"No, look over there!"

Suddenly, someone with better eyesight saw a figure in the sky moving rapidly into the distance, seemingly tracking something.

At this time, the evil god's body had already noticed that his speed was not enough for Tianyu, and the distance between the two sides was slowly closing.

"If you want to completely destroy me, then let's go to hell together!"

The evil god suddenly turned around, and the body took Tianyu and rushed over.

However, at this moment, Tianyu used that trick again, and more than 10 small light balls emanated from his body. All the light balls were extremely compressed and gathered together, and the space collapsed and cracked instantly.



The evil god and Tianyu collided with each other, and the whole sky instantly turned into a dazzling light.

The world seemed to stop at this moment, time began to stagnate, and everyone's face looked up at the sky stupidly, their eyes were white, and everything seemed to not exist.

The sky, the birds, the stars, the haze in the air, etc., all turned into forbidden scenes on a huge scroll.

Then the scroll gradually cracked, and pieces fell down one by one, and a small marble fell silently to the ground.

Then Tianyu's body appeared, and he stretched out his hand and slowly sucked the marble into his palm.

There was a pattern inside the marble, which vaguely looked like a human figure. If you look closely, it is not difficult to judge that this is a girl.

The world has resumed operation again, and people have an illusion that they have just been transferred out of this universe by extremely powerful means. The feeling of physical and mental confusion is particularly memorable.

At this moment, it feels like the soul has returned to the body and has begun to operate and trace back under the rules of this universe again.

"Mr. Tianyu, is everything over?"

Someone walked onto the street and found Tianyu standing alone on the street, and more and more people came towards him without saying a word

Because they could deeply feel that Tianyu was extremely depressed at this time, so depressed that people also felt sad for him.

"The weirdness has completely disappeared from this world," Tianyu said slowly.

After hearing Tianyu's words, the crowd unexpectedly did not make a carnival shout, but stood in front of him, looking at the marble in his hand.

In the marble, a human-shaped pattern slowly stretched and spread.

I don't know how long it has been, Tianyu walked towards a corner of the city, he has been walking aimlessly, not knowing where he wants to go.

From time to time, Tianyu would stare at the bead in his hand in a daze.

And the pattern in the bead is not constant, he sometimes turns sideways, as if he was suddenly awakened by a nightmare while sleeping.

Sometimes he would stretch slowly, then sit up and ask curious questions about the world outside the marble.

Whenever the pattern inside the marble moved, Tianyu's heart would be deeply touched.

"Chosen, please note that this mission has been successfully completed. Please leave the mission world immediately."

Tianyu heard the reminder of the summoning space, and there was not much time left for him.

If he did not leave the mission world, this mission world would be completely destroyed, and although he would not be wiped out with this world, it would likely affect the final score of the mission.

"Are you leaving?"

Tianyu looked up at the sky, but in his mind he recalled the scenes about Zhao Ziqiu

If he left this mission world, Zhao Ziqiu would also disappear with everything, so he had been looking for a key point.

The mission world slowly became unstable, but at this time, Tianyu finally saw the place he had been looking for.

"It's right here!"

Tianyu squatted down, dug a small hole in the ground, and then put the bead in it.

When the bead was put into the pit, the human-shaped pattern inside suddenly sat up.

At this moment, Tianyu seemed to see a pair of eyes on the human-shaped pattern, looking at him reluctantly.

"I will use my ability to lock you here. I will definitely come back here to wake you up in the future. Rest in peace."

Tianyu held the soil in his hand and buried the bead completely in it.

With a swish, Tianyu left the mission world and returned to the summoning space.

He was too lazy to even listen to the system broadcast that sounded in his ears, and opened his personal attribute column as soon as possible.

Name: Tianyu

Selection number: 1008611

Strength: 360

Speed: 360

Physique: 360

Spirit: 360

Special skills: Danger Sense (passive), Shushan Basic Swordsmanship (mastered), Shushan Sword Controlling (mastered), Ten Thousand Swords (mastered), Tathagata Palm (mastered)

Special abilities: Shocking Fruit, Self-healing

Spiritual root: Lightning Spiritual root

Skill: Nine Tribulations Thunder Gang Jue (master)

Selection points: 100,000

Strength rating: Gold 6

Seeing the information on the panel, Tianyu was a little surprised. Before, his speed attribute was only 330, but after this mission, it has become 360.

Of course, this is not the most critical, because after each mission, there will be an ability that increases by dozens of points.

What really surprised Tianyu was the full 100,000 summoning points!

Before this mission, he had cleared all the summoning points, that is, this mission earned a full 100,000 summoning points.

In addition, Tianyu opened the golden treasure chest and opened a strange item, a zooming flashlight from the Doraemon world.

In this regard, Tianyu curiously played with it for a while, and then chose to sell it directly, because this thing had no effect on him.

Rather than using this thing as a toy, it is better to sell it directly to the summoning space in exchange for more summoning points to strengthen its own strength.

The zooming flashlight was sold to the summoning space, worth 50,000 summoning points, and Tianyu was quite satisfied with it.

In this way, Tianyu currently has a full 150,000 summoning points, which is considered to be relatively rich.

For these summoning points, Tianyu was not polite at all and started to spend directly.

After taking a look at the attribute panel, he chose to increase all four attributes to 400 points.

Anyway, these points cannot be used to reproduce, and after entering the mission world, it is impossible to temporarily increase them.

It is better to exchange them directly for strength to reduce the risks encountered in the future, and at the same time increase the chance of getting a high score, so as to obtain more points.

The four attributes exchanged a total of 160 free attribute points. After adding them separately, Tianyu still had a lot of points left.

These points are obviously not enough to improve skill proficiency, so Tianyu opened the Selected Space Mall and selected new trump cards in it.

The previous trump cards have been almost consumed by him, so it is very necessary to supplement them. After all, each of the previous chassis helped him a lot.

In just a few minutes, Tianyu had consumed all his points, without any surplus, and he smacked his mouth with dissatisfaction.

There are too many good things in the Selected Space Mall. Only 100,000 points are not enough to exchange for any good things.

Especially the items at the top, which cost tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of points, he could only shed tears of envy.

"Wait for me, when I have enough points, I will exchange all of you!"

Looking at these precious items, Tianyu said unwillingly, and then reluctantly closed the mall page.

At the same time, in the entire selection space, various system broadcasts followed, without any delay.

It's just that everyone has become accustomed to Tianyu's performance, and they are too lazy to even look up and choose to ignore it.

If one day Tianyu does not get the SSS-level super god evaluation, they will be surprised.

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