Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 675 Magic Mirror Magic Mirror Who is the most beautiful

"Ah? Shall I sort out your clothes?"

"Not available?"

"No, no, okay!"

Linda didn't know what she thought of, and her face turned red again.

"Let's do this, you take me to the palace, and then bring a map and chronology of the surrounding countries." Tianyu sighed.

"Your Majesty, your two princes and royal highnesses are not in the palace today. In fact, you can relax a bit."

Linda hesitated, bit her lip, and looked at Tianyu eagerly.

"Oh, I won't be here if I'm not here."

"Huh? What did you say? My two princes?"

Under Linda's resentful gaze, Tianyu closed the door.

There is a huge map on the bedside, and there are piles of files and documents on the bed. This is why Tianyu rejected Linda.

It would be nice to relax a bit if you and I were willing, but now that the start time is tight, and he doesn't have any clue about the mission for the time being, it would be stupid to waste time like this.

This is a continent.

Well, it doesn’t seem to be big enough to be called a mainland.

This is a relatively large island, divided into four countries, with a large forest in the center.

It is relatively peaceful during the day, but according to legend, witches, werewolves, and even many mysterious species appear in the middle of the night.

According to the style of the draft space that likes to cause trouble, as long as legends are involved, it is basically certain that some weird things will happen.

Tianyu's Rose Kingdom is in the east, occupying about a quarter of the territory.

The queen has been dead for many years, and there are only two princes left.

The two princes seem to be quite progressive. The eldest prince leads the army to garrison along the coast, while the younger prince governs in the royal capital.

"Good guy, the army and governance rights have been handed over like this. No wonder the original owner can be bored and change clothes every day. He just doesn't know if the two princes will immediately fight after this guy is killed?"

Tianyu shook his head and wrote a handwriting, agreeing with the eldest prince to control the army, but he must first return to the capital to prepare for the celebration.

This eldest prince is also strange. If the enemy wants to attack, theoretically they can come through the forest.

In terms of the carrying capacity of ships in this era, they simply cannot support large-scale wars.

Moreover, the sea tribe here will never start a war with the human race, so why is he just defending at the beach?

Rather than garrisoning, it's better to say that the mercenaries respect themselves.

Tianyu shook his head, but he wasn't there either.

The power of mind is quite sensitive. If you take it back directly, some messy accidents might happen.

He is here to complete the task, not to imitate Li Shimin and come to clean up.

Harmony brings wealth, and besides, the original king wanted to die like this

If Tianyu were to be that prince, there is a high probability that he would also turn against him.

The words of the little prince.

Just stay in the palace to handle official business these days, and don't go to other places at will.

If you are really bored, you can sing, dance, or hold a few parties in the palace.

Facing the map, Tianyu flipped through the documents page by page.

"To the west is the Eagle Kingdom. This country occupies nearly half of the island and is considered the strongest force."

"Huh? The Eagle King is known as the Sword Master, and the prince is a paladin. Is there no princess? Very good, it has nothing to do with you anymore."

"Speaking of which, this damn place doesn't even have the Holy See. How did you get promoted?"

The two titles of Sword Master and Paladin are not related, and are very different. Without specific results, Tianyu cannot estimate their strength unless there is a fight.

"To the south is the Rose Principality, and to the north is the Autumn Leaf Principality. They both occupy about one-eighth of the territory. Together they are about the same size as my Rose Kingdom."

"As for the Rose Principality, eh? There is indeed a Rose Princess, who is one month away from turning 15 years old. Fortunately, Sleeping Beauty should not be opened until she turns 15, so there is no rush at the moment."

"As for the Qiuye Principality, the king died last week, and now the queen is in charge. Snow White hasn't died yet?"

"In that case, it seems normal for me to visit the widow as a neighbor, right?"

Tianyu thought for a moment, looking at the dense forest in the middle, his heart moved slightly.

In the Principality on an autumn night, the beautiful Black Queen sat alone in front of the mirror, combing her hair and humming an ancient ballad.

"Magic Mirror, Magic Mirror, tell me, which woman is the most beautiful in this continent?"

The magic mirror flashed with colorful light, and after a moment, a human man's voice came from inside the mirror.

"This question is difficult to answer. Frankly speaking, I find it difficult to distinguish between at least four women, and there will be two more soon. Oh, it is really distressing."

"Who can compare with me?" The Black Queen frowned, her face looking a little ugly.

"Compared to you? Hahaha, you are really good at telling jokes. Anyone here is a thousand times more beautiful than you!" The magic mirror stopped for a moment, and then started mocking.

"Who are they?"

"Your Snow White is one of them; Princess Rose from the Rose Duchy next door is also one of them."

"The fiancée of the eldest prince of the Rose Kingdom is still one of them; besides, the one on the edge of the forest"

"Well, I can't say this name. If I say it, I will be in trouble. Anyway, these people are all prettier than you!"

The magic mirror hesitated and omitted a name.

"There are only four here!" The Black Queen was so angry that her teeth started to itch.

"Oh, sorry, I got too excited."

"What about the last two?"

"I'm not sure what the last two are like now. If I'm unlucky, they might be uglier than you now."

"But when they appear in a brand new look, they will be 1,000 times prettier than you."

The magic mirror shook slightly, as if it was very proud.

"You actually asked a very skillful question. If you asked a wider range, there are several mermaid princesses in the sea who are hundreds of times prettier than you!"

"Damn it, then narrow the scope. In this principality, besides Snow White, is there anyone prettier than me?"

The Black Queen changed her question after a moment of impotence and rage.

"Oh, dear Queen, congratulations. In the entire principality, only Snow White is a thousand times prettier than you!"

"As long as you kill her, you will be the most beautiful person here!" the magic mirror replied.

"Huh? Are you persuading me to kill Snow White?"

The Black Queen was slightly startled and showed a twisted smile.

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