Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 50 The side effects of being too strong

In the original plot, the male protagonist Gerry Lane finally discovered this, and then organized the surviving humans to drive all zombies out of human cities and became the savior.

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no chapters out of order.

Tianyu knew the plot, and of course he understood that the best way was to contract the disease so that the zombies would avoid him.

Then he can hunt zombies boldly without fear of being surrounded by zombies.

He is like a strong man who was defeated by ten thousand people on the ancient battlefield, but when ten thousand enemies were surrounded by a hundred thousand people, he still couldn't escape death!

And what he has to do now is to prevent himself from being surrounded!

So, Tianyu came to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

He was afraid that the doctors here would not cooperate with him, so Tianyu came with a gun.

This is Tianyu's plan! !

As soon as I walked into the lobby of the CDC, a little blond nurse came up to ask.

"Hello, sir, may I help you in any way?"

Tianyu ignored the nurse and stared at a middle-aged doctor wearing a white coat and a nameplate on his clothes.

next moment.

In the horrified eyes of the nurse, Tianyu directly pulled out his gun, came to the middle-aged doctor, grabbed the middle-aged doctor, pointed the muzzle of the gun upward, and fired!


Huge gunshots rang out in the hall.


Suddenly, the nurse lady let out a terrified scream.

The entire disease control hall fell into an atmosphere of panic, and all the patients and medical staff lay on the ground.


These people in a "free" country are very knowledgeable about shooting accidents. They know that after a shooting occurs, they should lie down to avoid stray bullets as soon as possible instead of running around stupidly.

The shot Tianyu fired just now was just for demonstration. He was pressed for time and had no time to chat with these people, so he acted recklessly from the beginning.

Tianyu then picked up the frightened middle-aged doctor and pointed a gun at his head.

"Hello sir, no matter what I say next, you must do it, otherwise I can't guarantee whether your head will bloom." Tianyu threatened.

"Okay, okay." The middle-aged doctor was trembling with fear and had no intention of resisting.

"Thank you for your cooperation, then, take me to the virus database now!"

Hearing that Tianyu was going to the virus library, the middle-aged doctor immediately regarded Tianyu as a terrorist.

He didn't dare not listen, or even raise any objections. Tianyu seems to be an irritable old man who is very difficult to mess with. For the sake of his own life, the middle-aged doctor is very obedient.

Next, with the guidance of the middle-aged doctor, Tianyu arrived at the virus library very smoothly.

Although people outside have called the police, Tianyu is not worried, because in 10 minutes, the zombie virus will spread throughout the city.

The virus library is a freezer with a very low temperature inside to better store viruses.

Various viruses are contained in large, sophisticated iron cans.

Seeing Tianyu looking around curiously, the middle-aged doctor next to him couldn't help but remind him:

"Sir, please be careful. No matter which virus here is leaked, it will be a huge disaster for mankind."

Tianyu smiled and asked: "Then can you tell me, among these viruses, which one can quickly infect people and has a fatal risk?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged doctor trembled in his heart. He was even more convinced that the yellow man in front of him was definitely a terrorist.

They come to CDC to seize the virus in order to create terrorist activities.

Seeing the middle-aged doctor's hesitation, Tianyu put his gun to the other's brain without hesitation.

Tianyu said coldly: "You only have 3 seconds, 3"


Before Tianyu's countdown ended, the middle-aged doctor immediately said: "Most of the viruses here have fatal risks, but the virus that shows symptoms of infection the fastest is the BYT virus!"

Tianyu's eyes lit up and he found the BYT virus that the middle-aged doctor said. While playing with it in his hand, he asked: "What symptoms will appear if he is infected?"

"The initial symptoms are fever and hair loss. After 2-3 days, vomiting, headache, joint pain, fatigue, nausea, dizziness and other symptoms will appear. Even the strongest people will die within 7 days of infection."

After listening to what the middle-aged doctor said, Tianyu suddenly laughed. This is the virus he is looking for!

"So, doctor, how is this virus transmitted? Oral or injected?"

"Uh," the middle-aged doctor said speechlessly: "It is mainly transmitted through droplets, and the infection is faster through injection."

"Very good!" Tianyu snapped his fingers, handed the virus test tube to the middle-aged doctor, and ordered: "Inject it for me!"

"What?" The middle-aged doctor thought he heard wrongly.

"Sir? Are you saying that you want to inject this virus yourself?"

"Yes!" Tianyu nodded affirmatively.

He can leave this world in ten hours, and the system will help him return to normal. Are you afraid?

The middle-aged doctor didn't know this and was very surprised and said: "Oh, sir! Sir, this joke is not funny. Do you know how dangerous this virus is?"

Tianyu's face instantly darkened, and he said coldly: "Shut up, do you think I'm kidding you? Do as I ask immediately!"

"Okay, okay, please don't be angry."

The middle-aged doctor quickly found a syringe and injected the viral fluid into Tianyu's arm.

Then, the middle-aged doctor put on a mask to prevent infection.

But after waiting for several minutes, Tianyu did not react at all, and did not even feel uncomfortable.

He glanced at the doctor coldly, and saw that the other party was nervous. He should not have fooled himself. Why?

"Is it because my physique is too strong, so this virus can't infect me?" Rubbing his chin, this guess shocked Tianyu himself.

"Give me another injection of the virus, eight times the dose just now!"

The doctor's eyes widened suddenly, looking at Tianyu in horror, wanting to say something.

But seeing Tianyu pointing at his black gun muzzle, he wisely chose to shut up and help Tianyu inject the virus.

This time it was obviously effective. After just a few minutes, the symptoms began to slowly appear and the body temperature rose.

The middle-aged doctor did not lie. The infection of this virus was indeed very rapid.

"But. Before, it was really because my physique was too strong that the virus was helpless?" Tianyu's expression was a bit wonderful.

I didn't expect that after the physical fitness became stronger, there would be such side effects?

"Sir, you are surrounded and the police will be here soon. Release Dr. David immediately and surrender."

The hospital security guards threatened outside the cold storage room, but Tianyu didn't take it seriously and didn't bother to deal with them.

He was waiting for the outbreak of the zombie virus!!

The middle-aged doctor swallowed his saliva and begged carefully: "Sir, I have done everything you asked for. Please let me go. I have a wife and children. They can't live without me."

Tianyu turned his head to look at the middle-aged doctor and smiled: "That's unfortunate. They will not be your relatives soon."


As soon as the voice fell, there was a terrified scream outside.


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