Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 598 What Mr. Zhuge?

"What?" Cao Zhengchun's expression changed: "Tiangang Boy Kung Fu!"

His whole body was immediately shrouded in a layer of Zhenqi protective shield. These blades shot into the Tiangang Childish Qi shield, and he immediately felt as if he had entered a quagmire and was unable to move, and finally slowly fell down.

"What a good boy, you really do have some morals."

Cao Zhengchun's face turned ugly. He was about to take action again and teach Tianyu a lesson, but at this moment the iron-courage god Hou Zhuwu and others from Hulong Villa also arrived.

Then everyone came to the main hall to meet the current emperor. The emperor's face was extremely ugly. After all, he almost died tonight.

"No one is to blame for this, it's just that Princess Xiurei of Izumo Kingdom is too cunning!" The emperor's words directly forgave everyone.

But in fact, this sentence is also to excuse himself. If he hadn't coveted the beauty of the beautiful princess, how could he have fallen into such a dangerous situation?

Finally, the emperor thought for a while and decided to reward Tianyu for his merits: "Tianyu, I am thinking of your merits in protecting the emperor, and now I promote you to the rank of second-class bodyguard with sword in front of the emperor."

Tianyu immediately nodded and respectfully thanked the emperor for the reward.

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Cao Zhengchun next to him and everyone at Hulong Villa were surprised.

Even the iron-hearted god Hou Zhuwu didn't expect that the emperor would value Tianyu so much that he would be promoted to a second-class guard with a sword in front of the emperor?

You must know that the imperial guards are divided into five levels. Even the worst level represents the emperor's great trust in them.

Although the sword-carrying guards in front of the emperor do not have formal official titles, that is to say, they have no rank, but when walking outside, officials of any rank must be very respectful when they see them.

Because guards with swords can carry weapons in front of the emperor, they are full of trust.

As long as you casually approach the emperor and say a few words, it is likely to have some major impact.

The second-class sword guard is already a very good position, second only to the first-class.

As for the first-class sword guards, there are only a handful of them in the entire palace, and each one of them is an old man who has been there for more than ten years.

After returning to Hulong Villa, Iron God Hou Zhuwu immediately called Tianyu into the room alone.

"Tianyu, do you know why I called you here?"

Tianyu shook his head, and the iron-courage god Hou Zhu ignored and said slowly: "The woman I love most in my life is named Su Xin. She has fallen into a permanent sleep. Only Tianxiang cardamom can wake her up!"

Heavenly fragrant cardamom?

Tianyu immediately remembered that there seemed to be only three Tianxiang cardamom in total. Only by gathering three Tianxiang cardamom could Su Xin wake up completely and no longer fall into a deep sleep.

Hou Zhuwu, the iron gall god, continued: "I have already obtained two heavenly fragrant cardamom, but even if Su Xin is awakened, she will fall into a permanent sleep again after 5 years, so I must get the third heavenly fragrant cardamom!"

As soon as he said these words, the aura in the iron courage god Hou Zhu ignored his whole body suddenly surged, and his eyes exuded terrible majesty. Anyone who saw it could see how strong his determination was. In order to save Su Xin, he It’s okay to ignore everything.

"What do you mean by God?" Tianyu pretended to be confused.

The Iron God Hou Zhu ignored and said: "The news of the third heavenly fragrant cardamom has spread. It is in the hands of the owner of Baiyu Villa, and Cao Zhengchun's people must be on the way. I order you to go to Baiyu Villa and do it at all costs." Get the third fragrant cardamom at the price!”

After hearing the words ignored by Hou Zhu, the God of Iron Dangers, Tianyu immediately nodded and agreed: "Okay, I will definitely get the third Tianxiang Cardamom for you!"

Then Tianyu turned and left.

Nowadays, Tianyu possesses the skills of two powerful people, Karasuma and Princess Xiurei, and his strength is also improving by leaps and bounds. The rising tide lifts all boats. Tianyu estimates that he may be only a thin line away from the innate realm.

This time going to Baiyu Villa, there were countless dangers and difficulties along the way. Tianyu was sure that Cao Zhengchun had laid a dragnet and was preparing to set up an ambush at Baiyu Villa to catch all the people in Hulong Villa.

In this way, the strength of Hulong Villa can be weakened.

But in Tianyu's tiger-raising plan, he must continue to help Iron Dan God Hou Zhu ignore the attack on Cao Zhengchun in the early stage. Only by completely getting rid of Dongchang, Iron Dan God Hou will reveal his full ambition.

At that time, Tianyu was able to follow the mission prompts of the selection space and prevent the Tiedan Shenhou from rebelling.

As for the subsequent domination of the world, Tianyu still has a huge plan that he plans to carry out slowly, but the time has not come yet and he cannot make plans for the time being.

When Tianyu left Hulong Villa, God Marquis Tiedan had told him in a vague way that since this mission was very special, the less people knew about Tianxiang Daukong, the better, so he did not plan to send Duan Tianya and Guihai Yida either. as assistance.

But when Tianyu left, he met Shangguan Haitang.

"Tianyu, as your helper on this mission, I will go to Baiyu Villa with you!" Shangguan Haitang said with a smile.

Tianyu nodded, he felt that Shangguan Haitang could avoid a lot of trouble.

Although Shangguan Haitang's overall strength is not very good, he has a lot of experience in the world and can answer Tianyu's questions.

Moreover, Shangguan Haitang has the best village in the world, and there are many capable and righteous people in the world in the village.

Although these people are just in name only, weak in strength, and can be easily beaten to death, at least they all have a skill, and sometimes these guys may have unexpected effects.

The two set off like this, disguised as ordinary Jianghu knights, and headed all the way to Baiyu Villa.

Baiyu Villa is at the foot of Kunlun Mountains. It takes at least 700 miles to get there from the imperial capital. The two decided to hurry up and move towards their destination day and night.

"Tianyu, you may not know that the owner of Baiyu Villa is not an ordinary person!" Shangguan Haitang said thoughtfully on the way.

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Tianyu didn't know much about the owner of Baiyu Villa. He remembered that there seemed to be no such character in the plot.

Shangguan Haitang took a deep breath, and then said: "The owner of Baiyu Villa has a close friend, that is Mr. Zhuge!"

"What Mr. Zhuge?"

Tianyu was even more confused now. Wasn't Mr. Zhuge the master of the Four Famous Detectives?

Logically speaking, he should have nothing to do with this world.

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