Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 638 Meeting the Emperor

Tianyu looked at Yin Yang Tai Sui and suddenly frowned: "If you want to establish an intelligence organization, what should you do first?"

This is a difficult problem, and Tianyu also wants to hear Yin Yang Tai Sui's thoughts.

Obviously, Yin Yang Tai Sui did not expect anyone to ask him such a question.

Then Yin Yang Tai Sui thought about it and responded: "You have to know that the information in this world comes from people's mouths, especially those inconspicuous people, who can get information that ordinary people can't."

"go on."

Tianyu's face was expressionless, but the two of them were rushing towards Hulong Villa.

Yin Yang Tai Sui said as he flew: "There are only a few types of most inconspicuous people in the world, such as beggars on the street, women in brothels, and servants working in restaurants."

Listening to Yin Yang Tai Sui's words, Tianyu's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Haha, not bad, not bad."

Tianyu laughed, and in his laughter he fully understood how to build the most powerful intelligence organization in the world.

"Thank you, this inspiration comes from you." Tianyu said to Yin Yang Tai Sui with a smile.

Yin Yang Tai Sui scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "Hey, actually, I was just talking nonsense."

But regardless of whether he was lying or not, Tianyu did already know how to proceed and build his own intelligence organization.

Before rushing back to Hulong Villa, the two actually caught up with Guihai Yidao and Shangguan Haitang.

"Tianyu, what have you been doing? You've been gone for so long?"

Tianyu smiled and responded to Shangguan Haitang's words: "Nothing to do, just chatting with old friends."

"Oh, old friend."

Shangguan Haitang never imagined that the so-called old friend was Wan Sanqian who had always admired him.

In fact, Shangguan Haitang also understood Wan Sanqian's thoughts, but she felt that it was impossible for two people to be together.

Shangguan Haitang is such a girl who relies on her feelings. If she likes something, she likes it, and if she doesn't like it, she doesn't like it. It's hard to change her mind.

However, when they arrived at the gate of Hulong Villa, Yin Yang Tai Sui made an excuse.

"I had some grudges with Lord Tietan in the past. I don't want to see him for the time being, so I'll leave first."

Tianyu glanced at the disappearing figure of Yin Yang Tai Sui, thoughtfully.

After returning to Hulong Villa, Lord Tietan was waiting for them in the main hall.

"Where is the token?" God Marquis Tietan asked immediately.

Then everyone took out all the various royal items they had collected in the ancestral hall.

The moment he saw these things, Tiedan Shenhou's eyes lit up and he laughed three times.

"Hahaha, okay, you did a good job!"

He held these evidences in his hands and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"With these things in hand, we will definitely be able to bring down Cao Zhengchun in one fell swoop!"

"By the way, we will enter the palace immediately and report to the emperor."

Then God Marquis Tietan took the evidence and prepared to enter the palace to tell the current emperor about this matter.

However, at this moment, a man from the No. 1 Village in the World ran over in a hurry.

This man was tall and thick, and there was still a trace of food and water on the corner of his mouth. He looked really scared.

Shangguan Haitang immediately recognized his identity, the most lazy person in the world.

"What's the matter?" Shangguan Haitang asked

He said in horror: "A group of people ran into Zhuangzi. They killed many people and set fire to Zhuangzi."

Obviously, the most lazy person in the world is so lazy that he doesn't even want to talk. Today is the most talkative time in his life.

"Really, there is such a thing?"

Shangguan Haitang was anxious and immediately returned to the No. 1 Village in the World with the No. 1 Lazy Man in the World.

The God Marquis Tiedan sent Gui Hai Yida and Shangguan Haitang to go together, thinking that with Gui Hai Yida accompanying him, nothing would happen.

Then Goddess Tiedan said to Tianyu: "Come with me into the palace to see the emperor."

The reason why Tiedan God Marquis asked Tianyu to accompany him was also because of the emperor.

Tianyu knew very well that the current emperor had a good impression of him, and he could still speak in front of the emperor.

After entering the palace and seeing the emperor, God Marquis Tietan immediately said: "Your Majesty, there is something I have to tell you."

The emperor was even more surprised, "Uncle, what is it?"

Then God Tietan waited for a move, and several people from Hulong Villa took out a lot of sacrificial items for the ancestral hall.

After the emperor saw it, he immediately frowned: "Strange, isn't this from the Ancestral Temple?"

Iron Dan God Marquis Zhu Wuwu gritted his teeth and said: "Yes, this is indeed something from the Ancestral Temple, but it was found by the secret agent of Hulong Villa from Cao Zhengchun's Cao Clan Ancestral Hall."


This time the emperor was taken aback, and after the surprise, a flash of anger appeared in his eyes.

As the saying goes, when an ordinary man is angry, blood will be splashed five steps away; when the emperor is angry, corpses will float everywhere!

When the emperor became angry, everyone was frightened.

"Cao Zhengchun, you are so brave, call him over quickly."

The emperor was obviously really angry. You must know that among the royal family, this kind of ancestral sacrifice is the most stringent, and no rule can be exceeded.

For the entire dynasty, this was a major crime of beheading nine clans, and it was absolutely not allowed to be forgiven.

Not long after, Cao Zhengchun came to the palace in a hurry. In fact, he already knew what happened.

"Your Majesty, I am guilty!"

As soon as Cao Zhengchun saw the emperor, he immediately knelt down and cried non-stop.

The emperor's face darkened instantly, "Cao Zhengchun, you dared to use royal items in your Cao clan ancestral hall, you are so brave!"

Hearing the emperor's words, Cao Zhengchun kowtowed quickly, "Your Majesty, I deserve to die, I deserve to die."

He just kept saying that he deserved to die, but did not refute himself. Tiedan Shenhou and Tianyu next to him frowned at the same time, and both of them felt uneasy in their hearts.

You must know that this matter is actually entirely up to the emperor's own thoughts.

He can kill Cao Zhengchun, or he can let him go with just one word, it all depends on how the emperor thinks of Cao Zhengchun.

And Cao Zhengchun is also a very smart guy. He knows that there is no need to explain this matter, because no matter how much explanation, it will be pale.

That was the fact. He did use the royal items. This was an indisputable fact and a capital crime. So he just played the favor card, kept kowtowed and admitted his mistakes, and asked the emperor for forgiveness.

Although the emperor was very angry, he was suddenly shocked after calming down.

He looked at Tiedan Shenhou next to him. If Cao Zhengchun fell this time, wouldn't the emperor's uncle be left alone in the world?

The emperor thought of this and immediately began to hesitate.

Originally, he really wanted to execute Cao Zhengchun, but at this time he had other ideas.

"Cao Zhengchun used the royal items, the death penalty can be exempted, but the living crime cannot be escaped!"

As soon as these words came out, Tiedan Shenhou and Tianyu suddenly cried out in their hearts that it was not good.

Especially Tianyu, he was a little anxious, because if Cao Zhengchun could not be brought down from this matter, Tiedan Shenhou would not show his fangs, so when would his power mission be completed?

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