Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 650 Wearing the Imperial Garment

Cao Zhengchun wanted to sneak away, but when he was discovered by Tianyu, he screamed frantically, "Sir, spare my life, please let me go."

Cao Zhengchun was really scared at this time. If it were before, he still had some hope in his heart, knowing that Emperor Shitian might come to save him.

But now his biggest trump card is gone, and the fear of death lingers deeply in his heart. He put down his dignity and knelt down to beg for mercy.

The former East Factory Supervisor was like a prisoner seeking survival.

Facing Cao Zhengchun's appearance, Tianyu's heart was not the slightest wave.

He just lifted Cao Zhengchun with one hand and jumped down from the top of the mountain effortlessly.

At this time, the matter of robbing the execution ground had completely spread, alarming the emperor.

Then the imperial guards were dispatched, a large number of masters and people from the Dragon Guard Villa, as well as Tiedan Shenhou and Duan Tianya and others came in person.

Everyone surrounded this mountain that was thousands of feet high, looking up at the top of the mountain, as if deep in the clouds, and there was no end in sight.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly jumped down from the top of the mountain.

"Look, what is that?"

Then everyone was surprised to see two figures squeezed together and jumped down directly from such a high mountain.

Tianyu lightly touched the slightly protruding part between the mountain walls with his toes, and jumped down again with the force, accelerating instantly.

After going back and forth several times, he came directly to the ground.

Suddenly everyone was completely speechless, and everyone looked at this scene stupidly, shocked.

"No way? Is this person still a human?"

At this time, the chief instructor of the Imperial Guards was dumbfounded. He looked up at the height of the mountain and swallowed hard.

The face of Duan Tianya, the number one spy, was as ugly as it could be, and the hand holding the sword trembled slightly.

Although Tiedan Shenhou next to him did not show any strange expression, his heart shook violently.

Obviously, the reason why Tiedan Shenhou did not go directly to the mountain just now was because he saw that the mountain was too steep.

While thinking, he saw Tianyu jumping down directly with Cao Zhengchun.

"Tianyu, where is Emperor Shitian?" Tiedan Shenhou asked immediately.

After all, a figure like Emperor Shitian is a banner of the Western Regions martial arts. His coming to the Central Plains martial arts is of great significance.

Tianyu shook his head and said, "Emperor Shitian has escaped."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of gasps around, and at the same time, there were hundreds of ghost-like eyes looking at Tianyu.

"What, Emperor Shitian escaped?"

They noticed that Tianyu used the word "escape". The dignified Emperor Shitian, the number one in the Western Regions martial arts.

In the whole world, even if the Central Plains martial arts and Sakura Island martial arts are counted, it is a powerful existence that is enough to rank in the top ten. He actually escaped?

The corners of Tiedan Shenhou's mouth twitched fiercely. Although he tried his best to hide it, it was clear from his shaking beard how shocked he was.

"Tianyu, are you sure that Emperor Shitian escaped?"

Tianyu nodded and said seriously: "I'm sure, if you don't believe me, just ask him."

Then he threw Cao Zhengchun to the ground.

Cao Zhengchun was scared to death at this time, seeing that the people around him were all his former enemies.

At this time, he felt that he was so weak and powerless, sitting on the ground, and he could be easily crushed to death by someone's finger at any time.

"God, spare my life, I know I was wrong." Cao Zhengchun instinctively began to beg for mercy again.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will never let it go.

"Did Emperor Shitian really escape?" Tiedan Shenhou asked coldly with an expressionless face.

Cao Zhengchun nodded directly and responded: "Yes, Lord Emperor Shitian was injured by the Dragon Guardian Spy, and then he ran away directly."

"What, was he injured by you?"

At this moment, Tiedan Shenhou could no longer maintain his usual steady posture, staring at Tianyu directly, with a sharp flash of light in his eyes.

All the surrounding Imperial Guards, the chief instructor of the Imperial Guards, and all the people in the Dragon Guard Villa were so scared that they took three steps back.

The young man in front of him could actually injure Emperor Shi Tian and make him flee in embarrassment.

"Oh my God, who is he? He is just a spy from the Dragon Guard Villa. How can he be more terrifying than Tiedan Shenhou!"

Everyone had such thoughts in their minds. Tianyu also smiled bitterly, nodded but did not speak, which was tantamount to admitting this fact.

It's just that he was actually injured, but it was not very obvious.

Tiedan Shenhou waved his hand directly, and then said to everyone: "Don't worry about this matter first, continue to execute Cao Zhengchun."

The miserable Cao Zhengchun could not escape the fate of being beheaded at this time, although he had been begging for mercy.

The messy execution ground was cleaned up by the Imperial Guards, and the execution ceremony continued.

Cao Zhengchun couldn't keep calm any more. He kept crying and shouting, with snot and tears, and screaming at the top of his lungs.

But no one paid any attention to him. Everyone's eyes were extremely cold.

There was no doubt that all of Cao Zhengchun's followers had been completely eliminated by Tiedan Shenhou in the past few days. Some left, some escaped, some were caught, and some died.

Now, inside and outside the execution ground, all of them were the subordinates of Hulong Villa, or Tiedan Shenhou himself.

So no one would sympathize with Cao Zhengchun, the chief eunuch of the East Factory who had been against Tiedan Shenhou for so long.

Finally, with a flash of knife light, Cao Zhengchun's head fell to the ground, rolled under the execution ground, and was taken away by a wild dog.

The former eunuch of the East Factory now ended up in such a desolate end, and everyone was full of emotion.

And Tianyu, who was in the crowd, felt much more relieved.

"Tiedan Shenhou, Tiedan Shenhou, now you are finally going to take action."

After leaving the execution ground and returning to Hulong Villa, Tianyu directly asked Tiedan Shenhou for a few days off.

When he saw Tiedan Shenhou, Tianyu was surprised to find that this guy actually started to wear bright yellow clothes.

Bright yellow clothes are the emperor's special clothes. Other members of the royal family are not qualified to wear bright yellow, and can only wear dark yellow or near yellow.

And Tianyu also noticed that the robe of Tiedan Shenhou was embroidered with a five-clawed golden dragon.

You have to know that the five-clawed golden dragon is the supreme dragon, which means the status of the emperor.

Other members of the royal family, including the prince, do not have such qualifications.

But Tianyu was very happy in his heart, because the more this guy was like this, the more his ambition expanded, and he was getting closer and closer to completing the first half of the trial mission.

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