The fluctuations of magic power filled the space, causing little ripples. The entire shotgun trembled slightly and gave off a bright yellow luster.


Tianyu looked at the hunter's shotgun with interest. It should be a mechanical creation.

But the copper bullet obviously had the fluctuation of magical elements. He had only seen this combination in the game, and he was slightly curious.

"I didn't expect that the legendary idiot who only knew how to change clothes was actually a master of hiding things."

The hunter held the shotgun and felt extremely confident: "You've been pretending to be an idiot all these years. It's been hard, right?"

He wasn't too surprised that the crow died suddenly. The other party was the king of a country after all.

The white mage of the kingdom has always been very careful about curse-type skills.

Otherwise, if a witch comes by and curses the king to death with a few curses, then what's the point?

It is possible that some magic equipment was specially made to be immune to this kind of damage.

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This crow is not strong enough, so it is normal for it to be reflected and exploded by its own curse.

"It's okay, it's not hard." Tianyu said calmly.

"It's better for you to come. As long as you die here with the princess, then this war will be inevitable!"

The hunter stared at Tianyu, raised his shotgun, and remained motionless.

He didn't expect Tianyu's reaction, so he didn't know how to answer the call for a while.

"Okay, no need to play psychological warfare anymore, this is not suitable for you and makes me very embarrassed to hear it."

"I'm a little interested in your copper bullet and want to see its power." Tianyu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a faint smile.


Snow White was startled and seemed a little worried.

"It's okay, he's very weak and can't hurt me at all." Tianyu saw the worry on the girl's eyebrows and shook his head.

"Then as you wish!"

The hunter's face turned ugly, and he took a deep breath, as if to gather all the energy in his body.

The next moment, he slammed the trigger of the shotgun.

The bullet was shot out and turned into a huge dark black fireball in mid-air, rushing towards Tianyu.

The black flames billowed, and the violent heat rushed towards the face, giving people a feeling that seemed to burn the soul.

The hunter's aura has weakened visibly, and a trace of white hair will appear faintly.


Tianyu stretched out his right hand and grabbed it gently. The bullet came to his palm and stopped suddenly. The mana flowed and wrapped the bullet inside.

In mid-air, two mysterious forces collided and turned into nothingness at the same time.

Tianyu closed his palms, and the brass bullet vibrated several times and stopped.

"The explosive power is good, but it consumes too much, and it still costs lives." Tianyu stared at the copper bullet in his palm and shook his head.

The opponent was probably at the silver level, but the power of the copper bullet was almost equivalent to a blow from a top brass expert, which made Tianyu a little envious.

"Where did this copper bullet come from?"

Tianyu raised his eyebrows, and a mental shock was sent out, exploding in the hunter's mind.

"This is the Black Queen's magical firearm. Every bullet is equivalent to an attack by her own hands." The hunter said with a pale face.

"That's it."

Tianyu nodded, picked up the bullet on his index finger, and flicked it.

It seems that this requires a master close to the platinum level to store his own cultivation in it in advance. It is not an unreasonable explosion of krypton life.

Otherwise, if the Black Queen has platinum strength and bursts out with diamond-level damage, it will be a fool's errand!

The brass bullet shot out of the air and penetrated the hunter's throat. The hunter staggered and fell heavily to the ground.

Tianyu threw the hunter's body into the pit and slapped it out with one palm.

The force of his palm surged and he pushed out flatly. The mound of soil on the side collapsed, burying the hunter tightly.

Tianyu has killed countless people, but there are really only a handful of cases where he is responsible for both killing and burying.

Considering that the hunter was quite polite to Snow White all the way, Tianyu treated her specially.

Anyway, the pit is ready-made, it’s just a matter of effort, it’s not that troublesome.

If you really want to break the bones and spread the ashes, you will have to go through a lot of trouble.

Tianyu came to the two horses, used a bit of magic power, and patted the horses on the head.

This magical power is like sunshine, evaporating the remaining pressure and fear of the crow without a trace.

The two horses snorted at the same time and stood up easily, as if they were not affected at all.

"Okay, Xiaobai, it's okay."

After treating Ma's psychological shadow, Tianyu smiled and looked at the girl who was a little overwhelmed.

"Um, thank you. No, who is Xiaobai?"

Princess Snow White was startled and looked helpless.

"Snow White sounds a bit unfamiliar, but isn't Xiaobai pretty?"

"It sounds like the name of a kitten or puppy!" Snow White frowned and complained.

"Be confident, this is what it is!"


"But doesn't it sound pretty cute?"

"Cute is cute, but"

"So, you should call me Xiaobai from now on."

"If you want to scream, just scream."

Snow White snorted, somewhat reluctantly.

A gust of mountain wind blew, and Snow White frowned slightly and curled up slightly, as if she felt a little cold.

"Put it on."

Tianyu took off his windbreaker and put it on Snow White's shoulders.

"What kind of clothes are these? How come I've never seen them before? I've never seen the pants you're wearing before."

Snow White's brows slowly relaxed as she felt the body temperature remaining on the clothes.

"These are the windbreaker and jeans I designed. There's only one set of these in the world right now, but I believe that they will become popular all over the continent soon!"

Tianyu put his hands in his trouser pockets, looking at Snow White, who was wearing a windbreaker and looked a little cool and cool, and his heart moved slightly.

It seems that this is also a good clothes rack. Let's take him there during the celebration.

That should be quite face-saving, right?

"I also believe that it will be popular in the world. Uh, is there a women's version of this dress?" Snow White's eyes lit up slightly and asked.

"The tailors in the kingdom are designing and making them. After I go back, I'll ask them to design a few for you." Tianyu smiled.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it. When are we going back?"

Snow White showed a smile that was very suitable for a princess, and subconsciously took Tianyu's arm.

Snow White was a little bit resistant to her fiancée status, but after being saved by Tianyu, she gradually accepted it, and even had a sense of anticipation and dependence on being protected.

Snow White had never experienced this kind of feeling, but she did not reject it.

When Snow White was just born, her mother died, and her father buried her mother casually and immediately found a stepmother for her.

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