
The laughter startled the female zombie, who let out a beast-like roar, but still did not dare to attack Tianyu.

Tianyu took out his gun, aimed at the female zombie's forehead and pulled the trigger.


The female zombie's brain exploded like a watermelon, and she fell silently.

The brain is also a weakness of the zombies in this world.

"You killed the zombie, current task progress: 1/10."

Tianyu received a prompt from the system, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then Tianyu left the archives room and walked out in a swagger.

The first phase of the plan was very successful! Next is the second phase of the plan: slaughtering zombies! !

As soon as he walked out of the archives room and came to the corridor, a group of zombies in white coats rushed over, attracted by Tianyu's gunshots just now.

When the zombies rushed to Tianyu, they automatically made way, avoided Tianyu, and passed by Tianyu.

Tianyu also ignored them and continued to move forward.

As for why Tianyu didn't kill these ready-made zombies?

The reason is that Tianyu didn't want to waste his energy on these zombies! !

He wanted to kill zombies! Kill a lot of zombies! !

How many could he kill with his own strength?

Even if all the zombies came and lined up to behead him, how many could he kill with his physical strength?

It was okay in his heyday, but in this state now, killing a thousand would tire Tianyu to death!

So Tianyu's second plan was to find weapons of mass destruction.

After leaving the CDC, Tianyu came to the side of the road, found a bus that was hit and stopped, and sat in the driving seat.

Driving a bus requires an A1 driver's license, which Tianyu certainly doesn't have, but so what? Boston is almost a ghost town now, so how can the traffic police come to fine him?

Put the car in reverse gear and back it out.

Then, Tianyu stepped on the accelerator in a direction on the map.


The bus's engine roared, knocking away all the cars parked on the road, and also killed many zombies.

"You killed a zombie, current mission progress: 2/10."

"You killed a zombie, current mission progress: 3/10."

"You killed a zombie, current mission progress: 11/10."

"You killed a zombie, current mission progress: 12/10."

The reminders in my mind kept coming, and zombies were constantly crushed by the wheels.

But more zombies were attracted by the engine noise, Tianyu was not afraid at all, on the contrary, he was happy to do so!

Since he knew that zombies would not attack him, he completely let himself go and acted recklessly.

When Tianyu stopped the bus, hundreds of zombies had died under the wheels of the bus.

Then Tianyu got off the bus, ignoring the zombies surrounding him, and walked towards a building in a swagger.

The zombies saw Tianyu coming and automatically made way.

This building is the target of Tianyu's second plan! !

It is.Jingshu! ! !

If you ask where in a modern and peaceful city there are the most hot weapons?

Of course it is the police station! !

The police station that Tianyu is going to enter at this moment is the Boston Police Headquarters, which has a very spacious building area.

At the CDC, Tianyu found a map of Boston, so he knew the location of the police station.

At this time, the police station was in a mess, with many corpses on the ground, including the corpses of police officers, and more of zombies.

In addition to the corpses, there are a lot of shells on the ground.

After all, this is the Boston Police Headquarters, with a large number of hot weapons, it is natural to kill so many zombies, but the result is still doomed.

The zombies in the world of "World War Z" are very strong and fearless. Even if the army comes in, they can't escape the fate of destruction.

Entering the police station, Tianyu's unscrupulous behavior suddenly restrained a lot.

According to Tianyu's speculation, there might be some fish that have escaped the net and are not dead yet, hiding somewhere.

If someone shoots him here, Tianyu will die too unjustly.

He walked carefully into the police station, and finally found the armory in a basement according to the internal map of the police station.

The journey was smooth, and he did not meet other people. Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door of the armory.


He was shocked! !

The walls of the armory were full of guns, pistols, rifles, rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles

Everything is available! !

In addition to guns, there are grenades, C4 explosive packs, flamethrowers and other large-scale lethal weapons.

Tianyu smiled suddenly

At the same time, a bold plan also appeared in Tianyu's mind.

He planned to use the police station as a base and slaughter zombies here! !

Because the guns in the armory are very heavy, asking him to move them away will consume a lot of his physical strength!

Do it as soon as you think of it. After confirming that there is no one in the police station, Tianyu started to act!

He first took out all the C4 explosive packs and hid them on the streets around.

Then he placed two "Gatling Vulcan Cannons" at the gate of the police station.

Then he took the high-explosive grenades to the rooftop.

As for the flamethrower, Tianyu thought about it and decided to give it up.

It's not a good idea to play with fire with zombies. If you're not careful, you might burn yourself!

Because the behavior of zombies is to rush forward without thinking. Even if they are on fire, as long as their brains are not injured, they can't feel pain.

If the flamethrower is used, maybe the zombies are not burned to death, but Tianyu is burned to death by the fire brought by the zombies.

As for those rifles, sniper rifles and other things, sorry, Tianyu doesn't like them.

It's not that the power is not enough, but the killing range is not good.

Using a rifle to shoot zombies, even if it's a headshot every time, is a waste of time for Tianyu! !

Just when Tianyu was thinking about how to kill a large number of zombies.

The chosen ones of the Dragon King family are struggling to survive at this time, experiencing the test of life and death!

The zombies in this world are too crazy. As long as they find healthy living people, they will rush up regardless of everything and fight to the death!

They think that the place they are staying is safer, but it didn't take long for them to be hit by the zombie army.

On the roof of the shopping mall building, more than a dozen chosen ones looked at the endless zombie army downstairs, all of them pale and terrified.

Even the young people of the Dragon King family were pale at this moment.

The noise they made was too loud, attracting too many zombies.

At first, they killed a lot of zombies and were quite happy. They thought that they would definitely get a good evaluation after completing this mission! !

But as the number of zombies increased, they soon became scared.

At present, there are at least hundreds of thousands of zombies surrounding them. How could they kill them all?

Once they are attacked by zombies, their fate is to be dismembered alive and become snacks for zombies!

"It's bad! There are too many zombies, and the obstacles at the entrance can't stand it anymore," a female summoner said in horror.

Hearing this, everyone on the rooftop changed their faces.

"Quick! Find something to block it, find a way to block it!" The leading young man shouted.

He no longer had the mind to think about how to kill Tianyu, he just wanted to survive!

What mission of the Dragon King, what family honor, he didn't care about at this moment.

Unfortunately, the rooftop was empty, where could there be anything to block the door?

Seeing the obstacles at the entrance becoming looser and looser, the young man's face darkened and he began to think about retreating.

As for the other clansmen on the rooftop? In the young man's plan, these people were scapegoats.

So when selecting personnel, he selected people who were on the first or second floor of the rooftop, weaklings who were dispensable to the family!

After killing Tianyu, you can get a lot of rewards from the family, power, status, wealth, it can be said that everything is available! Who is willing to share with others?

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