Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 708 I have no family

Halfway through Chang Hezhi's words, Tianyu stretched out his hand and flicked it lightly, and a finger of wind shot out of the air, like lightning.

There was faint thunder in the sky, and Chang Hezhi's body suddenly froze.

The next moment, a blood hole appeared between his eyebrows, and blood kept pouring out.

"Lin Pingzhi, let me use your sword." Tianyu looked back at Lin Pingzhi, and his heart moved slightly.

"Um, okay, huh?"

Lin Pingzhi's eyes suddenly widened, and the long sword on his waist flashed and appeared directly in Tianyu's hand.

The other party seemed to have swung it casually, and the sword energy enveloped the entire courtyard.

Then, as if by a miracle, the sword appeared at his waist again.

In addition to Taoist Hui Lv and Yu Canghai, the remaining dozens of Qingcheng disciples in the courtyard fell to the ground at the same time, including Chang Hezhi.

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"Uncle Master, he just cut off the disciple's arm with this kind of sword technique. I feel that if the disciple loses to this kind of sword technique, he is not too useless." Yu Canghai said with a bitter smile.

At this time, the Qingcheng faction was gone, and he was not afraid of death anymore.

"You, you, you!" Taoist Hui Lv was covered in cold sweat, his eyelids twitching wildly.

"Who is the big shot you just mentioned? Let me tell you what happened."

Tianyu smiled and said, "If you satisfy me, there may be a surprise."

"Although my two apprentices are not talented, they are the leaders of the Red Flower Club."

"There are so many experts in the Red Flower Society. If they want to take revenge, there will be no end!"

"If you give up here, the old man from the Red Flower Club can handle it for you. Please think again."

Taoist Hui Lv sighed and gave in.

"The Red Flower Club, is it very powerful?"

"Your Excellency is superb in martial arts, so you may not care about these people in the world, but you also have a family, aren't you afraid of them?"

"I have no family." Tianyu glanced at Taoist Hui Lv and said lightly.


Taoist Hui Lv immediately twitched the corners of his mouth, and his words were stuck. He was so unreasonable!

"You don't want to say it? That's okay!"

"Although you have a family, I can let your family live without you."

Tianyu looked at Taoist Hui Lv's black hands with some disdain.

I heard that Iron Sand Palm requires frying hot iron sand all day long, which is also a stupid skill.

And the actual effect is not very good, probably not as high as Qiu Qianren's Iron Palm, nor as technical as Yu Canghai's Heart-Calling Palm.

I guess it's because martial arts novels follow the martial arts style, so the style is naturally inferior.

"If you want to kill me, kill me. I can't betray my friends!" Hui Lv Taoist groaned.

"So the big shot is still your friend? Then you are pretty good to your friends." Tianyu said with a playful smile.

Taoist Hui Lv's face froze, his mouth moved, and then he closed it firmly.

"Senior, I know the news about that big shot!"

"The big shot poisoned the old thief Hui Lv, so he refused to tell!"

"If the senior is the one he is looking for, no matter what the outcome is, Hui Lv and the old thief will have to live or die!" Yu Canghai suddenly opened his mouth and said.

Although Tianyu looks young, Yu Canghai is astute and guesses that Tianyu is the legendary old monster.

If you practice martial arts to an incredible level, you can rejuvenate yourself. Even if you are over a hundred years old, you will still be as young as a teenager.

Uh, how should I say it?

Canghai's hypothesis is actually a bit close to the truth in some places.

"Yu Canghai, you are so brave!"

Taoist Hui Lv was furious and struck Yu Canghai on the head with his palm like lightning.

"This is an easier explanation."

Tianyu nodded, flicked it out with a palm, and faced the iron sand palm of Taoist Hui Lv.


A cold light flashed in Taoist Hui Lv's eyes, and he was overjoyed. He quickly mobilized all his strength to take a shot.

The swordsmanship Tianyu just displayed was like that of a swordsman, making him unable to resist at all.

If Tianyu had a sword in his hand, he wouldn't dare to take action even if he had ten courages.

But everyone needs to be reasonable. Sword Immortal doesn’t know how to wield magic. The opponent is so young, so his internal strength must not be that high.

However, his iron sand palm can break open monuments and rubble, and he is so powerful that few others can match him.

Even an ordinary grand master might not dare to reach out and take the power of his own palm.

If I kill this eccentric boy, and then kill Yu Canghai, the bastard who cheats on everything, then no one can get in the way.

Anyway, most of the people from the Qingcheng sect are dead, so at worst, they no longer need the dignity of this upright sect.

Force the things out of the Lin family's mouth, and then silence the Lin family

It is still a great achievement to complete things smoothly by yourself.

As soon as his mind moved, Taoist Hui Lv had already considered the matter, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised into a sinister smile.

"It's a good idea."

Tianyu shook his head, the magic power in his body surged like a tsunami, his palms changed from caressing to pressing, and he pressed down casually.

The palms of the two people met, and Taoist Hui Lv's eyes suddenly protruded, as if he had turned into a giant toad.

The next moment, the sound of crisp bones exploding continued to sound, Taoist Hui Lv screamed, and the arm bones of both arms were completely exploded into powder in an instant.

The unrivaled palm power poured into his organs along the meridians of his hands, exploding them one by one.

Taoist Hui Lv glanced at Tianyu in confusion, spit out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground without saying a word, and died on the spot.


Lin Zhennan took a deep breath, feeling mixed emotions.

This was a master, even if he was not as good as his great-grandfather Lin Yuantu, he was still a master, but he was killed by the young man in front of him?

What kind of god did he find!

"Master Yu, can you tell me now?" Tianyu asked in a deep voice.

"Do the people of the Lin family want to listen too?" Yu Canghai asked after a pause.

"Well, that's true."

Tianyu's heart moved slightly, and he looked at Lin Zhennan: "Master Lin, weigh the people around you, and you can leave after you settle the accounts."


Lin Zhennan didn't dare to say anything more, and he and Lin Pingzhi and others roughly weighed the corpse and settled the accounts.

The escort agency was originally engaged in weighing business. Although they had never done this kind of thing, they were quite skilled.

After a while, the calculation was completed.

"My benefactor, according to pork, it's about sixty taels."

Lin Zhennan handed over a cloth bag with a bag of loose silver in it.

Pork was not valuable in ancient times. A 200-jin pig would only cost about 1,000 wen, or one tael of silver.

Although Tianyu killed a lot of people, it was not worth much if converted according to the price of pork.

Of course, for ordinary people, sixty taels of silver was also a huge sum of money.

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