Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 548: Little Thoughts

Moreover, these people rushed to express their tragic experiences, feeling that they were more miserable than others, and the purpose was to let Tianyu take action first to help them solve the strange threat.

The middle-aged man on the side suddenly changed his face to a flattering smile, sighed deeply, and then said: "Mr. Tianyu, to tell you the truth, I am the most miserable among these people."

After the words fell, Tianyu suddenly felt speechless. Good guy, this is the feeling competition. Each one is more miserable than the other?

Seeing the increasingly exciting scene, Tianyu knocked on the table hard and said, "Don't make any noise, come one by one. Although the weirdness is scary, it is not insurmountable. You don't have to worry."

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝔰π”₯𝔲.𝔫𝔒𝔱

Seeing Tianyu's words so calming, everyone present instantly became much quieter.

The middle-aged man said: "Mr. Tianyu, whether they admit it or not, my experience is the worst among them. If you don't believe it, just listen to what I have to say."

"Oh? What's your surname?" Tianyu asked.

"It's easy, just call me Lao Wang!"

Wang Tianyu, the old man next door, suddenly thought.

Then Lao Wang told Tianyu about his tragic encounter with the strange.

It turned out that Lao Wang had a happy family and a little daughter who was very cute and smart.

But ever since my daughter went to an amusement park one day and came back from a roller coaster ride, she became depressed all day long. She always said that she could see many white balls of light flying around on the street.

At that time, Lao Wang thought his daughter was frightened, so he took her to the hospital for various examinations, saw a psychiatrist, and consulted professionals.

However, the final examination results showed that there was nothing wrong with the child and that he was healthy and normal physically and mentally.

But in the following month, his daughter began to behave strangely.

For example, at 2 a.m. in the middle of the night, she would stand by his bedside with a doll in her arms, saying nothing, just looking at him.

Lao Wang was shocked and took his daughter to see doctors everywhere. He consulted famous doctors from all over the country, but in the end he could not come to any conclusion.

Everyone said that there was nothing wrong with their daughter. Finally one night, her daughter set a fire and burned down the entire villa.

Lao Wang was on a business trip and did not return until late at night. Seeing the fire in the sky flooding his warm home, Lao Wang was heartbroken.

There is no doubt that in that incident, his daughter and loving wife were all killed in the fire. It took Lao Wang three full years to gradually get rid of the grief and prepare to start a family again.

But when he just found his second wife, something strange happened to him again. The same plot happened almost one after another. His house caught fire again, and this time it was his wife who set the fire.

After Lao Wang finished speaking, everyone present fell silent. It must be said that his experience was so tragic, even more miserable than everyone present.

Tianyu also nodded and sighed: "The most tragic thing in the world is to be separated from your closest relatives. You are indeed miserable."

Hearing Tianyu's nod, Lao Wang didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

So now he no longer dares to get married, have a wife and have children, because he is also afraid of damaging his wife and children.

Later, he simply transformed into Lao Wang next door, living a carefree, neat and simple life, which could be said to be passing through thousands of flowers without a leaf touching him.

"In that case, Weirdness didn't actually find you, but only the relatives around you."

Tianyu suddenly realized that there was a very fatal flaw in this story.

In other words, as long as Lao Wang doesn't marry a wife or have children, there is actually nothing Wei Wei can do to him.

In other words, Weiwei has no interest in Lao Wang at all, and just wants to hurt his wife and children around him.

If Weiwei wanted to kill Lao Wang, Lao Wang should have happened to be in the villa when his daughter set the fire, and he should have been burned to death together.

When this was mentioned, there was a trace of doubt in Lao Wang's eyes.

"Actually, I don't know why, but the weirdness prevents me from marrying and having children. It's simply more painful than directly hurting me!"

Lao Wang next door had his hands in his hair and was picking at his scalp in great confusion.

It can be seen that he is very obsessed with getting a wife and having children. If he is not allowed to start a family, it will be more painful than killing him.

Tianyu slowly said: "Okay, then you listen to me. When you go back later, you can go on a blind date with me immediately, find a suitable woman to get married, and then quickly have children. If Weiwei comes to see you again, I will Let me help you solve it.”

"Huh? So fast?"

Hearing Tianyu's words, Lao Wang next door was immediately shocked. Tianyu asked him to go back and have a blind date, then marry a wife and have children. The process was explained in detail.

"Master Tianyu, there will be a knock on the door at 3:00 every night at my house, and then the next day, there will be a pool of blood at the door. Please help me take a look tonight, otherwise my child will be almost killed. I'm going crazy, the college entrance examination is about to take place, and I have no intention of studying!" One of the bald men stood up and said pitifully.

Tianyu nodded and expressed sympathy. After all, he was a child taking the college entrance examination.

The college entrance examination is a very important thing for every student who has studied hard for 10 years. Out of sympathy, Tianyu decided to go to his house first to help him solve the weirdness.

The fat man on the side also stood up and said, "Mr. Tianyu, I'll go with you."

"Oh? Are you not afraid of weirdness?" Tianyu shook his head and said with a smile.

Thinking of the beginning, when he saw the fat man at the mysterious memorial ceremony, he trembled when he mentioned weirdness, and was so scared that he almost wet his pants.

But now his mentality has begun to change. Do you want to learn to capture weirdness from me?

"Mr. Tianyu, I also want to learn from you. After all, weirdness is too hateful. If I can find a way to subdue them, it will benefit everyone, and I am also considering everyone!" The little fat man blinked and said to Tianyu with a smile.

But Tianyu easily saw that the fat boy actually had his own selfish motives. He wanted to become a master like himself and be respected and flattered by everyone in the circle.

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