But they also understood that Tianyu was already strong enough to deal with the current situation.

"Damn it!"


Tiedan Shenhou gritted his teeth, and found that he was completely defeated, and defeated very cleanly.

From the beginning of the fight to now, less than half an hour later, he was defeated by his most powerful martial arts.

The Star Absorbing Skill was a magical skill that he was proud of in the past, but now it is completely suppressed by Tianyu.

"Who are you? What is your purpose for sneaking into my Hulong Villa?" Tiedan Shenhou asked.

Tianyu responded coldly: "My purpose is to stop you from rebelling, that's all."

"Really, just to stop me from rebelling?"

Tianyu told the truth, but Tiedan Shenhou felt very puzzled.

He had been secretly guessing which side sent Tianyu, but now Tianyu actually said that the only purpose was to stop him from rebelling?

There is no big sect in the martial arts world that would care about these things in the dynasty.

One is because they have no control over it, and the other is because these things have nothing to do with them.

So when Tianyu said this purpose, Tiedan Shenhou was stunned on the spot.

Then Tiedan Shenhou was surprised to find that his internal force was fading away at an accelerated rate.

That's right, Tianyu began to increase his strength.

The Star Absorbing ** started to run wildly, and directly swallowed up Tiedan Shenhou's Star Absorbing ** completely!

The two vortices merged into one, and Tianyu's Star Absorbing ** underwent a qualitative change.

"So the Star Absorbing ** can be used in this way?"

Tianyu understood in his heart. At this time, the crazy rotating vortex, Tiedan Shenhou's internal force was rapidly lost.

But what surprised Tianyu was that Tiedan Shenhou had indeed absorbed a lot of internal force over the years.

Such a vast degree of internal force is far greater than Cao Zhengchun and several demons encountered in the prison.

Among the people Tianyu has seen, Tiedan Shenhou may only be inferior to Emperor Shitian in terms of internal force.


Tiedan Shenhou suddenly screamed and spit out blood.

And he immediately made a decision and burst out a terrible internal force, which shook Tianyu's palm.

Tiedan Shenhou forcibly cut off this connection and fell rapidly in the night sky.

He was absorbed a lot of internal force and was weak in his body. Moreover, he was seriously injured because of the forced interruption of the qi, so he could no longer perform the advanced Qinggong.

But he still managed to control the direction and let himself fall into the darkness.

When Tianyu was about to chase out, he suddenly felt something was wrong.


There were several wind sounds behind him. Several team leaders of Fanchen had arrived.

"Master, do you want us to continue chasing?" The leader of Group 6 asked.

Previously, the six groups were responsible for monitoring the movements of the entire dynasty, so the leaders of the six groups had been stationing all their forces inside and outside the imperial city.

At this time, he only needed to give an order, and Tiedan Shenhou would not be able to escape at all.

"No need to go, we can't catch up anymore." Tianyu's words were a little regretful.

"Oh, master, why is this?"

Not only the leaders of the six groups, but also the other leaders felt a little incredible.

You know, now they have completely controlled the situation, cut off the contact with Wan Sanqian, the ten generals have completely turned against them, and the imperial guards have successfully entered the palace to protect the emperor.

And the thirty-six Tiangang, seventy-two Disha, and the three platforms and eight seats under Tiedan Shenhou were all killed by the people present.

In this situation, how could Tiedan Shenhou escape?

Tianyu pointed to a misty fog in the distance and said, "Did you see it?"

Several mortal clan leaders looked at each other and felt a little confused.

It was just a layer of fog formed by excessive water vapor in the night, but after a closer look, something was wrong.

"What is this?"

The leaders were heavy-hearted.

Tianyu nodded and said slowly: "If I am not mistaken, this should be one of the eight unique skills in Shu, the misty rain. It is said that those who enter will die. We'd better not chase it."

Tianyu understood that a top master came to the Tang Sect and arranged the misty rain.

In the face of such means, even if several leaders of the mortal world chased after it, it would be a dead word.

Because the misty rain is known as the first of the eight unique skills!

The leader of the sixth group was very unwilling and still asked: "Master, are you going to let Tiedan Shenhou leave like this?"

Because he deeply understood that Tianyu had made many plans for today's layout.

The ultimate goal is to take down Tiedan Shenhou and destroy the intelligence organization of Hulong Villa.

From another perspective, this is also to open up a way for mortal world.

From now on, there will be no intelligence organization in the world that can compete with the mortal world.

But now that this matter has failed, several team leaders are a little unwilling.

Tianyu snorted coldly, he was also a little unhappy, but what can he do.

Tianyu said slowly: "As far as I know, there are only two people in the entire Tang Sect who can perform the move of misty rain. One of them has long disappeared, and the other is the current head of the Tang Sect-Tang Qingli!"

As Tianyu finished speaking, the mist in the distance seemed to be sensed and gradually drifted farther and farther away.

When the team leaders saw this scene, they were extremely unwilling, but there was nothing they could do.

More figures in the distance slowly arrived. These were the other team leaders of Fanchen.

In the end, there were a total of 28 people standing beside Tianyu. Everyone stared at the mist in the distance, and a strange feeling rose in their hearts.

This first of the eight unique skills in Shu was indeed terrifying. Just placing it here made Fanchen feel helpless.

And this time, it also made Tianyu have an unprecedented obsession in his heart.

Hidden weapons have become a field in this world, posing a huge threat to Fanchen. In the final analysis, the source of hidden weapons is the Tang Sect in Shu.

"In time, I will set foot in the Tang Sect and take all the hidden weapons in the world for myself!" Tianyu said to the night sky, silently swearing in his heart.

A storm fell.

The next day, Tianyu came to the palace to face the emperor.

"Tianyu, if it wasn't for you yesterday, I would have been in danger. You have made such a great contribution, how do you want me to reward you?"

The emperor looked at Tianyu with great gratitude, because if it wasn't for Tianyu, he would have probably announced GG yesterday.

Tianyu shook his head and said: "Protecting the emperor is the duty of all subjects, I don't want any reward."

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