Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 539 Are you tickling me?

Hearing the fat man's guess, those weirdos deliberately play with humans, it is their hobby.

Tianyu doesn't know whether this is true or not. Now he can be sure that the appearance of weirdos is the only means for the evil god to pollute this world, and the evil god's goal is most likely to occupy this world.

Under normal circumstances, in order to achieve the goal, it must be as fast as possible. Who has the leisure to play with people's hearts?

So Tianyu thinks that these weirdos deliberately scare people, but are not in a hurry to kill people. There must be an important purpose. This is Tianyu's guess.

The real purpose of the weirdos tossing humans like this needs Tianyu to investigate it himself.

After the fat man finished speaking, Tianyu couldn't help asking: "Why didn't you call the police? Or report this matter?"

The fat man sighed and said: "Boss, do you think we don't want to? In fact, we have already taken similar measures, but it's useless."

"No matter how we call the police or tell others, no one will believe us. It seems that when encountering weird things, everyone's IQ has dropped to the level of idiots."

At this point, the fat man swallowed nervously and continued: "There is a doctor with a high degree among us. For the fact that no one believes us, he gave a corollary called meme infection, also known as meme virus."

"He believes that in addition to having terrible abilities, weird things also have some commonalities. They all have memes. Because of the virus, any human who has come into contact with them will be infected by them, such as us. ”


“No matter how we talk about these things with outsiders, others will subconsciously think that we are joking and lying, and will not believe us at all.”

“Even if someone dies, it will not be taken seriously, and not many media will take the initiative to report it. Even if related events are reported, they will soon disappear because of lack of attention. This is what the doctor said about the meme virus, which can also be regarded as a large-scale subconscious deception and regional hypnosis.”

“It’s terrible, right? Unless you see it with your own eyes, no one will believe it at all!”

When the fat man said this, he sighed deeply, his expression full of despair, and the weirdness was really terrible.

Zhao Ziqiu was stunned. Large-scale subconscious deception and affecting the brain thinking of many people? This ability is simply a fairy method!

Even Tianyu was surprised to hear this, and then Tianyu's eyes flashed. With such extraordinary ability.

It is certain that the evil god that invaded this world is definitely a truly powerful existence.

"I am very interested in your circle. Remember to introduce me to it later." Tianyu said.

The fat man nodded immediately: "Of course, no problem. It is rare to have like-minded friends join us. We are absolutely welcome. However, we are not safe yet!" After saying this, the fat man suddenly turned into a sad face.

Tianyu did not speak. For him, it was very easy to solve a mere weirdness.

If even an ordinary weirdness stumped him, then he would not expect to save the world, and directly declare the mission failed.

At this time, there was a sudden movement outside the door.


The metal iron door of the entire storefront was suddenly violently torn open, revealing a huge gap.

Through the gap, you can clearly see a black shadow standing outside the door. It is the woman chosen by the weirdness.

At this moment, the woman's hair was disheveled, and there was a faint black air around her body. Against the backdrop of the night, she looked extremely gloomy and terrifying.

What was even more terrifying was that the woman's feet did not touch the ground, but floated in the air, with at least 20 centimeters of space between her feet and the ground.

At this moment, in this situation, even a fool would know that this woman was weird.

Seeing the weird chasing him, the fat man was so scared that his face turned pale, his whole body trembled, and he couldn't even speak.

Although he had participated in four sacrificial ceremonies, he had good luck every time and had never been targeted by the weird. This time, facing the weird made the fat man extremely scared.

Zhao Ziqiu was also scared to death when he saw the weird look of the woman, and his face turned pale and he couldn't move.

To be honest, the weird look was indeed very scary. It was impossible for ordinary people not to be afraid after seeing it. Of course, Tianyu was not an ordinary person.

He didn't say anything nonsense, just stepped forward and strode towards the weird.

This action immediately attracted the attention of the strange, and a pair of scarlet eyes instantly stared at him.

Being stared at by the strange eyes, ordinary people would definitely be scared to death, but Tianyu was calm.

The crisis sensor only sent a very insignificant prompt, which was almost negligible, indicating that the strange in front of him was a very low threat to Tianyu, so low that he didn't need to care at all.

Tianyu continued to move forward, and when he was about to get close to the strange, the woman finally took action.

She raised her hand and made a clawing action. Tianyu immediately felt a strong force acting on him, controlling him to fly in the direction of the strange.

This ability to control objects in the air is very similar to the telekinesis among superpowers.

Of course, if Tianyu wanted to resist, he could easily break free, but Tianyu did nothing.

Now he still knows nothing about the strange attack method, so he just took the strange in front of him to experience it.

The next moment, Tianyu flew in front of Weiyi. His neck was tightly grasped by the long-haired woman, and a strong force popped out of the woman's hand.

The metal might not be able to withstand such force and would be pinched and deformed, but Tianyu's neck was unscathed.

"Are you tickling me?" Tianyu asked calmly.

Once the iron block was opened, the strange force of this beast was indeed tickling him.

Hearing Tianyu's words, the weird one was obviously stunned for a moment, and the scarlet color in his eyes became a little more serious.

Then she pushed Tianyu away, and the huge force made Tianyu fly back, but Tianyu still didn't make any move, letting the weird one use his offensive.

Just when Tianyu was about to hit the wall behind, the strange one suddenly disappeared on the spot, and appeared behind Tianyu the next second. He raised his right hand full of sharp nails and stabbed Tianyu's back fiercely.

"Do you still have the ability to travel through the void?

Tianyu was a little surprised. Regarding the strange fatal blow, he once again chose to ignore it. He did not make any dodge or resistance movements, but slightly activated the iron block.

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