"I like you two. If you eat the weird cells and join the weird association, I can make you two my subordinates." Haojie said calmly.

Upon hearing this, Saitama refused without saying a word: "I won't eat such disgusting things."

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Tianyu was concerned about business and asked Haojie: "Are you a hero? Tell me where your leader, Orochi, is, and I won't kill you!"

Hearing Tianyu's words, Haojie seemed to have heard a super funny joke and couldn't help laughing.

"Don't kill me? Hahaha. What a ridiculous language."

He was a big man and his laugh was so loud that it echoed throughout the basement.

Even Saitama, who was naturally stupid, could tell that Hero was laughing at his teacher.

Suddenly, the bald devil became angry. He could tolerate others laughing at himself, but he could never laugh at his teacher!


Saitama clenched his fists and looked at Haojie with a frown. He only waited for the teacher's order before he rushed forward and punched this weirdo!

"Ignorant boy, do you know who I am?" Haojie looked at Tianyu jokingly: "You are as fragile as insects in front of me."

Hearing this, Tianyu knew that Haojie would not shed tears until he saw the coffin. He was too lazy to continue talking nonsense and said to Saitama: "Qitama, deal with him."


After finishing his words, Saitama jumped up and quickly came to the hero.

Junjie was startled. He didn't even see clearly how this bald man got here.

Just when Hero was about to teach these two humans a lesson, Saitama's fists had already been clenched.

Then, Saitama punched out!

"Normal punch!"


Haojie felt as if he had been hit head-on by an atomic bomb. Before he could react, his entire body was instantly shattered into pieces, and the buildings behind him were also destroyed.

When Saitama landed and returned to Tianyu, all that was left in the huge basement were ruins and a pair of giant feet that had lost their owner.

Seeing this, Tianyu couldn't help but mourn for the hero. After all, he was also a dignified dragon-level weirdo. After meeting the bald devil, he didn't even have a chance to show his strength and was directly beaten into a scum. How pitiful!

With Saitama's help, the rest of the journey went very smoothly. He encountered many weird people, all of whom were killed by Saitama with one punch.

Whether it is an ordinary weirdo from the Weird Association, a weirdo cadre, or a dragon-level weirdo, there is no difference in front of Saitama, they are all killed with one punch!

Finally, after interrogation, Tianyu successfully found the leader of the Weird Association, the Big Snake King.

It has to be said that the Orochi King is very powerful. After seeing Tianyu and Qiyu, he actually took action without saying a word.

His speed and strength are both terrifying. If Tianyu's defense wasn't strong enough, he might have suffered this loss!

Tianyu felt that with Orochi's strength, in a real fight, even if he tried his best, the outcome would only be 50-50.

As expected of the leader of the Weird Association, Orochi King is worthy of his name. Unfortunately, in front of the bald demon king, no matter how powerful he is, it will be of no avail. With just an ordinary punch, Orochi's body was disintegrated by Saitama, leaving him unable to resist.

Fortunately, Tianyu had previously told Saitama not to hit the vital parts, so the head of the big snake was saved.

Then Tianyu immediately used thunder to blast the still-living snake's head into dregs and snatched the head.

It stands to reason that the Orochi is dead, and the Weird Association should be destroyed. In fact, this is not the case, because Tianyu discovered that the Weird Association's No. 2 mission, the Great Eye, and his body, Sykes, were not at the Weird Association base.

In the Weird Association, it is not the Big Snake King that is frightening, but this Sykes.

This guy hides behind the scenes and usually shows himself as a big evil, but his true form never appears easily.

In fact, the real leader of the Weird Association is Sykes. Even the powerful snake was trained by Sykes.

So as long as Sykes doesn't die, the Weird Association will come back sooner or later.

Of course, all these problems have nothing to do with Tianyu, as long as he completes his goal.

If Sykes could be easily eliminated, Tianyu wouldn't mind being a real hero and killing Sykes.

But since Sykes ran away, Tianyu will no longer spend energy looking for him.

After all, Sykes is positioned as a conspirator in the Weird Association. A person who relies on wisdom to survive is not the strongest. Whether he kills or not has little to do with Tianyu.

Therefore, Sykes should leave Saitama and the others to have a headache.

"It's done, Saitama." After confirming that Orochi was dead, Tianyu said, "Let's go back."

Saitama seemed very happy to hear that he could go back, but the smell here was so bad that it was uncomfortable to stay here.

The master and apprentice quickly evacuated the Weird Association base, and then Tianyu notified the top management of the Hero Association and asked them to come and accept the results of the battle.

When Tianyu and Qiyu returned to the villa after having a meal, the president of the Hero Association personally called.

"Mr. Galen, we have investigated clearly. That is indeed the base of the Weird Association. I feel that Mr. Galen and Mr. Saitama took action to eliminate the Weird Association. Both of them are the true heroes of mankind. Regarding the contribution of these two gentlemen, We will discuss the decision through a meeting later, please wait a moment.”

The president was very polite on the phone, because through the video, he saw the base of the Monster Association, which was simply horrible.

There were also many powerful monster corpses, which almost scared the top leaders of the Hero Association.

Tianyu and Saitama destroyed the Monster Association. This is a real achievement, and it also shows the powerful strength of this master and apprentice!

For them, these two people are absolutely not to be provoked.

"It is the responsibility of all heroes to destroy monsters. Mr. President, you don't have to be so polite." Tianyu said with a smile: "There is something that I hope to get the president's consent."

"Oh?" The president hurriedly said: "Mr. Garen, please tell me if you have any needs. As long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

"That's right, I hope that all the credit this time can be counted on my apprentice Saitama. This time, I was only responsible for supervision in destroying the Monster Association. Saitama took action throughout the process."

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