Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 526: Extraordinary Battle


With just one punch from Boros, the protective shield of Little Tornado's telepathy was instantly shattered. At the critical moment, Tianyu took action and pulled Little Tornado away, causing Boros' punch to fail.


Boros was stunned for a moment, then looked at Tianyu and showed a ferocious smile: "I didn't expect you to have good power and be so fast. It's getting more and more interesting. Everyone here is going to die today. I will kill you one by one!" Poros made an arrogant declaration.

When the Metal Knight and others heard this, their expressions turned ugly. They knew how powerful the little tornado was. Just now, they were defeated so quickly in front of this monster and were almost killed.

Xiao Tatsumaki, who had survived the disaster, was a little scared at the moment and did not dare to continue to be harsh.

Only Tianyu and Qiyu still looked calm.

Saitama has long lost the emotion of fear, and is not afraid of Boros at all, and Tianyu. With the disciple of the Bald Demon King here, what does he have to be afraid of?

"Saitama, don't waste time with him, just cripple him!"

"Understood, teacher."


"Cripple me? Hahahaha. How stupid!"

A smile suddenly appeared on Poros's face, and he was about to continue talking. Suddenly, a fist appeared directly in front of him. It was too late to avoid it.

The sudden punch hit Poros in the abdomen.


Boros was like an ordinary person who had been hit by a heavy hammer. His whole body was like a cannonball and flew backwards in an instant.


There was another loud noise, and Boros' body slammed into a wall of the spacecraft, even making a big hole in the steel wall.

When the smoke cleared, a very embarrassed Boros was revealed. There was a huge wound in Boros's abdomen, and blood was dripping out. It looked like Boros' abdomen had almost been punctured directly.

Boros looked at the bald devil in shock and anger. Just now, he didn't see clearly how Saitama was approaching him, and Saitama's punch was actually able to hurt him.

This was simply unbelievable. Although such an injury was nothing compared to his self-healing ability, Boros was still very angry.

As the overlord of the universe, he has conquered countless planets, and no enemy has ever been able to cause him such harm.

On the other side, Tatsumaki, Metal Knight and others were very surprised when they saw Saitama suddenly appear and knock away the powerful alien with one punch.

Xiao Tatsumaki was a little better. She had competed with Saitama before and knew how powerful Saitama was. Metal Knight, Child Emperor and others were really surprised. This was too strong!

I didn't expect that this bald man, who looked unattractive in appearance and even had a strange style of painting, could be so powerful. If Saitama had targeted them just now, I'm afraid none of them would be able to escape, right?

Tong Emperor and others looked at Tianyu again. Even if the apprentice is so powerful, then how powerful the master must be. Thinking of this, Tong Emperor and others' eyes were full of awe.

"As expected of Mr. Galen, it's amazing that he can teach a disciple like Saitama." The little kid Tongdi couldn't hold back his words and couldn't help but speak.

Hearing this, Tianyu didn't show any expression, but Qiyu turned around and said with a smile: "Yes, my teacher is very powerful, the strongest person in the world!"


A questioning voice sounded, it was Boros.

It was seen that Boros had stood up straight again, and the wound on his abdomen had completely recovered.

Seeing this, Saitama was a little surprised. This was the first person he met who could stand up after being punched by him.

"Oh! The teacher is indeed right, you are indeed very powerful!" Saitama murmured to himself.

Poros suddenly laughed, looking a little excited and ferocious: "There was once a prophecy that I would meet someone who could fight with me on a distant planet. I didn't believe it at first, but now I see That prophecy seems to be true. I have always wanted to find an opponent who can fight with me, but I have never been able to find one. This is great!”

After Poros finished speaking, his eyes kept lingering on Qiyu and Tianyu, and then locked his eyes on Tianyu.

Poros also heard what the little kid said just now, and knew that the strange-looking bald man in front of him was a disciple taught by that man.

Since even his disciples are so powerful, as a master he will inevitably become even more powerful. Boros likes to challenge the truly strong.

"Hey, come to a real showdown with me!" Boros invited Tianyu.

Tianyu has no interest in playing a duel with him. What's more important is that with so many people watching him now, if he loses, wouldn't his character be destroyed?

Even if you don't lose, as long as the victory is slightly difficult, doesn't that expose your own strength?

"You defeat my disciple first, then challenge me!"

After hearing this, Boros smiled ferociously: "Although your disciple is indeed very strong and is qualified to let me show my true strength, once I burst out all my energy, even I can't control it and I will definitely kill him. As a teacher, do you want to watch your disciples die in front of you? "

Tianyu was not interested in arguing with this arrogant guy like Boros, and said to Saitama: "Qiyu, don't be stunned, just beat him!"

"Ah, OK, teacher"

Saiyu finally came back to his senses, looking at Boros, his expression became a little serious.

"Hey, if you want to challenge my teacher, you have to beat me first!"

As soon as the voice fell, Saitama moved instantly.


There was a bursting sound in the air, it was Saitama's speed that directly broke the speed of sound, producing a sonic boom.

Boros saw this and immediately took a fighting stance, smiling wildly: "Since you want to die, I will fulfill your wish!"

After saying that, Boros' figure also disappeared from the end of the month, and the next moment, the two figures collided at a very fast speed.


The center of the spacecraft seemed to remember the sound of a nuclear bomb explosion, and the violent shock wave swept in all directions.

Under such a strong air wave impact, the little tornado was still safe and sound with its powerful telekinetic shield, but the others were not, and were blown to the ground by the strong wind and air waves.

The little brat Child Emperor even screamed and hugged Tianyu's thigh, so he was not blown away.

Only Tianyu could stand firmly on his feet. With Tianyu's current strength, no matter how many times the shock wave was, it would not affect him.

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