ding Dian and asked.

"If Ding wanted to go out, he would have gone out long ago." Ding Dian was stunned and frowned.

"Is it because of Miss Ling?"

"It has nothing to do with you, what do you want to talk about Ding?" Ding Dian snorted, and seemed not to intend to talk about this issue.

"Nothing, I want to ask you for the heavenly book in your hand." Tianyu smiled slightly: "As compensation, I can do you a favor."

"Heavenly book? Hahaha, Ding Mou does have a copy of this thing, but whether you can get it depends on your ability."

Ding Dian was startled, and suddenly laughed out loud.

At the same time, his handcuffs and shackles fell off at the same time, and even the iron chain that locked the scapula behind his back slipped down, and it rang.

The next moment, the sound of firecrackers exploding sounded from each of his bones.

With each sound, Ding Dian's momentum became stronger. When his bones stopped ringing, his momentum was as majestic as a mountain.

"How is it?"

Ding Dian looked at Tianyu and showed a hint of sneer.

"Not bad."

Tianyu nodded, his expression calm.

This is the 33rd place on the Tianwu list, which is just right for testing the level of martial arts in this world.

That ranking list is actually quite pitfall if you are not familiar with the original character setting.

Because basically all the marked information is the identity, and there is no location information involved.

Even if some identities involve location information, it still needs to be referenced by the original human resources.

For example, Murong Fu obviously likes to wander around, and now he is probably in Xixia Yipintang, doing things under the alias Li Yanzong.

Unless you plan to pursue Wang Yuyan and Azhu and Abi, it is better not to go to Yanziwu.

Considering that there is also Murong Longcheng on the list, if you are not strong enough and rashly go to Yanziwu to do things, you may end up a bit miserable.

However, Gongsun Zhi, the master of Jueqing Valley, is **, but he is a homebody.

If you go to Jueqing Valley, you may run into him.

But among all the lists, Tianyu thinks Ding Dian is the most reliable, after all, he is marked as a death row prisoner in Jingzhou.

Although a death row prisoner is indeed an identity, the identity of a death row prisoner is very special and cannot run around. It is an almost explicit location coordinate.

Anyway, it is not far away, and Ding Dian's ranking is not high, so he looks easy to bully, so Tianyu first came to him to try his luck.

"Hahaha, you are the second person who asked Ding to untie the shackles and fight with all his strength in these years. I hope you won't let Ding down!"

Ding Dian certainly didn't know that Tianyu used him as a test tool, but he was still arrogant, laughing, and even heroic.

Although Ding Dian didn't know Tianyu's origin and identity, he himself was a death row prisoner, and he wouldn't care who the other party was when he killed someone.

Over the years, there have been hundreds of people who came to him for the Shenzhaojing and Liancheng Treasure House.

Every time he killed them all, mercilessly, and never cared whether the other party begged for mercy or not, or what their identity was.

"Who was the last person who asked you to fight with all your strength?" Tianyu asked lightly.

"Take my three punches, and we'll talk if you don't die!"

Ding Dian laughed, exhaled, and threw a punch.

A fist burst out from the void, like light or lightning, passing through the solid cracks and hitting Tianyu's Danzhong acupoint.

The fist hit him, making a dull sound that echoed in the empty prison.

"Shenzhao Gong, Wuying Shenquan?"

The fist is condensed and not dispersed, attacking one point without damaging the outside, which is really interesting. "Tianyu nodded.

Tianyu nodded: "First punch!"

Ding Dian's punch was obviously not full of strength, which made him stand still and easily resist it.

Of course, if Ding Dian hit him with all his strength, he should be able to take it.

But that would require activating most of his own defensive capabilities. Although the scene is cool, it will also reveal some traces of the skills.

"This is the Vajra Indestructible Divine Skill, are you a Shaolin disciple? "Ding Dian frowned and did not throw the second punch.

Obviously, there were many more Shaolin masters, which made Ding Dian feel a little afraid.

Ordinary people could be killed, but the lay disciples who knew the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art were obviously Shaolin core disciples.

If one of these people died, it would be a big deal for the sect and they would definitely be investigated.

Shaolin Temple is truly full of masters. Even if those monks did not take action, there were many peerless masters among the lay disciples.

It is said that Qiao Feng, the leader of the Beggars' Sect, was also half a Shaolin lay disciple.

Although Ding Dian's martial arts were powerful, he was also very afraid of Qiao Feng and others.

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