Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 534 Mission to Save the World

Now he has not figured out what this mission world is like, and the system has not given any hints.

Since he is free, he might as well go online and check the news of this world.

However, this behavior is seen by his roommates as a sign of bad mood and depression.


"It seems that Tianyu has been hit hard."

"Brother Chao, do you want to go over and comfort Tianyu?"

"By the way, Brother Chao, haven't you been clamoring to be our boss? Now Tianyu has encountered a demon, it's your turn to step in."

Several roommates whispered, but what they didn't know was that Tianyu's hearing was super strong and he heard their words clearly.

The man called Brother Chao was a tall and strong young man with a strong body. Under the instigation of his roommates, he stood up helplessly, came to sit next to Tianyu, and said in a measured tone: "Tianyu, you haven't had dinner yet? Do you want to go out with your friends to eat some skewers and get some beer?"

After being reminded by Brother Chao, Tianyu felt that he was indeed a little hungry, so he said: "Okay, let's go and get some!"

"Hey, that's right, there are beautiful women everywhere in the world, just a girl, there is no need to be so depressed."

This Brother Chao was obviously not very good at comforting people, and he was very enthusiastic.

"Brothers, stop playing, go drink with Tianyu."

Hearing what Brother Chao said, the roommates were very respectful and turned off their mobile phones.

Everyone shouted together to accompany Tianyu, came to a barbecue stall at the school gate, and found a seat to sit down.

Then everyone talked about interesting things and games.

Tianyu was cautious and rarely spoke. His behavior was a normal reaction to a breakup in the eyes of his roommates.

At the table, although Tianyu didn't say much from beginning to end, several roommates kept chatting and the atmosphere was pretty good.

Tianyu listened absent-mindedly and filled his stomach.

Seeing that Tianyu had eaten dozens of mutton skewers and didn't look full, several roommates began to sweat.

Mutton skewers are not cheap now. They cost three yuan in total. Tianyu has already eaten two or three hundred yuan in this short time, not counting other dishes and drinks.

The whole table cost about five or six hundred yuan. Even if it was AA, for a group of college students from ordinary families, this meal was too luxurious and had become a burden for everyone.

"Tianyu, are you going to turn depression into appetite? Take it easy. You're almost going to eat up the food expenses of the brothers this month."

A roommate couldn't help but say. After hearing this, Tianyu was slightly stunned.

He then remembered that he was just an ordinary student, and the people around him were the same. With his current appetite, he could really eat everyone out of money at once.

"I'll pay this time." Tianyu said, "You can eat without worry!"

He still had more than 1,000 yuan on him, which was the living expenses given by his family, enough to cover the cost of this meal.

As for what to do if he spent it all?

Don't forget that there is a black card worth 100 million US dollars in his personal space, which also happens to exist in this world.

Even if the black card cannot be used, it is not easy for Tianyu to get money?

The roommates looked at each other, and Zhang Chao said, "Tianyu, how can I let you pay alone? Everyone comes out to drink with you, not to eat for free. Come on, everyone drink, let's drink one."

Everyone raised their glasses and drank the beer in the glass. At this time, a few people whispered beside them.

"Hey? Guys, look at that guy. Isn't he the one who fainted after his failed confession this afternoon?"

"Yes, it's him!"

"This guy's operation is really cool. He was like Zhao Gaoleng who failed in his confession and couldn't bear the blow and fainted?"

"What are you talking about? How come I don't know?"

"Look at the forum in the school, the first post is it!"

"Keep your voices down"

Although these people were talking in a low voice, they were also eating at the same stall, not far away. Not to mention Tianyu who was sharp-eyed and sharp-eared, even his roommates heard it, and everyone's faces were a little embarrassed.

Zhang Chao comforted: "Tianyu, don't listen to their nonsense, come on, drink."

Tianyu's face was very calm. With his current mentality, he could completely ignore other people's comments.

However, he didn't explain too much. He raised his glass and clinked it with Zhang Chao, and then drank it all.

After a glass of wine, Zhang Chao's face began to turn red slowly, but Tianyu looked normal, almost the same as before when he didn't drink.

Let alone beer, even if it is high-concentration liquor or even alcohol, Tianyu will be fine after drinking it.

Suddenly, the voice of the system sounded in Tianyu's mind.

"Mission description: Save the world!"

"Save the world: This world is seriously polluted by the evil god. Please destroy all evil things, expel the evil god, and save this world! The mission time is unlimited. If the mission fails, it will be destroyed along with the world. Tip! You have obtained the Eye of Exorcism (temporary) and can see pollutants."

Hearing this mission prompt, Tianyu was stunned. He was asked to save a world?

"Is this a world polluted by the evil god?"

He subconsciously raised his head and immediately found something unusual.

In the sky, the night sky was bright with stars, and it should be clear, but at this moment, Tianyu could not see a single star.

In the deep space in the distance, there were even huge black spots, just like the appearance of an old man with cancer, when the cancer cells spread and infected.

Seeing this scene, a gleam of light flashed in Tianyu's eyes. He knew that this was the evil-repelling eye temporarily given to him by the system, which played a role and allowed him to see the scenery that normal people could not see.

"What are you looking at, Tianyu? Come on, keep drinking. I didn't realize that you can drink so much." The roommates kept urging him to drink.

Tianyu shook his head and said, "Let's do this for today. I feel a little uncomfortable. I'll drink another day."

After that, Tianyu stood up and went over to settle the bill.

He was anxious to investigate the pollution incident, so how could he be interested in continuing to drink?

After seeing this, the roommates felt that the weather was a bit disappointing, but they couldn't say much. After all, in their eyes, Tianyu was now a lovelorn person.

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