Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 680 Changing Mounts

The other dwarfs stopped talking, and the seven dwarfs simultaneously stretched out their left hands and recited a strange spell.

There are only three fingers left on their left hands, and the little finger and middle finger have disappeared without a trace.

There was a soft snap, and the left ring fingers of the seven dwarfs exploded into a ball of blood mist at the same time.

With seven screams, the ground between them suddenly turned into a black swamp.

"Another finger. If this continues, there will be no fingers left on my left hand."

"Don't you still have your right hand?"

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"Are you stupid?"

"The first time we tested, we summoned a succubus, and everyone was very happy; the second time we met the boss, we summoned a headless horseman, but he purified it with holy light. What was it this time?"

"I don't know. Aren't our summons all random?"


The ancient and distant roar came from the black swamp, as if it had extremely powerful power.

"let's go."

Princess Snow White was startled, as if she had a premonition of something extremely dangerous, and gently grabbed Tianyu's arm.

"Wait a minute, this time it seems to be something very interesting."

Tianyu smiled and patted Snow White on the head: "Don't worry, I can handle it."

"Okay." Snow White smiled.


The next moment, the black swamp exploded, and a black horse roared out from the center of the black swamp.

The black horse's eyes were blood red, and magma-like flames were flowing all over its body. Its crimson mane and tail fluttered in the wind, and its four hooves seemed to have the power of chaos, making it float in the air.

The invisible power of fear covered a range of several hundred meters, exuding a chilling aura.

"A random horse?"

“What’s so great about horses?”

"No, don't you think there's something wrong with this horse?"

"There seems to be something wrong. I don't know why. I feel so scared when I see it."

"I'm so scared too. As summoners, aren't we immune to most pressures?"

"That means the pressure is too strong, or it's a special type of pressure."

"Is it so powerful? Is this thing a high-level monster?"

"A high-level monster looks like a bird?"

"Dark horse, hurry up and kill that big man and capture the princess!"

The dwarf wearing a cuckold jumped up impatiently and patted the black horse's butt.

The black horse turned his head and looked at the cuckold dwarf with his blood-red eyes.

"Hurry up, we summoned you, we are your masters, now I order you to kill the big man, and then snatch Snow White!"

The cuckold dwarf gritted his teeth, pretending to be beaten, and ordered loudly.

The black horse took a deep breath, opened his mouth suddenly, and flames like lava spurted out, spitting directly on the cuckold dwarf.

The cuckold dwarf screamed, without even starting the process of igniting and burning. The moment the flames touched his body, his entire body was completely vaporized.

After a while, there was only a pile of black ash on the ground.

The black horse took a deep breath, the black ashes were gone, and the ashes were all blown away!

"Damn it, Dragon's Breath!"

"Looks like a horse, but also has dragon breath?"

"Super Monster? Run!"

The remaining dwarfs were so frightened that they turned around and ran away.

The black horse's eyes swept over the remaining dwarfs, seeming to be disdainful.

The next moment, it took a deep breath, opened its mouth, and six lava bombs accurately hit the six dwarfs who were running wildly.

Six fireballs exploded suddenly, leaving behind several pieces of charred remains. One hit would kill him!


After killing all the dwarfs, the black horse roared suddenly, seeming to have broken free from some kind of restraint, and its momentum soared into the sky.

Violent pressure filled the void, and the two horses beside the carriage screamed at the same time, vomited blood, and died on the spot.

The pressure of this kind of super-level monster is simply not something they can bear.

Dark Horse glanced at Snow White, and then rested on Tianyu. His originally contemptuous gaze gradually became serious, and even showed a hint of doubt.

"This is the Nightmare Beast!"

Snow White reacted suddenly, her body trembling uncontrollably.

The Nightmare Beast is a super-level monster that exists in legend. In addition to its extremely fast speed, strength comparable to an elephant, and dragon breath attack, it also possesses an extremely powerful fear aura.

Except for super creatures, mentally immune creatures, and creatures that have no soul and no fear, other creatures will be shrouded in constant fear once they face the nightmare beast, and even be driven mad.

"Xiao Bai, it seems that you are not afraid of it?" Tianyu asked.

"After I was born, I received the blessing from my mother, which can largely offset the negative effects of fear and curses." Snow White said softly.

"That's it, that's great." Tianyu smiled: "Xiaobai, our horse is dead anyway, how about we get a new mount?"

"Ah? What did you say?"

Princess Snow White was startled, and subconsciously looked at the nightmare beast in front of her, her little face became stiff.

There were flowing flames and rolling heat waves all over the place. Once the flowers, plants and trees came into contact with the flames, they immediately turned into ashes.

The two afterimages collided together, making a dull impact, and the ground collapsed, revealing a huge sinkhole.

Magma-like flames covered it, as if it could incinerate everything.

Dozens of big trees suddenly fell down and turned into ashes when they came into contact with the flames at the top of the sinkhole.

There was no fight as imagined, no magnificent sword energy, and no trembling magic. Just a test fight had the power to destroy the world.

There was a continuous bombardment from the pit, mixed with the roar of the nightmare beast.

Snow White covered her mouth and stared at the billowing flames on the tiankeng like a wooden chicken.

She was a little worried about Tianyu's safety, but she couldn't get close to the fire pit.

Fortunately, the continuous bombardment in the pit and the screams of the nightmare beast made her feel a little relieved.


The screams of the nightmare beast?

Snow White was startled and listened carefully to the sound in the pit.

The bombardment sounded like the sound of continuous punches from fists, and the screams seemed to have a bit of wailing.

After a few minutes, the wailing turned into sobbing, giving people a feeling of weakness.


The sound of a gas explosion rang out, the sky exploded, and the sky full of flames disappeared without a trace. Tianyu pulled one of the nightmare beast's legs and threw it out of the pit like a dead dog.

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