"Hahaha, Dragon Guard Secret Agent, if you want to touch me Wan Sanqian, you should first ask the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi." Wan Sanqian said arrogantly and proudly.

Then they slowly retreated, while the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi rushed towards Tianyu in an instant.

For a moment, four people and eight hands transformed into a phantom in the air, covering Tianyu instantly.

Bang bang bang.


Tianyu quickly fought against the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi, trying to find a way to crack them.

However, after a fight, Tianyu discovered that no matter how sophisticated his martial arts were, the four ghosts in western Hunan could defeat him by working together.

"The Phantom Magic Skill is indeed one of the best in the martial arts world!" Tianyu couldn't help but sigh, and then he fought with the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi and stepped back.

Seeing this scene, Wan Sanqian became even more arrogant and proud: "Haha, it's not too late for you to surrender to me now."

When Wan Sanqian said this, his eyes flickered as he stared at Shangguan Haitang who was unconscious on the bed.

He made up his mind that as long as Tianyu surrendered to him, he would bring him in front of Guan Haitang and deliberately humiliate Tianyu to make her understand that this man was not worth it.

However, at this moment, the four Xiangxi ghosts suddenly let out a sharp scream. The sound came suddenly and quickly, resounding throughout the room, making Wan Sanqian suddenly startled.

"what happened?"

The next moment, Wan Sanqian saw a scene that horrified him.

I saw Tianyu pressing his palm directly on the forehead of one of the four ghosts in Xiangxi, and then all the other three ghosts were pulled over, and the bodies of the four people were shaking together.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Wan Sanqian was completely stunned. He never expected that the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi would be grabbed tightly by Tianyu with one hand and unable to move.

Seeing this, the four Xiangxi ghosts were trembling all over and couldn't even speak. They looked very painful.

Involuntarily, Wan Sanqian slowly retreated towards the door of the room.

Seeing Wan Sanqian trying to escape, Tianyu sneered, and suddenly stretched out his other hand, emitting an extremely terrifying suction force, and automatically closed the door.

This scene startled Wan Sanqian, who turned pale and just wanted to yell for help.

However, Tianyu's cold voice came: "If you dare to speak loudly, you will see the color of your brain in the next moment!"

Hearing Tianyu's cold and ruthless words, Wan Sanqian felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave for an instant, his whole body was cold and he was speechless.

At this time, Wan Sanqian could only look at the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi in a daze, continuing to suffer in Tianyu's palm and trembling all over.

After about dozens of breaths, the four ghosts in Xiangxi gradually shrank in size and gradually stopped moving.

Tianyu let go, and the four ghosts in Xiangxi fell to the ground one after another. There was no movement for a long time.

"What kind of martial arts are you doing to be so evil?"

Although Wan Sanqian was not proficient in martial arts, he could still tell that Tianyu's martial arts were more terrifying than the Phantom Magic.

Tianyu sneered and stood up slowly: "You only know how powerful the Phantom Magic is, but you don't know that there are many ways to break the Phantom Magic in the martial arts."

His words made the richest man in the world scream loudly: "Impossible. In the martial arts world, only the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi have mastered the Phantom Magic Kung Fu. How could anyone easily crack it? Tell me what evil Kung Fu you are using!"

You must know that the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi are extremely famous in the martial arts world. They even try their best to send invitations to them in every martial arts competition, but these guys refuse to give them face. Even the entire Central Plains martial arts community has nothing to do with them.

Because the Four Ghosts of Western Hunan are located in a remote area of ​​Western Hunan, where they are like local emperors, so the righteous martial arts people in the Central Plains will not be too targeted.

In addition, their strength is really strong, and the phantom magic power is temporarily unbreakable, so that for a long time, these four ghosts in western Hunan have become unparalleled existences in the martial arts world.

As the richest man in the world, Wan Sanqian also spent a lot of effort, and finally made promises of favors and benefits, etc., to finally win over the four ghosts in Xiangxi, and finally became his personal bodyguard.

It is conceivable how much Wan Sanqian valued the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi, but he did not expect that he would die in Tianyu's hands today.

After absorbing the internal energy of the four Xiangxi ghosts, Tianyu was a little surprised that his internal energy was so shallow?

That's right, the four ghosts in western Hunan have too little internal energy, and they are of no obvious help to Tianyu at all.

"At the edge of Tianhu Lake, the eight masters were drained of their inner strength overnight. Was it you?"

Wan Sanqian suddenly thought of the rumors that had disappeared in the martial arts world for more than ten years. Now that he thought about it, he was even more shocked.

But after he asked, he immediately felt that something was a little unreasonable.

Because Tianyu's appearance is so young, it is obvious that he is not rejuvenated, but indeed only in his 20s.

He was probably still a child more than 10 years ago. How could a child have such terrifying martial arts skills?

Tianyu shook his head and did not answer his question, then said coldly: "I will give you another 10 breaths and take out the Tianshan Snow Lotus immediately. Otherwise, you know the consequences."

Even if he is facing the richest man in the world, Tianyu will never show mercy. As long as he really doesn't take out the Tianshan Snow Lotus, Tianyu will definitely kill people.

What does the so-called richest man count for? It is just an illusory setting in this world.

For Tianyu, even if it is the emperor, as long as he annoys him, he will be killed.

Wan Sanqian was born as the richest man in the world, so he naturally understood the ways of the world, and he could see that Tianyu's eyes were indeed emitting a murderous aura.

He deeply understood that if he dared to refuse, he would probably be beheaded in the next moment.

So Wan Sanqian nodded and said helplessly: "Okay, I'll go get the Tianshan Snow Lotus."

Then Wan Sanqian followed Tianyu all the way, and had no choice but to come to a separate courtyard, open the secret compartment, and take out the Tianshan Snow Lotus.

The appearance of this Tianshan Snow Lotus was very strange. It had gradually dried up, but the leaves exuded a strange and special fragrance.

Tianyu took the Tianshan Snow Lotus and came to Shangguan Haitang, tore off one of the petals, crushed it, and fed it to Shangguan Haitang.

After eating the Tianshan Snow Lotus, the surface of Shangguan Haitang's body actually underwent a wonderful change.

The poison in the black mist on her body penetrated the surface at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then drifted out of the skin and turned into a burst of venom.

At this time, Tianyu immediately used his internal force to protect his facial features, otherwise, once he inhaled the venom, he would probably be poisoned.

The poison of the Five Absolutes of the Demon Mountain is indeed not in vain, Tianyu couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Just looking at the power of this poison, it is far beyond the original five poisons.

In this world, the use of poison is indeed varied, and it can be said that the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers.

There is even the Lord of Hundred Poisons, who almost broke the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art with a silver needle, which also opened Tianyu's eyes.

Finally, Shangguan Haitang woke up slowly, climbed up from the bed with difficulty, and asked weakly: "Tianyu, where am I?"

Tianyu smiled and responded: "You are in Zhongyi Villa, this is Wan Sanqian, and he saved your life."

At this time, Wan Sanqian stood by and smiled bitterly. He had been acupunctured by Tianyu and could not move. He could only give Shangguan Haitang a friendly look.

After Shangguan Haitang woke up, Wan Sanqian's heart beat more violently. He felt that he had fallen in love with this beautiful woman.

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