Cao Zhengchun was sitting on the grass in the cell, his eyes flickering constantly, and no one knew what he was thinking about.

At three o'clock in the morning, there were suddenly several muffled groans outside the cell.

"Something is wrong!"

Tianyu immediately turned his head and noticed something was wrong.

At this moment, a group of uninvited guests suddenly arrived outside the prison.


These people were dressed in strange clothes and seemed to be from a foreign land.

When they entered the prison, they killed all the guards.

One of them was holding a cloth bag of medium size in his hand, and he could grab a hidden weapon from the bag with his other hand every time, and then waved it directly forward.

He wasted his dark energy as he walked, and many guards who came in front of him fell down one after another, and they couldn't even stop him for a breath.

"Hahaha, Ghost Tathagata, your hidden weapon skills are still so strong. I wonder how they compare to that old guy from the Tang Sect?"

Another weirdo wearing a blood-red robe laughed loudly.

The guy who used the hidden weapon responded coldly: "Don't worry, I will go to Shuzhong sooner or later and have a good fight with that old guy Tang Qingli."

Several people rushed into the sky prison while chatting.

Nearly two hundred guards rushed in, but they were all killed by these people.

The sky prison is divided into nine layers in total. They broke through the first five layers in just a few breaths.

And Cao Zhengchun was imprisoned in the center of the ninth layer of the sky prison because of his identity.

Tianyu had heard the huge movement outside through several layers of the sky prison at this time, and he immediately knew that Cao Zhengchun's helper had come.

"Congratulations, someone came to save you!" Tianyu said coldly, while drinking the wine in the pot.

However, Cao Zhengchun did not show much excitement, which was obviously within his expectations.

"Haha, Zhu Wusi can be proud of forcing us to take this step, but it is still unknown who will win in the end."

Seeing that Cao Zhengchun was already imprisoned in the prison, and still had such a heart, Tianyu frowned.

He suddenly asked thoughtfully: "Did you do the thing about the world's number one village?"

"What happened to the world's number one village?" Cao Zhengchun asked again in confusion.

Seeing him like this, Tianyu immediately knew that this matter should have nothing to do with him.

Because now that the two sides have torn their faces, Cao Zhengchun has no need to pretend here.

But in this way, Tianyu is even more confused. Who did the thing about the world's number one village?

And where are Shangguan Haitang and Gui Hai Yidao? What is the purpose of kidnapping them?

Do these two people have secrets that they have not discovered, attracting other martial arts forces to come?

"Is it for the three swords of Avici Road?" Tianyu thought silently in his heart.

If the only motive for kidnapping Gui Hai Yidao may be for the legendary three swords of Avici Road

But what is the purpose of kidnapping Shangguan Haitang? This girl should not have anything to attract others.

And this will also offend Master Wuhen, which is completely unnecessary.

Although Master Wuhen has not reached the realm of innate masters, he is in charge of Wushuang City and has a great influence in the entire martial arts world.

And he acts both good and evil, regardless of the consequences, so not many people are willing to offend him for no reason.

But at this time, Cao Zhengchun suddenly said: "It seems that there is a world-class craftsman in the world's number one manor."

After saying this, Tianyu was a little confused, "Why do you say that?"

And craftsmen

By the way, aren't craftsmen most needed in the Evil Valley? If you ask the world's number one craftsman to transform the entire Evil Valley for him, wouldn't it be like adding wings to a tiger?

But at this time, all these thoughts just turned around and passed by. Tianyu was not sure. He also felt that Cao Zhengchun was just guessing, but he had a general direction.

He estimated that it was very likely that there was a person with the world's number one talent in the world's number one manor, who was favored by other forces, and then the entire world's number one manor was directly destroyed and this person was taken away alone.

The reason why they wanted to kill everyone was to create an illusion that this person was also killed, so that they could conceal the existence of this person.

What kind of talent does this person have? Tianyu guessed silently in his heart.

And it would be fine if he took this person away, why did he also take Gui Hai Yidao and Shangguan Haitang away at the same time?

In short, there are too many doubts waiting to be revealed.

At this time, a group of demons outside came directly to the seventh floor of the Tianlao.

The deeper into the Tianlao, the stronger the guards are. There are fifty second-rate masters guarding the seventh floor, and the three leading them are the imperial guards who have just entered the first-rate masters.

This group of people immediately formed a strong defensive line to temporarily block this group of demons.

"There are such good players in the Tianlao?"

Among the demons, there was a swordsman in white clothes. The sword in his hand was very strange, because the sword was very short. It was better to say that it was a short handle than a sword.

The swordsman in white held the short sword, jumping up and down like a monkey, but his attack speed was very fast and strange, and he could always stab the opponent's key parts every time.

Swish, swish, swish.

The white-clothed swordsman suddenly used a move to pierce the chest of a first-class master guard.

Then countless hidden weapons came one after another, beating another first-class master into a sieve.

At this time, the old man in the blood-stained robe laughed three times, fell from the sky, and directly covered a first-class master with his own robe.

The first-class master immediately screamed violently, and soon after the blood-stained robe opened, the first-class master was covered in blood and flesh, and was no longer in human form.

After these three first-class masters were solved, the remaining dozens of guards were immediately scared out of their wits and fled everywhere.

In the process of escaping, they were killed by this group of demons.

Then these demons went directly to the eighth floor of the prison.

The guards on the eighth floor are stronger, and they are a strong defense line composed of eight first-class masters.

You know, if you can break through the eighth floor of the prison, you can enter the ninth floor of the prison.

The ninth floor is the core area of ​​the entire prison, where the most important prisoners are usually held, so the importance of this place is self-evident.

But at this time, no one expected that this group of demons would be unstoppable and rush directly into the eighth floor, and then start a fight.

After the bloody battle, although the demons were injured, the eight first-class master guards were all killed.

However, before this, the eight first-class masters had already sounded the alarm, and the biggest noise was heard in the entire prison.

Outside the prison, it was immediately known that someone was robbing the prison, and reinforcements were rushing in.

But at this time, distant water could not quench the nearby fire, because this group of demons had already entered the ninth floor of the prison.

The door of the prison was opened heavily, and the ninth floor seemed ordinary.

However, after the group of demons walked in, they only saw a young man sitting in the corridor, motionless.

Then they saw Cao Zhengchun imprisoned in the cell.

"Lord Cao, I have kept you waiting for a long time. Lord Shiva asked me to say hello to you." The old man in the blood robe said with a faint smile.

Then he ignored Tianyu and walked forward first.

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