"Take your time." Tianyu could only comfort himself silently in his heart. Anyway, the task was not time-limited.

Then he asked: "Then the Thousand-Handed Buddha came from the Tang Sect in Shuzhong?"

Mo Yanluo nodded immediately: "He is a third-generation disciple of the Tang Sect, and his real name is Tang Haoran."

Tianyu nodded, but then asked: "You are from the Western Buddhist Sect, and he is from the Tang Sect. How did you two collude and occupy the Evil Valley?"

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This is the biggest doubt in his heart. The Western Buddhist Sect and the Tang Sect in Shuzhong have always kept their distance from each other. The two gangs have nothing to do with each other, but why did the descendants of these two sects collude with each other? Is there someone supporting them behind the scenes?

Who knows that at this time, Mo Yanluo's eyes evaded and he did not answer for a while.

Tianyu immediately knew that he was thinking of a sophistry in his mind, so his eyes exuded a terrible majesty, and his internal force instantly surged out, covering the body of Mo Yanluo, making him tremble with fear.

"If you dare to tell a lie, I will immediately separate your body." Tianyu said coldly.

Mo Yanluo was so scared that he peed his pants, so he immediately confessed: "There is a bronze-faced man. He asked us to come to the true evil valley, and he also told us the secret of the treasure map in the bowl."

Bronze-faced man?

Tianyu's face was slightly solemn. At this moment, the enemy was in the dark and I was in the light. I had no idea what the identity of this bronze-faced man was.

And since the other party knew the secret of the 13,000 treasure map, why didn't he take the initiative to do it himself, but let these two disciples join forces to occupy the bowl in the evil valley?

There was no need to ask, everyone knew that the identity of the bronze-faced man was extremely mysterious.

"Senior, I've said it all, can you let me go?\

,"Mo Yanluo asked very cautiously.

Tianyu was about to say something, when suddenly a cold voice came from outside the bamboo building.

"Buddhist scum, useless slave, living in this world is just a waste of food!"

As soon as the voice fell, a sharp light suddenly passed through the outside of the bamboo building and directly broke the door.

This sharp thing caught people off guard, even Tianyu didn't expect it at all.

Then this light directly penetrated Mo Yanluo's body, and Mo Yanluo coughed up blood crazily, and a bowl-sized wound appeared on his body.

He stammered as if he wanted to say something, but the huge wound on his body made him weak all over, and he fell softly

Mo Yanluo, die!

Tianyu immediately said coldly: "Who is sneaking here to make trouble?"

As soon as the voice fell, a gloomy voice sounded outside the bamboo building: "Haha, there is actually a master like you in Hunong Villa. It seems that Zhu Wusi has been very proud recently."

Hearing the tone of this person, Tianyu immediately knew that this person was definitely not from Hulong Villa.

"Who is it, come out!"

Tianyu suddenly raised his voice, and a terrible internal force impact burst out in his voice.

This sound formed a mighty wave and rushed towards the distance.

There seemed to be a buzzing sound outside the bamboo building, but then it gradually calmed down.

"What a strong internal force, it seems that the rumor that you have a kung fu to absorb the internal force of others is true."

The gloomy voice sounded again, and Tianyu had an extremely absurd idea in his mind. Could it be that the fact that I can absorb the heart has spread throughout the martial arts world?

It was normal for him to think about it. After all, he had fought with Master Wuhen before, and absorbed the internal force of Princess Xiuli and Wuwan in the palace.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Others can figure out the mystery of this matter with a little thought.

Tianyu did not answer, but walked out of the bamboo building.

Sure enough, in the open space in the woods outside the bamboo building, there was a man wearing a copper mask, standing casually, his clothes fluttering without wind, looking extremely mysterious.

"Who are you?" Tianyu asked.

The copper-faced man slowly responded: "It's not time to reveal my identity, but I also want to ask who you are?"

Tianyu laughed: "Don't you already know? I am the Dragon Guardian of the Dragon Guardian Villa."

"Haha, don't use that kind of nonsense to lie to me. How can a Dragon Guardian have such peerless martial arts? Do you think I'm a three-year-old child?" Then the copper-faced man turned around and walked away in the bamboo forest.

"Where are you going!"

Tianyu roared, suddenly soared into the sky, and rushed away like a wild goose.

He was very fast and caught up with the copper-faced man in an instant.

However, a strange scene happened at this time. The speed of the bronze-faced man's walking remained unchanged, and his steps were very steady, but his figure was erratic and unpredictable. He disappeared into the woods in a few flashes.

"What a fast speed, and what kind of martial arts is this body movement?"

Tianyu looked at the bronze-faced man who was gradually disappearing in the distance with some surprise, and his heart gradually sank.

At this time, Tianyu secretly guessed what the identity of this bronze-faced man was?

Moreover, he deliberately came outside the bamboo building and killed Mo Yanluo at that juncture. Was it because Mo Yanluo had some top-secret information, and the bronze-faced man didn't want Mo Yanluo to tell this matter, so he killed him at a critical moment?

But when Tianyu thought about it carefully, Mo Yanluo didn't know the true identity of the bronze-faced man.

All this appeared in his mind like a huge question mark.

Where is the bowl?

Tianyu suddenly realized a huge loophole. Until this moment, he had not found the bowl.

Then he searched the entire bamboo building, and finally found this dusty and dirty bowl in a secret room under the floor.

After wiping it, Tianyu carefully put it in his arms and then left the bamboo building.

Although he didn't know whether this bowl was the one that Wan Sanqian had, there was no other way at the moment.

After all, the Thousand-Handed Buddha and the Demon Yama were both dead, so there was no way to verify this matter.

After leaving the valley, Tianyu returned to the town and met the two evil men Longhu and took out the bowl.

"Is this bowl real?" Tianyu asked.

The two evil men had also kept this bowl before. At this time, they took a closer look and nodded affirmatively: "Yes, it is it. I accidentally scratched a mark on it."

After confirmation, Long the Evil was sure that this was the bowl that Wan Sanqian had.

Tianyu nodded, and then he was relieved. Then the two evil men Longhu said carefully: "Senior, now the big boss is dead, and the Thousand-Handed Buddha and the Demon Yama have also been killed by you. Look at this Evil Valley."

He hesitated, but Tianyu understood what he meant. At this time, Tianyu was also inspired and suddenly remembered a thought.

"This Evil Valley is located in a remote area, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is not located on any traffic arteries. It is most suitable for developing power."

The more he thought about it, the more so it was. Tianyu's heart couldn't help beating violently.

It seemed so difficult to dominate this chaotic world. If it was before, he would choose to take a shortcut, but now this shortcut is obviously no longer feasible and has become a dead end.

"In this case, you two will take good care of the Evil Valley for me. I will come back when I have time. Do you understand?"

Hearing Tianyu's words, the two evil men were not unhappy, but showed ecstasy.

"Okay, senior, don't worry, we will definitely make the Evil Valley a solid rock!"

Just when they said this, the two of them looked embarrassed again.

Tianyu's face immediately became serious: "Just say what you want to say, don't hesitate like this."

Long Evil said: "Our Evil Valley has a bad reputation, so we have accumulated many enemies over the years. What if they come to our door?"

Tianyu sneered: "If they come to make trouble again, just tell me my name. If it doesn't work, I will come in person."

After hearing Tianyu's words, the two of them immediately took a reassurance: "Okay, sir, please rest assured that the Evil Valley will definitely become stronger and stronger in the future!"

The two evil men are smart and know that Tianyu wants the Evil Valley to be his rear camp.

But these two people are very happy, because if the Evil Valley develops more and more in Tianyu's hands, it will only be a good thing for the two of them without any harm.

Afterwards, Tianyu immediately left the Evil Valley. Although according to the agreement with Wan Sanqian, he would take care of Shangguan Haitang during this period and prevent her from dying.

But Tianyu understood that without the treatment of Tianshan Snow Lotus, Shangguan Haitang's chance of survival would become increasingly weak, and she might suffer from a lifelong hidden disease.

Three hours later, Tianyu had returned to Zhongyi Villa from the Evil Valley and saw Shangguan Haitang, who was still in a coma.

At this time, Shangguan Haitang was still in a coma, and occasionally her eyebrows moved slightly, showing that she was still alive.

Tianyu frowned and asked coldly: "Mr. Wan, have you forgotten our agreement?"

Wan Sanqian stood aside and pretended to be surprised and said: "Why do you say that? Did I let her die?"

Wan Sanqian's tone was cold, and it was obvious that he was also very impatient.

These days, the more he liked Shangguan Haitang, the more painful it was, because he deeply understood that Shangguan Haitang and Tianyu were the same way.

Moreover, before Shangguan Haitang woke up, he had no way of knowing how far the relationship between the two had developed.

On the contrary, in these days, the more he looked at Shangguan Haitang day and night, the more he fell in love with this beautiful woman, so Wan Sanqian looked at Tianyu more and more unpleasantly.

It was just that Wan Sanqian was extremely hypocritical. He thought that as the richest man in the world, his status was extremely noble, and he had to maintain his own style, so he would not casually expose his likes and dislikes like ordinary people.

Then Tianyu took out the bowl that belonged to Wan Sanqian. When the bowl appeared, Wan Sanqian suddenly showed an extremely excited look, and even a trace of tears appeared on his face.

"Back then, the emperor and I were reduced to begging on the street. It was all thanks to this bowl that we didn't starve to death. Now it has finally returned to my hands again."

Wan Sanqian stretched out his hands, held the bowl in his hands, and looked at it carefully, looking at it again and again, and couldn't let it go.

However, when he saw it, his face suddenly changed: "This bowl is not real!"

Wan Sanqian stared at Tianyu with extremely terrifying eyes, as if he would explode with anger at any time.

However, Tianyu spread his hands and said helplessly: "Whether you believe it or not, this bowl was snatched back from the Evil Valley, and the three evil men also clearly said that this is the real bowl."

Seeing Tianyu's attitude was very indifferent, Wan Sanqian immediately had a big question mark in his heart.

"I know the weight of this bowl very well. Even if I don't look at it, I can tell it by holding it in my hand. But it is obvious that this bowl is definitely not real."

Wan Sanqian still insisted that the bowl was fake, and Tianyu was a little helpless.

"If you insist that this bowl is fake, I have no choice." Tianyu sneered and said, "Mr. Wan, you are not trying to default on your debt, are you?"

He knew that Wan Sanqian was a business ancestor, but as the saying goes, there is no businessman who is not cunning, so in other words, Wan Sanqian is also one of the most cunning people in the world!

Seeing that Tianyu was a little unhappy, Wan Sanqian did not continue to insist that the bowl was fake. He called a housekeeper to keep the bowl well.

Then he said seriously: "Since you didn't get the real bowl back for me, I can't give you this precious Tianshan Snow Lotus."

"What, say it again!"

Tianyu's eyes suddenly showed an extremely cold look, which made Wan Sanqian cautious.

The atmosphere was very tense at this time, and the air in the whole room became tense.

At this moment, Shangguan Haitang suddenly coughed sharply.

Cough cough cough.

Seeing this scene, Tianyu was worried: "If you don't hand over the Tianshan Snow Lotus immediately, she will die of poison in an instant. After that, even you can't bear the consequences." Tianyu said coldly.

This time he went on the road with Shangguan Haitang to find Tianxiang Doukou, which was ordered by Tiedan Shenhou.

If Shangguan Haitang died because of Wan Sanqian, Tiedan Shenhou would never let Wan Sanqian go.

Because Tianyu could almost tell that at this time, Tiedan Shenhou and Wan Sanqian had not colluded with each other, and there was no cooperative relationship of interest between the two parties.

Shangguan Haitang was more useful to Tiedan Shenhou, so he would definitely not stand idly by on this matter.

"Haha, young master, you are joking. How precious is the Tianshan Snow Lotus? There is only one in the palace, and the other one is with me. How can you hand it over casually?"

Wan Sanqian knew that the Tianshan Snow Lotus was precious and was unwilling to give it out.

Tianyu sighed deeply, then stared at Wan Sanqian's eyes seriously and said, "In this case, it seems that you are tired of living."

He said this very casually, as if he was telling a trivial matter.

However, the next moment, four green figures suddenly appeared behind Wan Sanqian. These four people were the famous Xiangxi Four Ghosts in the martial arts world.

Everyone knows that the Xiangxi Four Ghosts are the only people in the martial arts world who have practiced the Phantom Magic.

This so-called phantom magic can make them merge into one, or turn into four people at the same time, which is so complicated that it is hard to cope with.

And no matter how powerful the kung fu is, when facing the four ghosts of Xiangxi, it can be dissolved into nothingness by their combined attack formation.

Generally speaking, when martial arts masters fight against the four ghosts of Xiangxi, they will die of exhaustion in the end.

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