Tianyu just wanted to figure out the body structure of this weird creature, to see what kind of mystery is hidden in her body, whether she is a normal person transformed, or a wonderful creature from another world.

However, something he didn't expect happened at this time. This weird creature actually made a mumbling sound: "Hehe, stop scratching, it's itchy"

Tianyu's eyes were straight, this weird creature was afraid of being tickled?

And I'm obviously not tickling, okay!

But at least he also understood that the weird creature can also speak, but the weird creature's mouth did not move, but only made this obscure sound from the throat, like ventriloquism.

"Are you afraid of being tickled? Then I'll make you tickle enough!"

Tianyu's hands became faster, and he kept patting the weird creature's body. Finally, the weird creature couldn't stand it anymore and began to beg for mercy.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝘴𝘩𝘢.𝘯𝘦𝘡

"Stop scratching me, please let me go!"

Tianyu put the weirdo down and began to interrogate: "Where are you from? Who is driving you, and what is your purpose?"

The weirdo answered honestly: "We are all creatures that are not me, driven by the evil god, to bring fear to the people of this world!"

"Creatures that are not me?"

Tianyu heard a new name again, and just as he guessed, the evil god drove these weirdos to bring fear to all humans in this world.

But they didn't really want to kill all humans in one fell swoop. They treated humans as playthings and tortured them to death in panic.

"Where is the evil god?" Tianyu asked.

Weiyi shook his head: "The whereabouts of Lord Evil God have always been a secret!"

Just as Tianyu thought, the whereabouts of the Evil God were indeed a secret. No matter whether these Weiyi knew it or not, in short, such key information could not be obtained from their mouths.

Then Tianyu asked another very important question: "Are you all acting on your own, or are you organized and premeditated? What kind of way do you usually use to travel to this world?"

This was Weiyi's instinctive refusal to answer, and it was obvious that this also touched the core secret of their organization.

But Tianyu's eyes and actions scared Weiyi all over. He could not forget the painful feeling when he was tickled by Tianyu just now. For Weiyi, this was more terrifying than killing him.

"Don't, I'll tell you, I'll tell you"

Weiyi thought about it, swallowed hard, and thick chicken skin fell off his pale face, and the densely packed people felt very disgusting.

"Each of us in the organization will receive a task prompt, and we will complete the task within a fixed time according to different goals."

"And our levels are different. For the lowest-level non-self creatures like us, we only need to complete the collection of fear."

"Collect fear?"

Tianyu thought, it must be to deliberately scare these people and let them die slowly in fear.

"Then what do high-level weirdness do?" Tianyu asked again.

"High-level non-self creatures don't need to collect fear, they just need to kill directly, but there is no connection between them and us, they are independent of the dispatch of the evil god."

Tianyu understood that this means that those high-level weirdness cannot be found for the time being, and they can only look for clues of these low-level weirdness from these victims.

After all, their task is to collect fear, and from this process, their whereabouts can be known.

"Are there any roles similar to leaders for low-level weirdness like you?" Tianyu asked.

If one of the more representative weirdness can be caught, maybe more information about the evil god can be obtained from that guy.

A cunning look flashed in the eyes of this weird creature. It shook its head and denied, "No, there is no leader among us. We all act on our own!"

But Tianyu had already seen through his thoughts and the cunning light in his heart

Without saying a word, he stretched out his hands and hung this weird creature high in the sky, and then slapped her body again and again.

"No, please, let me go, sir!"

This weird creature seemed to be crying and laughing, and looked very painful.

"If you don't say it now, it won't be so easy to beg for mercy later!"

Tian Yu snorted coldly, so this weird creature had to confess honestly.

"We are responsible for collecting fear in this area, and our leader also has his own mission. His target is a business tycoon named Wang Qichuan, and his purpose is to make the other party die of fear in loneliness."

"Oh, Wang Qichuan?"

Tianyu immediately judged that this was the old Wang next door, wasn't it?

And being alone and helpless can also fit the name.

No matter who Lao Wang marries and has children with, his wife and children will inexplicably set him on fire. Doesn't that mean that Lao Wang will be alone and helpless for the rest of his life, slowly fall into fear and die?

"As expected of the leader, this method is really cruel!" Tianyu nodded silently.

Like other weird things, they are straightforward and use simple and crude methods to collect fear.

But the leader of this low-level weird is not in a hurry. He lets Lao Wang live a normal life, but he cannot marry and have children.

Once he forms a family, he will have to endure such pain and fear torture. He will probably experience such pain and fear countless times in his life.

Next, the leader of this low-level weird can continuously reap the source of Lao Wang's pain.

Tianyu snorted coldly, and then punched forward fiercely. The magic power played a key role at this time. Purple lightning burst out from his fist, and suddenly exploded forward in this weird scream.

At this moment, the body of this weird also exploded like black paste, and scattered into the night sky.

The little fat man caught up at this time, only to see the ink-like marks all over the ground, and asked with lingering fear: "Mr. Tianyu, where is the weird just now?"

"Isn't it in front of you?" Tianyu said.

Seeing the black liquid on the ground, the little fat man immediately took two steps back in fear, and then quickly wiped the black liquid under the sole of his shoe.

"It's really scary, this weird appearance is simply unique!" The little fat man patted his chest and stuck out his tongue.

He felt that this weird image just now was somewhat similar to the heroine in the horror movie, and even more terrifying than that guy.

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