"Little girl, it's not safe to go to Puluo Street alone so late at night!" The taxi driver reminded while starting the car.

Zhao Ziqiu remained silent and had no intention of answering. The driver felt bored and said no more, driving towards Puluo Street.

When she was about to reach Puluo Street, Zhao Ziqiu could clearly feel that the box next to her was shaking slightly, as if something terrible was sealed inside and was about to break out of the box.

The closer she got to Puluo Street, the greater the vibration of the box.

Zhao Ziqiu felt very scared. She had a vague feeling that Puluo Street might be her burial place tonight.

The driver in the front driving position did not notice the abnormality of Zhao Ziqiu in the back seat. He was driving while listening to the vulgar school beauties on the radio, with a knowing smile on his face.

Suddenly, just as they were approaching Puluo Street, the radio began to receive poor signals, intermittently, and finally there was no signal at all, with a sizzling audio sound, which was very harsh.

"Bang! Bang!"

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ

The taxi driver couldn't help but slap his hands twice and cursed in a low voice: "Why is the signal so bad!"

What the driver didn't notice was that Zhao Ziqiu, who was sitting in the back seat, was frighteningly pale at the moment.

Because Zhao Ziqiu had a feeling that the radio suddenly lost signal because it was close to Puluo Street

The driver changed several channels in a row, and there was no signal, so he simply turned off the radio. Anyway, it was not far from the destination.

Bored, the driver couldn't help but say to Zhao Ziqiu: "Little girl, Puluo Street is very chaotic. Aren't you afraid of being unsafe when you run there so late?"

Seeing that Zhao Ziqiu didn't respond, the driver said to himself: "Puluo Street is an old neighborhood, and the location is very remote. No one has lived there for a long time. The government said before that it was going to demolish it and build an industrial park, but later for some unknown reason, it was delayed for several years and there was no movement."

"That place is now in a semi-abandoned state, with only some elderly people and homeless vagrants in it. Little girl, it's okay if you meet those elderly people, but if you meet those vagrants, you must remember to stay away from them."

Hearing this, Zhao Ziqiu couldn't ignore it anymore, and said: "Thank you for the reminder."

"You're welcome." The driver smiled and replied, then stopped the car on the side of the road and said: "Just in time, Puluo Street is here."

Zhao Ziqiu paid the fare and got off with the box.

The driver always felt that Puluo Street was a bit weird tonight. He subconsciously stepped on the accelerator and left here quickly.

At this moment, in front of Zhao Ziqiu was an empty street with dilapidated and desolate old houses on both sides of the street. It looked a bit gloomy against the backdrop of the night.

There were only a few street lights on the whole street, emitting a faint light.

A breeze blew and blew on Zhao Ziqiu's body. It was obviously a hot June, but Zhao Ziqiu felt a chill through his heart.

She looked at her watch. There were less than 10 minutes left before the agreed time. Zhao Ziqiu gritted his teeth and walked towards the depths of the street with the box in his arms.

Not long after Zhao Ziqiu left, a figure suddenly appeared in the darkness, came to the position where Zhao Ziqiu had stood before, and looked at the whole Puluo Street.

"The pollution is so serious, it seems that there are good things hidden here!" The figure murmured to himself.

The person who suddenly appeared was naturally Tianyu. Tianyu did not expect that the first person to discover the contamination was actually the person he had confessed to during the day.

After discovering that Zhao Ziqiu was not right, he followed him all the way here, and indeed made a bigger discovery.

Looking at the Puluo Street that was almost shrouded in black air, Tianyu frowned.

This was his first time to come into contact with the pollution of the evil god. For the sake of caution, Tianyu still had to prepare himself.

Fortunately, the selection system did not restrict his ability, which gave Tianyu more confidence.

With his current strength, as long as he did not encounter the true god, self-protection would not be a problem.

Then Tianyu looked at Zhao Ziqiu who was about to disappear on the street and quickly followed him.

His steps were silent and extremely fast, and Zhao Ziqiu would never find that he was being followed.

A few minutes later, Zhao Ziqiu stopped outside an old house.

The old house was a 5-story building. Among the Puluo Street, which was generally two or three stories high, it was definitely a landmark building, standing out from the crowd.

Judging from the sign, this should have been a hotel, but it has long been abandoned.

The whole building was pitch black, like a monster that was ready to eat people, crawling in the dark.

Looking at the door as deep as a black hole, Zhao Ziqiu was obviously very scared, but he had to bite the bullet and walk in.

This time when she came to Puluo Street, Zhao Ziqiu had a premonition that she would not survive tonight, so she came almost with the determination to die.

But before she died, she wanted to find out what was going on and see what the truth of the curse was.

After entering the hotel door, because the room was too dark, Zhao Ziqiu took out his mobile phone and prepared to turn it on to illuminate.

But just as he took out his mobile phone, a voice suddenly came from the front: "Don't turn on the light, you can see after adapting."

Zhao Ziqiu was startled. She tried to look forward and finally saw a few people standing a few meters in front of her, seemingly waiting for something.

What surprised Zhao Ziqiu was that these people all had a box in their hands, exactly the same as the box in her hand.

At this time, a light voice suddenly came from the front: "Hey, the newcomer this time is still a big beauty!"

The person who said this was a short man with a slightly fat body. As soon as the fat man finished speaking, another man's voice came from the side: "What's the use of being beautiful here? It's still a sacrifice!"

After hearing the word sacrifice, Zhao Ziqiu's heart couldn't help but beat faster.

She still had some understanding of those myths. No matter what myth, anything involving the word sacrifice was not a good thing, and it was often related to evil things.

In the myths she knew, except for the protagonist with the protagonist's halo, 99% of those who became sacrifices had a miserable end, and only the protagonist could get a lot of benefits.

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