Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 687 The Little Match Girl

Every window on the street is brightly lit, and the smell of barbecue fills the street. Today is the day of the Queen's coronation, and the whole country is celebrating.

But for her, business was even more miserable.

The road was under control all day long, and vendors were prohibited from selling. It rained heavily in the evening, and even if there were pedestrians walking in a hurry on the road, it was impossible to stop and buy a match.

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Tired, thirsty and hungry, the little girl caught a handful of rainwater under the eaves, swallowed it with difficulty, then curled up and sat down under the eaves between the two rooms.

She didn't dare to go home because she didn't even sell a match and didn't earn a single copper.

Her father would beat her hard when she got home.

Besides, there was no food at home. Even if he had a little money, his father would only use it to gamble and lose everything, and the cycle started over and over again.

"Only use one!"

The little girl thought for a moment, gritted her teeth, took out a match, and lightly struck the wall.

The moment the match was lit, a huge cast-iron stove appeared in front of her. The flames burned brightly in the furnace cavity, instantly dispelling the chill, making her warm and comfortable.

After a moment, the match went out and the cast-iron stove disappeared into thin air, as if it had never appeared.

"Is it too cold? The first reaction was to the stove." The little girl sighed, and her face turned a little pale.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with the stove, at least it warms the body.

If you fantasize about roast duck, fruit, and bread, it is actually even less interesting.

The things were truly real and delicious, so they gave her an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

But the moment the match went out, the food disappeared out of thin air, and even the food in the stomach disappeared without a trace.

When the stomach is filled with food and suddenly dries up, there will be cramp-like pain, and cold sweat will break out all over the body.

The little girl didn't want to try that kind of taste a second time.

"Maybe we can meet grandma again!"

The little girl lowered her head and looked at the white phosphorus match, feeling slightly moved.

She once lit a match while crying, and then her long-dead grandmother appeared in front of her, hugged her, and even sang her a song.

That time, she was reluctant to let go until the match burned her finger.

The cost was also great. Afterwards, she fell ill, lay in bed for several days, and almost died.

The little girl was originally very afraid of death, but now she gradually doesn't care much about it.

"With your current mental power, summoning creatures out of thin air is completely different from building a furnace, okay?"

"Well, this body is already extremely weak. If it is exhausted too much, it will collapse." At this moment, a gentle man's voice sounded.

Then a warm breeze blew by, and the bleak rainy night seemed to turn into a warm summer night. The little girl liked this feeling very much.

"Is it her?"

A clear and melodious female voice followed, seemingly filled with strong emotional fluctuations.

"Yes." Tianyu nodded.


The little girl reacted suddenly and raised her little head.

A noble and beautiful girl was looking at her intently, with some pity and sadness; a mighty and tall man was standing beside the girl.

The man did not hold an umbrella, but the wind and rain suddenly turned around a few meters away from the man, miraculously splashing far away.

The warm and vast aura continued to emanate from the man, making the little girl's frozen body gradually warm up, as if she was bathing in the afternoon sun.

"Little girl, can you show me your matches?" Tianyu asked with a smile as his magic power was flowing.

"Ah, okay!"

The little girl solemnly took out a match and handed it over.

Tianyu took the match, took a look at it, stretched out his left index finger and clicked on the white phosphorus.

The flame ignited and gave off a slightly pungent smell, just like an ordinary match.

"She is the one who caused all this. In other words, as long as she has enough power, she can recreate the miracle."

Tianyu frowned, flicked out a wisp of finger wind, and extinguished the match.

White phosphorus matches are not a good thing. They can burn just by scratching them on the wall. They can even spontaneously ignite when the temperature is high. They are extremely unsafe.

Moreover, the burning substances are still toxic, and long-term use is extremely harmful to the human body.

However, red phosphorus matches have not been invented yet, and magic matches can only be owned by the palace or the nobles, and most people can only use this thing.

"Who are you?"

Seeing Tianyu's hard-core operation of lighting and extinguishing matches, the little girl shrank slightly and panicked.

Although the men and women in front of them were all dressed casually, they did not wear gorgeous furs and brocade robes like the rich men in the city, and they also did not have a straight face or a sinister expression.

But the little girl's intuition told him that the person in front of him was by no means an ordinary person.

She even suspected that the richest noble and the most powerful warrior she had ever seen were far inferior to him.

This is a kind of temperament crushing. Although it is indescribable, it is clear at a glance.

"I am the queen of the principality, but I just took office today." Snow White smiled bitterly.

"I'm sorry that there are still many people in the principality who are suffering from poverty and suffering. I don't think explanations are of any use, but I want to work with you to change this country."

The little girl blinked her eyes and fainted.

The little girl didn't know how long she had slept. When she opened her eyes, she found herself lying on a bed with a thick mattress.

She was wearing a set of soft and comfortable pajamas and covered with a gentle and comfortable velvet quilt.

Her hungry stomach now gave her a comfortable and satisfied feeling, and she was very comfortable.

"Is this heaven?" The little girl thought for a few seconds and felt that she had found the answer to the question.

Then she shook her head again. Since her grandmother died, she no longer believed in gods.

Since she didn't believe in gods, she didn't think that gods would help her.

At this time, the door opened, footsteps sounded, and someone walked in.

The little girl's face changed, and she couldn't help but think of some horrible and evil behaviors of the nobles in the legend.

The little girl quickly tensed her body, closed her eyes, and chose to pretend to sleep.

"Your Majesty, I have investigated. This girl has been an abandoned baby since she was a child. She doesn't even have a name. Her nominal parents should be considered her adoptive parents."

A crisp female voice sounded, and the little girl had never heard of this voice.

"It seems to be talking about me?" The little girl relaxed a little and pricked up her ears again.

"How are her family relationships now?"

An elegant and gentle voice sounded, it was the voice of Her Majesty the Queen.

"Her adoptive mother has passed away due to illness, and her adoptive father has been in poor health due to years of making white phosphorus, drinking and gambling. He has now been transferred to the hospital for treatment, but he may not be able to hold on for long." The female official reported.

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