Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 689 The Curse of the Prophet

"His Majesty the Rose King is healthy, and His Majesty the Queen is still as elegant as ever."

Tianyu had seen the portrait of the other party when he was young, and he was still a handsome man.

Now his temples are gray, his spirit is listless, and he looks old and frail. It is obvious that he has been under great pressure in recent years.

In fact, this is also true. After the story of the female prophet spread, the permanent population of the Rose Principality has decreased by 70% in the past ten years.

Countless people from the Rose Principality on the border have become refugees and went to other three countries.

This is actually quite evil.

The Rose Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom have huge territories. If someone has a skill, it is easy to integrate into them.

But the Akiba Principality under the rule of the Black Queen is completely different.

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In recent years, many people who left their homes and came to the Akiba Principality found that there was no room for survival, and eventually died of hunger and cold.

Fortunately, the Rose Princess is almost fifteen years old now, and it is time to open the cards.

If it had been delayed for a few more years, the Rose Principality might have disappeared.

So, if you seek death, you will really die!

"Thank you for your visit."

The queen did not look old at all, and she smiled and greeted the two.

"I wonder what you two have to do with the delegation?"

The Rose King was timid. Now that his country was in decline, he was a little frightened when he saw the two kings coming together, and naturally put his status very low.

"Your Majesty, I can help you solve the curse of the female prophet, but the Rose Principality needs to become a subordinate country of my Rose Kingdom." Tianyu said straight to the point.

This is indeed the purpose of Tianyu's coming here. For him, female prophet and the like can be killed or not.

But the mission is to protect the Rose Princess from death, and Bode also needs the blood of the Rose Princess. In this case, Tianyu simply took the opportunity to leave some backup in the Rose Principality.

Anyway, the main task only requires that the Rose Kingdom not be destroyed. If you turn the two principalities into vassal states of the Rose Kingdom, there will be a lot of room for operation.

This is also a trump card reserved by Tianyu. If you can not use it, of course you don't use it, but if the main line collapses, there is still room for recovery.

"If this matter can be resolved, we are willing to become your Majesty's vassal." The Rose King was stunned and smiled flatteringly.


Tianyu was silent for a while, and he didn't know how to say it. Is it so humble?

He made a request, and the other party accepted it directly. It can be seen how much pressure the Rose Principality was under by this mess.

At this moment, the national strength has also been depleted to the limit. Most of the time, he has to pay for some aid.

Tianyu thought for a moment, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Your Majesty?" Seeing that Tianyu didn't answer, the Rose King asked cautiously.

"Let a few negotiators draft the contract for this matter, and we can just sign it later."

"Your Majesty the Rose King, your country will announce your daughter's birthday in less than a week, let's make a plan first."

Tianyu waved his hand, signaling several diplomats of the envoys to go and deal with it.

When he came to the Principality of Qiuye with the envoys, he did not bring many such professionals. Now several responsible persons were appointed by Snow White for him.

These people have accumulated rich experience in the negotiations to transform the Principality of Qiuye into a vassal state of the Rose Kingdom.

"Okay, in fact, the date we announced is fake. When we first entertained them, the date was slightly deviated, just to mislead the female prophet, which made his prediction wrong."

The Rose King smiled, obviously a little proud.

"Does this method work?" Tianyu was silent for a moment and asked Snow White.

In several consecutive mission worlds, he has not met someone like the Rose King who makes him unable to see through.

He even has a little difficulty understanding whether the IQ of His Majesty the King is high or low.

"I have consulted the magic mirror about some prophecy-related questions. If it is just a simple concealment of information, it should be useless."

Snow White sighed and looked at the king with a smug look on his face, a little speechless.

No wonder this country has declined so much in the past ten years. It is probably because many people can't see any hope at all.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. When will your daughter's birthday start?" Tianyu waved his hand, indicating to get to the point.

"To be honest, today is the day when my daughter turns fifteen." The queen looked at the king with a stiff smile and said faintly.

Today is the fifteenth birthday of Princess Rose. The king and queen had to meet guests early in the morning, so they left in a hurry and left her alone in the palace.

It was officially announced that Princess Rose's birthday is next week, and a banquet will be held in the palace.

This birthday banquet is indeed of great significance. Everyone is watching and waiting for the result of the curse fifteen years ago.

If Princess Rose appears in public after she turns fifteen, it means that the curse of the great prophet is just a joke.

At that time, a large number of people will migrate back to the Rose Principality and settle down here again.

In fact, the king and queen are still quite confident. After all, in all these years, the Rose Principality has not even seen the shadow of a spindle.

They also issued a blockade order to ensure that the Rose Princess did not know what happened that year.

So they were very confident that as long as the Rose Princess did not leave the palace gate, there would be no accidents.

Fortunately, although the spindle is common and practical, it is not an indispensable item after all.

If the main body of the curse is replaced by a pencil, a small needle on clothes, or choking to death while drinking water or eating.

It would be even more miserable, with no hope at all.

After washing up, Princess Rose came to her parents' room and found it empty, which made her a little depressed.

So she had to walk around the palace alone, looking at the large and small rooms in the palace. This was one of the few entertainments she had in these years.

The palace is now extremely desolate, and it is very difficult to maintain normal operation.

Everyone looked at her strangely, as if she was the source of the disaster. Later, even her father and mother looked at her like this.

Princess Rose did not understand the other party's thoughts, but simply did not like this kind of look.

So when she was ten years old, she refused the service of the maid and did her own things.

Anyway, she had already learned all the necessary life skills in the past time.

It was nothing more than washing clothes, mending clothes, cooking, etc.

Anyway, they were all very simple things, nothing special, and gradually she got used to being alone.

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