"It's boring. I thought you were going to turn evil and become the final boss, planning to conquer the entire continent, but you still turned out to be a three-point whitewash."

Tianyu received a prompt that the hidden task was completed, and was a little disappointed.

I still kept some back-ups, but in the end, none of them could be used.

"Your Majesty's idea is quite interesting." Bode was stunned, felt a little numb on his scalp, and laughed dryly.

"Okay, everyone get ready, the Eagle Kingdom has sent troops, and it's almost time to fight."

"After this battle, uh, you can take a few days off, and everyone can rest for a while."

Tianyu originally planned to promise a grand wedding, but after thinking about it, he felt that it seemed a bit wrong to say such a thing at this time.

Tens of thousands of troops of the Eagle Kingdom have assembled and crossed the border.

The soldiers are well-equipped and well-trained, giving people an extremely powerful feeling.

"Roland, you will meet your enemy soon, and you can see the fall of this kingdom with your own eyes!"

(Please remember 𝟔𝟗 book bar → 96𝙨𝙝𝙪.𝙣𝙚𝙩 website, watch the fastest chapter update)

The mighty and tyrannical King Bart is in the middle, sitting on a giant chariot.

He took out a head that was well preserved by magic from his bag and placed it on the table in front of him.

"Your Majesty Bart, please accept my condolences!"

Sitting next to him was a young man wearing a marshal's robe.

The young man took off his cloak, put it on his stomach, crossed his legs, and looked carefree.

When he saw Bart take out the head, the young man's face turned pale and he looked a little stiff.

Who would carry a toy with them?

"Nothing to be sad about." Bart snorted, "My prince can only be the best!"

"Roland showed this excellent quality in his first half of his life, so he can survive."

"But now he is dead, which means he is not good enough, just a loser, and losers do not deserve sympathy and sadness."

"Haha, your majesty is right!" The young man was stunned and had to laugh dryly.

"Don't think too much, Henry, as long as you still have that ability, you are qualified to share the continent with me."

"After conquering the Rose Kingdom this time, you will become the king there." Bart said in a flat tone.

"Thank you, your majesty!" The young man was overjoyed and thanked him quickly.

He was originally just an ordinary soldier in the Eagle Kingdom. Under extremely accidental circumstances, he was instructed by a weak witch.

Afterwards, he got countless gold and silver, as well as a magical tinderbox in a dry well.

After coming out, he had a dispute with the witch, so he simply killed the witch and took the tinderbox.

When the tinderbox is lit, three magical dogs will appear, with extremely powerful powers that can satisfy almost all his ideas.

Relying on the three dogs, he thrived in the Eagle Kingdom and became an important official.

"Your Majesty, we have encountered enemies ahead and cannot move forward."

The intelligence officer looked a little ugly, and hurried over.

"Have we encountered the elite of the Rose Kingdom so soon? Is it their eldest prince who is leading the troops?"

Bart's eyes condensed slightly: "Let the front army crush them, and the magic army assists. We must show momentum in the first game!"

"No, Your Majesty, the situation is a bit special, and the front army can't rush through!" The intelligence officer's face became even uglier, and he said with a wry smile.

"What's going on? Which army of the Rose Kingdom did you encounter?"

"The magic army that changes the terrain? No, they are a group of country bumpkins, how can they have such a thing?" Bart frowned.

"There is only one person on the other side, and it seems to be the Rose King"

"Hmm? Armored cavalry, heavy infantry, silver shield and spear infantry phalanx, war machine army, and even magic army

One by one, the extremely powerful arms were piled up on the front line and stopped involuntarily.

There was only one person on the other side, riding a nightmare beast and holding a long sword.

But an indescribable sense of fear filled everyone's heart.

It seemed that if they took a step forward, they would be doomed forever, and even staying in place seemed extremely difficult.

As if their minds would collapse at any time, even the army of the Rose Kingdom carefully kept a distance of one kilometer from Tianyu, watching the battlefield, as still as a mountain.

In front of the two armies, one horse was the only one.

"Bart, come out and decide the winner directly! "

Tianyu's cold eyes swept over the giant chariot that slowly came to the front line, and his tone was emotionless.

Although the opponent's troops were strong, Tianyu did not take it seriously.

He had also experienced several battles, in which there were armies of more than 100,000 or even hundreds of thousands.

Although the Eagle Kingdom had the most troops in the fairy tale continent, there were only tens of thousands of people, which seemed a bit childish in Tianyu's eyes.

If he went all out and kept sending out the points, as long as the opponent did not run away, he would be able to clear the field sooner or later.

"I didn't expect that the Rose King, who was said to be stupid, was actually a hidden strong man. "

A cold voice sounded, and Bart's figure flashed, riding on a blood-red giant bull, and came to Tianyu.

Not far behind him, a young man riding a horse followed closely behind him.

More than 200 meters away from Tianyu, the horse could not withstand the pressure, neighed, vomited blood, and died on the spot.

The young man frowned, muttered a few words, and walked over with small steps holding the tinder box in his hand.

Along the way, the marshal's robe kept flashing with magical luster, barely offsetting Tianyu's suppression.

This is also the special effect of super magic equipment. There are no more than three such battle robes in the entire Eagle Kingdom.

"You have a tinderbox in your hand, and there are three dogs in it?"

Tianyu glanced at the other party, and his heart moved slightly.

Although the story of the tinderbox is not very popular, it is included in most of the Andersen fairy tale anthologies, and Tianyu happened to have read it.

To some extent, this tinderbox has the same effect as the magic lamp in One Thousand and One Nights.

Of course, the ability of the lamp god should be better than these dogs.

"How do you know?" The young man was stunned, his eyes were a little hesitant.

"Quick battle, don't be affected by him!" Bart frowned slightly and whispered with a heavy sword in his hand.

He couldn't see Tianyu's flaws. This was something he had never seen before. It was unimaginable, causing Bart to subconsciously give up trying.


The young man nodded and wiped the tinderbox.

Sparks flickered, and three giant dogs seemed to have walked out of the dark, standing quietly on the battlefield, fearlessly facing Tianyu's gaze.

The smallest dog had eyes as big as teacups; and the largest one had eyes that were like two round towers, extremely deep, like a demon.

"The little dog went to catch Princess Little Red Riding Hood, the middle dog went to catch the Rose King, and the big dog went to defeat the Rose Kingdom's army. Hurry up!"

The young man looked at the three dogs, revealing an extremely strong confidence.

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