He suddenly frowned and carefully searched for the button.

"Found it!"

Tianyu grabbed the button of the controller and pulled it out.

The button was held in the palm of his hand, and it was still beating like a living heart.

After the controller button was pulled out, the metal sheet suddenly collapsed to the ground, motionless, looking like a toy that could not move after the battery was removed.

Tianyu then confirmed that the controller button would not explode in an unknown way, and directly squeezed the button into a ball of powder with both hands.

At this moment, with the villa as the center, within a radius of about a hundred miles, a hazy halo spread quietly like a shock wave.

All the people covered by the shock wave immediately regained clarity in their eyes, and then looked up at the sky, their eyes full of confusion.

Then, these people recalled what happened during this period of time

"Well, it seems that Xiao Zhang has encountered some inexplicable and weird things recently, which almost drove him crazy during this period of time?"

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"Yes, I suddenly remembered that my niece told me last week that one of his classmates hanged himself for no reason, and before committing suicide, many strange things happened."

"Quick, hurry to the yard of No. 5 Xizheng Street, I suddenly remembered that they just called me!"

At this moment, people suddenly realized that there were many innocent people around them who were harmed by weirdness and had asked for help many times.

But at that time, they didn't know why and directly ignored the other party's distress signal.

But at this time, they suddenly woke up and took action and began to lend a helping hand to those poor people.

Tianyu destroyed the sensor controller, but invisibly freed the world of mental oppression.

From today on, as long as anyone who is harassed by the weird asks for help from the people around them, they will lend a helping hand without hesitation.

And these weirds can no longer use the ability of mental charm to separate innocent people from the people around them.

In this way, even if Tianyu is gone, they can seek help from the outside world to fight against the invading weirds.

In the villa, Wang Qichuan also woke up, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and he looked up and looked around.

"Where am I?"

After shaking his head vigorously, he finally remembered what had just happened. Wang Qichuan said ashamedly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Tianyu, I seem to have been possessed by a ghost just now."

Tianyu nodded and said: "It's okay, I have helped you solve the weirdness now, you can have children with confidence in the future and build a happy family."

Wang Qichuan was ecstatic, and excited tears flowed from his eyes. This was something he had been looking forward to for a long time. Now that his dream has come true, how could he not be ecstatic?

"Wife, let's have a baby quickly!"

Wang Qichuan jumped into the new house. After Wang Qichuan entered the room, Tianyu sneered at the metal iron weird on the ground and said: "Can you get up? How long do you want to pretend?"

After the words fell, the metal iron weird made a creaking sound all over its body, and its joints like a robot twisted and sat up.

"You will not have a good end if you go against the evil god!" The metal iron weird said coldly.

"Where is the evil god? I've been looking for him for a long time!" Tianyu's face was not panicked, but full of expectation.

At the same time, a ball of purple thunder appeared in one of his palms.

This was the thunder that erupted after his whole body's mana was amplified. It was simply a butcher knife to kill a chicken to deal with these weird things that endanger the world.

Seeing these thunders and feeling the destructive restraint in the air, the metal iron weird finally felt scared.

"Don't destroy me, I worked hard to get to the position of the head of the weird, and I'm finally about to enter the second stage. Do I have it easy?"

Tianyu laughed a little. At this time, the metal iron weird looked like a miser who was afraid of death.

He suddenly asked seriously: "How are these weird things made? What are the levels?"

The metal iron weird still wanted to quibble, but when he saw the terrible thunder that kept jumping in the palm of Tianyu's hand, he swallowed his saliva and made a sound like metal friction.

"We have three stages in total. The first stage is to harvest fear. When it reaches a certain level, you can enter the second stage and absorb blood."

"What about the third stage?" Tianyu asked immediately, as if he had noticed a key problem.

Metal Iron Skin Weird took a deep breath and said, "The third stage is only for Lord Evil God. As for what level it is, none of us knows!"

"So, your current fear is almost collected, and you are about to enter the second stage?" Tianyu asked.

Metal Iron Skin Weird nodded immediately: "Yeah, it's easy for me, I just need to harvest this guy's fear once more, and I can directly enter the second stage. I don't have to stay in this garbage place anymore, I can go somewhere else to kill as much as I want!"

"Oh, so you also killed people in another place?"

Tianyu frowned, it seems that things are getting more and more complicated.

As far as he knows, only people in this city will be disturbed by weirdness, so what about other places?

This world is very big, and there are many unknown murders every day in many places.

For example, those death row prisoners died inexplicably in the cell, or revenge killings, love killings, etc., as well as the accidental deaths that continue to occur every day, which are not a small number.

Now it seems that these are very likely to be inseparable from those weirdnesses that have reached the second stage and collected blood.

The metal weird was still complaining, Tianyu suddenly interrupted him and asked: "What kind of creature is the evil god?"

The metal weird shook his huge head violently and said: "Don't ask me, don't say I don't know, even if it is any creature in the world, it is impossible to know the secret of the evil god. He is so mysterious and high above, so great, it makes people feel desperate"

Then there was a series of words praising the evil god. Tianyu was already impatient to listen, and directly slapped him and knocked him out again.

This time, Tianyu rubbed the metal weird fiercely, and the sound of metal friction continued.


The metal weird was awakened by the pain, and made various screams, and was finally kneaded into a small metal sphere by Tianyu.

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