"I have made up my mind. Let Tianyu become the dragon guardian agent first, and we can talk about the rest later."

Duan Tianya couldn't say anything more when the Tidan Shenhou made a final decision.

However, he made up his mind to monitor Tianyu carefully in the future. If Tianyu made any rash move, Duan Tianya would show his butcher knife forcefully.

After leaving the main hall, the spies were still good brothers. Even though Duan Tianya and Guihai Yidao would have disputes over many things in the main hall, the relationship between the two of them was pretty good in private. They separated official matters and private matters. Be very clear.

"Tianya, I'm not telling you, with your martial arts, I'm afraid it's not enough in front of Tianyu." Guihai Yidao said with a smile.

Duan Tianya snorted immediately after hearing this, obviously unconvinced: "Really? You know my Sakura Island swordsmanship, but you don't know that I also have a phantom sword."

"Oh, Phantom Sword?"


Not only Guihai Yida, but Cheng Shifei next to him also showed some interest. He said excitedly: "I heard that this phantom sword is the strongest swordsmanship in Sakura Island. It is a secret skill that has not been passed down. Many years ago, you sneaked into Sakura Island alone. I’ve learned that the magic sword will never be used against people from Sakura Island, right?”

After Cheng Shifei finished speaking, Duan Tianya nodded, with a hint of reminiscence in his eyes.

"I did make a great wish to my master, Ichiro Ryuzawa, that I would never use this kind of swordsmanship to kill anyone on Sakura Island, but this does not include the traitors of our Dragon Protection Villa!"

The words exuded a terrifying murderous aura, which made both Guihai Yida and Cheng Shifei feel unnatural and nervous.

"What a terrifying sword energy. How terrifying will the magic sword be when it comes out?" The two spies thought this way.

At this time, Tianyu followed Shangguan Haitang to a side hall of Hulong Villa. Shangguan Haitang said with a smile: "Tianyu, this is where you will live from now on. I hope we get along happily!"

"Have a good time getting along." Tianyu nodded and responded with a smile.

Shangguan Haitang seemed to have remembered something, forced a smile and said: "By the way, Tianyu, how is the injury of my master Mr. Wuhen?"

Tianyu knew that she was concerned about her master's injury, and after thinking about it, she responded: "He probably won't die!"

After hearing this, Shangguan Haitang couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. What do you mean he shouldn't die? Does it mean he was seriously injured?

But he

She thought that her master, Mr. Wuhen, had incredible skills and could recover on his own, and she felt a little more at ease.

Shangguan Haitang has made up his mind that he will definitely find an opportunity to go to Wushuang City to ask his master personally in the future to see why he wanted to join Cao Zhengchun.

"If anything happens, Brother Tianyu can come to the No. 1 Village in the World to find me. I usually stay in the Zhuangzi when nothing happens."

Shangguan Haitang cupped his hands and left. Tianyu sat alone in the side hall with his eyes closed, but his inner power expanded and covered the entire courtyard.

He could feel an aura sweeping across his room like a searchlight. This aura was definitely that of the iron-courage god Hou Zhu, without even thinking about it.

"Cheng Shifei is already the Yellow Agent No. 1. It seems that Gu Santong should also be dead. Now the struggle between Cao Zhengchun and Tiedan Shenhou should have reached a feverish stage." Tianyu said silently in his heart. Thinking.

His plan is very simple, called the Tiger Raising Plan. If he wants to get rid of the Iron Dan God, he must wait for him to show his fangs first.

Hou Zhu, the brave god, ignored him and refused to rebel, so Tianyu had no legitimate excuse to kill him.

And this link also contains the most critical link, which is to control the world.

In Tianyu's mind, a series of plans quietly emerged.

After becoming the secret agent of Hulong Villa, Tianyu lived a very leisurely life.

I don't know if Zhu Wuwu, the Iron Dan God Marquis, deliberately isolated him. He always asked the four secret agents of Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang to carry out any tasks, but rarely called him.

Tianyun stayed in Hulong Villa every day and almost never went out. He usually practiced in his side courtyard.

But Tianyu also understood that this was a deliberate test of his patience by the brave god Hou Zhuwu.

This is tantamount to a kind of torture. Once Tianyu's identity is really suspicious, he will gradually lose patience and finally can't help but reveal his flaws.

But Tianyu sneered in his heart: "Well, you brave God Hou Zhu ignores it, let's see how long you can keep pretending!"

He deeply understood that in the near future, the iron-courage god Hou Zhuwu would use his own various means to deliberately resort to a painful trick, and then join forces with Wan Sanqi and others to trap Cao Zhengchun to death.

After that, the Tiedan Shenhou will completely reveal his minions, no longer hide his ambitions, and then snatch the throne from his nephew.

At that time, it will be Tianyu's time to make a strong move.

But before that, he has to do two things. The first thing is to raise tigers.

The most important thing about raising a tiger is how to fatten up the courage of the tiger.

Therefore, Tianyu decided to help the Iron Dan God Marquis deal with Cao Zhengchun. Only by accelerating this process could the Iron Dan God Marquis Zhu Wuwu take the initiative to jump out and reveal his ambitions as soon as possible.

The second important goal is to make yourself stronger quickly.

Before the Iron-hearted God Zhu Wusi openly rebelled, he must have enough super force to suppress the world. In this way, he could not be afraid of the various means of the Iron-hearted God, and he could control the situation strongly, so that the situation would develop in the direction he wanted.

"I have the Star Absorbing Method, and I must absorb more people's internal energy as soon as possible. However, staying in the Dragon Guard Villa, this opportunity is too rare!" Tianyu shook his head and thought silently in his heart.

Through the understanding and questioning of the four major spies in the past few days, from their words, Tianyu can also secretly guess his own strength. It should be at the level of a first-class master, but it is not far from the innate realm.

Originally, Tianyu had the initial internal force given by the selected space, which was only equivalent to a second-rate master, but after learning the two peerless magic skills of Tianchi Weird Man, he directly ranked among the first-class masters and became the best among them. This progress can be called rapid.

"Dragon Guard Agent Tianyu, listen up. Princess Xiu Li of Izumo Kingdom is about to arrive at the imperial city. Now I order you to go and meet Princess Xiu Li and escort her to the State Guest House. There must be no mistakes!" When an order came, Tianyu was stunned.

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