Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 595 Assassinating the Emperor

Late at night in the palace, the iron gall god Zhu Wuwu, Cao Zhengchun and others were all waiting in the main hall.

After a while, the emperor came. Seeing this scene, he immediately sneered, knowing what these people were talking about.

The iron-hearted god Hou Zhuwu stepped forward and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, Tianzi's number one secret agent Duan Tianya is definitely not this kind of person. There must be a misunderstanding."

As soon as he finished speaking, Cao Zhengchun, who was standing next to him, said with a sneer, "Haha, misunderstanding? The facts and evidence are right here, Tiedan Shenhou, do you want to protect your men?"

Suddenly, several other spies from Hulong Villa glared at Cao Zhengchun, but Cao Zhengchun just sneered disdainfully.

He understood that this was a good opportunity to attack the iron-courage god Hou Zhu. Duan Tianya, Tianzi's number one secret agent, was extremely skilled among several secret agents and had solved many extremely difficult tasks for Hulong Villa over the years.

As long as this section of Tianya can be destroyed, in Cao Zhengchun's opinion, it will definitely be able to severely hit Tietan Shenhou.

The emperor sitting above was also a little confused. He knew Duan Tianya's character, and logically speaking, it should be impossible for him to do such a dirty thing.

But now that the evidence was in front of him, and Princess Xiuli was crying, he didn't know how to deal with it.

"Your Majesty, according to custom, Duan Tianya made such a big mistake and should be beheaded immediately!" Cao Zhengchun stepped forward and said.

It immediately attracted a lot of hatred, but the emperor thought about it for a while, and then responded: "Let's not deal with it for now, put Duan Tianya in the prison, and wait for my order later!"

Seeing the emperor say this, although Cao Cao was a little reluctant, he could only nod in agreement.

But Tianlao was Dongchang's territory. He thought in his mind: After Duan Tianya entered, wouldn't it be easy to find any reason to get rid of him?

For example, if there was a fire in the heavenly prison, or someone was poisoned, etc., even if he was found out afterwards, the emperor would only punish him a little, while the Dragon Guard Villa lost a strong soldier.

Suddenly, the emperor noticed that Tianyu was missing among the people at Hulong Villa, so he frowned and asked doubtfully: "By the way, what about the secret agent of Hulong?"

The emperor had a good impression of Tianyu. After all, if it hadn't been for Tianyu that night, Karasuma would have probably assassinated him.

Tiedan Shenhou responded: "The secret agent protecting the dragon has other tasks, so he cannot come to meet with your majesty for the time being. Please forgive me!"

That night, Princess Xiuli sent an envoy into the palace to see the emperor.

After everyone at Hulong Villa and Cao Zhengchun left, the emperor directly agreed.

In fact, he himself was looking forward to it very much, because he knew that Princess Xiuli was so beautiful and fragrant that she was a rare beauty in the world.

"It is said that Princess Xiuli entered the palace to meet the saint."

So after Princess Xiuli took a bath, changed clothes, and dressed up, she entered the palace with several personal maids. Under the guidance of the eunuchs, she came to the inner palace and met the emperor.

"The country of Izumo is beautiful, and I would like to pay my respects to the current emperor."

Princess Xiuli bowed her head to pay homage to the emperor, but there was a flash of madness in her eyes.

"Raise your head and let me take a good look at you." The emperor said with a chuckle.

Then when he saw Princess Xiuli's peerless appearance, he immediately became stunned.

"It's just like what was said in the rumors. He is so beautiful and fragrant, I feel pity for him!"

The emperor swallowed and was about to stand up when suddenly the expression of the beautiful princess changed and became extremely fierce.

"Emperor Dog, go to hell!"

Princess Xiuli's robes shook violently, spinning and flying out like a cloak, covering the emperor.

Princess Xiuli and a group of personal maids beside her found daggers from nowhere and started killing the eunuchs around them.

This sudden change immediately frightened everyone

"Escort me, escort me quickly!"

These eunuchs are all skilled. After all, they have to protect the emperor personally. How can they not know a little bit of martial arts?

But it is a pity that Princess Xiuli came well prepared. Each of the group of maids beside her has reached the level of second-rate martial arts masters. Princess Xiuli herself is even more unfathomable and is proficient in all kinds of sinister martial arts.

"Emperor Dog, even the gods can't save you today. Go and die!"

Princess Xiuli was very fast, like a phantom, rushing directly in front of the emperor.

At this moment, the emperor's face was ashen and his fingers were trembling slightly. He hated

I hate that as the current emperor, I was deceived by a small border country. Now, I will probably become the most miserable emperor.

However, at this moment, a white light lit up and appeared out of thin air between the emperor and Princess Xiuli.

The white light was dazzling and magnified instantly, cutting the two people apart like a wall.


Princess Xiuli's dagger broke at the sound, her face changed drastically, and she immediately turned around and backed away.


Princess Xiuli's face was ugly, and she stared closely at the figure in front of her. The moment the emperor saw this person, he was immediately overjoyed.

"Dragon Protector Secret Agent, are you here?"

The person who came was none other than Tianyu. At this moment, he was carefully observing Princess Xiuli in front of him with a dull expression.

At this time, the surrounding maids had already eliminated all the eunuchs in the palace.

But footsteps sounded outside the palace, and groups of guards were all coming in this direction.

Princess Xiuli knew that time was running out and she had to fight quickly. She immediately waved her dagger and rushed towards Tianyu.

A group of surrounding maids also attacked Tianyu. They all understood that only by getting rid of the young man in front of them would they have a chance to assassinate the emperor.

Facing the menacing Princess Xiurei and a group of top assassins from the Izumo Kingdom, Tianyu just stood there without moving.

When Princess Xiuli saw this, she sneered in her heart: "You dare to take my sword with your bare hands, you are simply seeking death!"

However, the next moment, when her dagger stabbed Tianyu in front of his eyeball, her expression suddenly changed drastically.

"Break it open for me"

Princess Xiuli gritted her teeth, her voice filled with a strong male flavor.

However, no matter how hard he pressed the dagger, it seemed as if he had stabbed a steel plate and remained motionless.

"What? It's actually a three-foot air wall?"

Princess Xiuli's complexion instantly turned pale. He knew that in the Central Plains martial arts, it was said that after one's martial arts reached a certain level, one could release a three-foot wall of energy outside his body.

This Qi wall is an incomparably terrifying body-protecting Qi that ordinary people cannot even get close to.

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